Hong Kong Island, Kai Tak Airport.


Afternoon, 13:50!

The landing time of Huo Wenyao's passenger flight was 14:05, and he still had 15 minutes to arrive, but at this moment, Kai Tak Airport was already crowded with people.

Hong Kong Island has too little area and every inch of land is precious.

Therefore, although Hong Kong Island is one of the three major international financial centers, no matter in the past, now, or in another twenty years, there will always be only one airport.

Now, this is Kai Tak Airport.

Kai Tak Airport was officially opened in 1925 and would not close until 1998. It served Hong Kong Island for 73 years. It is located in Kowloon City, next to the Kowloon Walled City, and is one of the busiest international airports in the world.

Today, Kai Tak Airport’s international passenger volume ranks third in the world, and its cargo volume ranks first in the world!

Incredibly, this airport is located in the city of Zhongshin.

There is only one runway!

It is surrounded by high-density buildings. Standing on the roofs of major buildings in Kowloon Walled City, you can watch the huge aircraft flying overhead every day.

The only runway at Kai Tak Airport has an extremely exaggerated figure.

Right now, there are an average of 36 flights per hour. During busier times, it’s even more terrifying, with an average of one flight every minute!!

Such terrifying efficiency is unimaginable for future generations.

The fundamental reason for such high efficiency is the convenient transportation. British Hong Kong specially built expressways and railways for Kai Tak Airport. The main roads leading to the airport include Prince Edward Road, Kwun Tong Road, East Kowloon Corridor, etc.

Now, these main channels have been completely paralyzed.

The cars are all blocked!

With a radius of one kilometer, as long as you come in, don't even think about getting out.

Everyone is blocked!

There are so many people, so many people!

Looking from the top down, the densely packed heads are piled together, tightly connected, and black and dense, like a swarm of ants.

It’s extremely difficult to take a step forward!

Liangkun, Cunbao and several younger brothers in the crowd were all dumbfounded!

In this situation, who cares whether you are a charlatan or not.

You can't squeeze in at all!



"I'm so fucking stupid!! Liangkun was speechless and shouted angrily:"I just realized today that the people of Hong Kong Island are so idle. Do you want this?" Do you know Mr. Huo? do not know? I don’t know how to make you numb!"

"Give in, give in!!"

Li Wenbin in the crowd, as well as his police officers, were all dumbfounded!

Li Wenbin now works in the Kowloon City District, but Kai Tak Airport is not under his control.

He will show up with his own people purely because he is responsible. There are not enough police officers on site!

With so many people gathered together, we will not consider riots for the time being. Even if someone gets mad and plays a prank and causes an unwarranted riot, a dozen or more people can be trampled to death just by stampeding. Ten people!

You must know that these are not people in the world, most of them are first-class ordinary citizens.

Once something happens, the consequences will be unimaginable.

So, Li Wenbin brought people here.

Then he was shocked. Damn!


's going on?

Is this the end of the world, is the zombie siege?

"I lost it!"

Chen Yongren stood next to Li Wenbin, covered in sweat, with a lot of growth on his cheeks and sideburns, which were completely squeezed out. He couldn't help but complain:"What are you doing? Are the citizens of Hong Kong Island so crazy?"

"Brother Yao has just returned to Hong Kong and is not a superstar. Is it really necessary to do this?"

Li Wenbin sighed softly and said:"Aren, that 'Brother Yao' you call him, of course he is not a superstar, he is more of a superstar than a superstar!"

"No, you can't say that"

"Because the two are not the same world or series at all, and their influence is too different. These people come here because they all want to get ahold of Mr. Huo's wealth. Chen

Yongren was even more speechless and complained:"Damn, do you want to be so superstitious?""

"I used to stay with Brother Yao every day, but I didn't develop any financial acumen, and I didn't have any financial luck at all. I really don't know what they were thinking."

Li Wenbin smiled bitterly, shook his head, and said:"It's better to believe in superstition than to believe that it doesn't exist. Many people think so."

"Forget it, stop talking nonsense and get to work."

Chen Yongren nodded and immediately started to sort out the people, but unfortunately, it didn't work.


They separated people one moment, and gathered them together the next, waiting for Huo Wenyao to return to Hong Kong.

In the end, they gave up their efforts. , let it go, just paying close attention to the crowd, trying to keep things under control and prevent accidents from happening. At first, it was just the police from the Kowloon City District, and later, the police from other districts in Kowloon also came here. Transfer.

For such a grand occasion, there is also a real-time broadcast on the TV station

TVB、Ace reporters from the two major ATV stations were dispatched to report on the scene immediately.

The whole Hong Kong Island is boiling

"I, I, I, I hold it! Should it be so exaggerated? There must be at least 300,000 people, right?"

"Mother Ganlin! What a great deal!"

"There is no going in, no going out, there is death but no life. Fortunately, I didn’t go. Fortunately, I didn’t go!"

"Damn it, what kind of influence does Huo Caishen have?"

The citizens of Hong Kong Island who saw the live broadcast on the TV station were talking a lot.

At Kai Tak Airport, everyone was also very surprised.

On the Huo Group's side, headed by Zhan Mi and Ding Yao, Tian Yangsheng, Yao Keke, Yang Du, Lu Fu, Song Lian and many other high-level officials were naturally here.

By the way, Fang Zhanbo was also here.

He mustered up the courage to call Ding Yao and expressed his desire to pick up the plane, and Ding Yao knew that all the people in the Fang family were here. People have a special status in Huo Wenyao's heart, and it doesn't matter if he is too much.

Without thinking, he agreed.

In addition to them, there are also the rich people who have contacted Huo Wenyao, Lei Yingdong and Wen Lishiqi. Qi showed up.

The wealthy tycoons who were attacking the Huo Group wanted to come and pick him up.There were quite a few apologies, but the level was not high enough and it would only add to the joke.

No one of the same level came.

A slightly lower level is Huo Jingliang, who is worth several billions more.

Feeling the horror of the scene, they were all stunned.

Lei Yingdong was full of energy and laughed:"Ah Yao fought beautifully, and winning will be even more beautiful.""

"His control and prediction of the international current situation are even more accurate. It only took three months before and after, and his net worth exceeded 30 billion. Don't talk about others, even I want to call him the"God of Wealth". No wonder everyone in Hong Kong Island is. He is crazy"

"Haha, a hero comes from a boy! A hero comes from a boy!"

Wenlish nodded, then shook his head and said:"Even so, the battle in front of us is too much."

"Alas, Sir Wen, that's nothing like it! Huo

Jingliang opened his mouth and said with a smile while smoking a cigar:"As for Mr. Huo's prediction more than two months ago, whoever listens to it can make a lot of money.""

"It's a pity that there are too many fools to miss such an excellent opportunity to make money."

"For the things he has done, he is completely worthy of it, and all the citizens of Hong Kong should thank him! He was given the opportunity to find the money. Whether he could find it or not was none of Mr. Huo's business."

Lei Yingdong and Wen Lishi both turned their heads, glanced at Huo Jingliang, smiled and nodded.

They knew very well what kind of character this guy had.

It was completely reasonable for him to appear here, and they were not surprised at all.

"The plane is coming!!"

At this moment, a burst of exclamation suddenly erupted in the airport.

The crowd was excited!

The passenger plane carrying Huo Wenyao had appeared above Kai Tak Airport and was about to land.

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