On the passenger plane, all the passengers were stunned!!

There were very few people from Hong Kong on this flight, probably only a quarter, and the rest were from all over the world.

When the passenger plane appeared in the sky above Kai Tak Airport, they looked down and saw heads that were as densely packed as a swarm of ants. Their eyes widened in surprise, and their glasses were broken to the ground in shock.

Oh, God Jesus plus Mazu Guanyin!

What's going on?

Even if foreign leaders come to visit Hong Kong Island, there will not be such a grand event, right?

What kind of extraordinary person is sitting on this plane?

What the hell!

These foreigners are from the country of Sang. Many of them have paid attention to the recent major events in the financial world. They know Huo Wenyao, but they can't imagine that just a mere oriental rich man can make everyone in Hong Kong crazy to this extent.

"God, who can tell me what is going on?"

"Paul, what happened?"

"Oh God, I really don't know why they suddenly became so crazy."

In the cabin, foreign passengers were talking a lot


Sitting on a certain seat was a man with muscular muscles as strong as steel.

Even though he was wearing clothes, his muscles were not exposed. Just by looking at the bulging lines, you could feel the beast-like energy in his body.

That man was also He was about thirty years old, and his big nose was particularly eye-catching.

He wore an eye mask, and fell asleep quickly after boarding the plane. The quality of his sleep was very high, and he slept from Tokyo to Hong Kong Island without waking up in between.

At this time, he took off his blindfold, yawned, stretched again, and asked the brown-eyed foreigner next to him:"Paolo, are you here?"


The man smiled and joked:"Jack, I really envy you." The flight of several hours is a complete torture for us, but it is a kind of enjoyment for you. It will be over after you sleep."

"Why! Don't be envious! Jack stretched out his hand and said seriously:"If you were like me and only slept four hours for three days and nights in Africa, you could do it too!""

"Damn it, I really lost a lot of money this time."

"Obviously I have obtained the three emerald gems, but they were chased by the African natives during their escape. Otherwise, after finishing this shop, I can retire and live the retirement life I dream of, beautiful car and beauty.……"

"Not like now, I can only think about it"


"I'm so unlucky. Paolo laughed dumbly, shook his head, and said humorously:"Jack, I think you should get used to it early, because this kind of thing has happened many times in the past.""

"You succeed ten times, at least five times like this"

"Every time, for some inexplicable reason, I lose the treasure I got. If you had more luck, you would have made a fortune long ago. But trust me, even if you get rich, you can't retire"

"Because you are a born adventurer, this is your character and your destiny.

Jack pursed his lips and said,"Don't!" You must not say that! What kind of character am I, do you know better than myself?"

"As long as I make enough money, I will definitely retire immediately!"

"Do you think taking risks is fun? I have narrowly escaped death many times, and it is God’s blessing that I am alive until now. Paolo smiled and did not argue with Jack. He changed the topic, looked downward and asked,"Jack, do you know what is going on now?""

Jack looked down and his eyes widened.


Damn it, what happened? Why are so many people crazy?

"Jack? Paolo shouted.

Jack turned his head and said excitedly:"Paolo, you are asking the right person!""

"Although I live in Europe all year round and work around the world, I am a native of Hong Kong. This is my hometown and I simply don’t understand it better!"

"Know at least ninety-nine out of a hundred things! Paolo became interested and said,"What's the reason?""

Jack shrugged and shook his head.

Paolo glared:"Then what did you just say?——"

"Why! Jack waved his hand and said matter-of-factly:"This is the only thing I don't know among a hundred things." Paolo

's expression suddenly became extremely resentful, and he said:"Jack, I didn't expect you to be as humorous as ever.""

Jack really didn't know why the people of Hong Kong Island were going crazy. What he didn't even know was that there was someone far away in the noisy cabin who could hear the conversation between him and his partner with his extremely keen ears.

This person , was the answer he didn't know.

Huo Wenyao was shocked and his pupils couldn't help but shrink.



He has a cheerful personality, a smooth tone, and a little humor. Not surprisingly, this guy should have another name..

His nickname when traveling in the world should be -

Flying Eagle!!

Luo Tianhong sat next to Huo Wenyao, feeling the change in Huo Wenyao's mood, his face sank involuntarily, and asked in a low voice:"Brother Yao, what's the matter? Isn't it dangerous?"

"without. Huo

Wenyao shook his head and whispered to Luo Tianhong:"Behind us, there are two people sitting in the sixth row. Go over and ask.""

"good! Luo

Tianhong didn't think much and said directly:"What are you asking?" Huo

Wenyao thought for two seconds and said casually:"Just ask the big-nosed man near the window of the plane. Just call him 'Flying Eagle'. Remember his appearance and every reaction on his face, and tell me when you come back.""

"If he wants to ask what to do, just tell him that I have a big deal and I want to ask him to do it, and the reward is 10 million Hong Kong dollars."

Luo Tianhong nodded, unbuckled his seat belt, and walked quickly towards Jack and Paolo.

In less than a minute, Luo Tianhong came back.

He had to come back.

Because the plane was about to land, the stewardess left his seat. He shouted and asked him to return to his seat.

"Brother Yao, that guy is Fei Ying, he has a strong Jianghu aura.……"

Luo Tianhong quickly told what happened just now.

Finally, he said:"But he rejected us, saying that he had stopped doing it a long time ago and that he returned to Hong Kong this time to enjoy his retirement life. Brother Yao, do you know that guy? What do you need him to do? Don't worry, I will let him agree."


Huo Wenyao shook his head and said nothing more. He was completely convinced that the guy named Jack was Fei Ying.

He came from——《"Flying Eagle Project"!!

That's enough.

There's a big deal, it's all nonsense, he's just looking for an excuse to check it thoroughly.

《"Eagle Project".

Generally speaking, Huo Wenyao values ​​talents more than money, but this time is an exception.

A flying eagle is nothing.

What Huo Wenyao is really interested in is the gold buried in the Sahara Desert!

How many?

A full 240 tons!!

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