《The original plot of"Eagle Project" is not very complicated. Jack is a bounty hunter, but what he hunts is not people, but things. treasure!

Take his mission not long ago, for example, he went to the territory of an indigenous tribe in Africa, got into the graves of other people's ancestors, and got a few pieces of green emerald gems.


In fact, it is no different from tomb robbing.

If the plot is correct, he will receive a commission from a certain count in the near future and go to the Sahara Desert in Africa.

At the end of World War II, the Nazis realized that they would lose.

As a result, they transferred the secrets of gold collected from Europe to various parts of the world for future comebacks. Most of them were found, but the whereabouts of those buried in the secret base in the Sahara Desert were unknown.

In addition to 240 tons of gold, there are countless weapons hidden in that secret base.

What is the price of gold now?

It ranges from US$330 to US$380 per unit, with a huge fluctuation range, and the annual average is around US$350.

1 troy gusi is equal to 31.1 grams.

240 tons is approximately equal to 7.7 million Gusi.

Calculated at US$350 per unit, that is about US$2.7 billion.

The U.S. dollar and Hong Kong dollar implement a fixed exchange rate system. 1 U.S. dollar can be exchanged for 7.8 Hong Kong dollars. If converted from 2.7 billion U.S. dollars, it is 21 billion Hong Kong dollars!

For Huo Wenyao, having 20 billion extra cash out of thin air is even more powerful.

By then, it will be possible to invest in real estate and the stock market to accumulate wealth like crazy, and at the same time, it will be possible to allocate a large amount of funds to enter the IT industry. It is still too early in the Internet era, but communication technology can already start to be laid out.

Take Qualcomm, a world-renowned information technology company, as an example. When was it founded?

This is the year!!

When the Internet Information Age comes, Qualcomm will rely on the technology accumulated in the early stage to make money while lying down. In 2017, for example, the patent fees Qualcomm collected from domestic mobile phone manufacturers reached as high as 30 billion yuan!

This is just the mobile phone industry, there are other industries as well.

It’s just one country, what if we add the whole world?

No matter how powerful Apple is, it still feels a little embarrassed when it wants to forcefully compete with Qualcomm. In the end, it doesn't just shake hands and make peace and obediently hand over the patent fees?

The only issue that needs to be considered is that if Huo Wenyao's plan is successful and affects the dominance of the Lighthouse Country, the Lighthouse Country will definitely not sit idly by and ignore it. If that happens, it will probably use the strength of the whole country to suppress it.

This factor is completely uncontrollable and is no longer something Huo Wenyao can consider now.

Let’s talk about what will happen in the future.

I haven't even tried it yet, let alone achieved it to the level of a giant, so why do I think so much about it? moment.

Countless thoughts flashed through Huo Wenyao's mind. The plane had landed on the runway, and the flight attendants began to work, opening the cabin door and guiding the passengers to leave in an orderly manner.

Those foreigners who didn't know the truth soon knew what the answer was.

Because the Hong Kong and Austrian passengers among the passengers had already begun to greet Huo Wenyao enthusiastically, their expressions and eyes were full of madness.

This was extremely puzzling to them.

Even if they know that Huo Wenyao is the rich man from the East who created miracles, they still don't quite understand the madness of these people.

More than ten minutes later, Huo Wenyao and Luo Tianhong walked out through the VIP passenger channel.

Feiying and Paolo also walked out.

The two of them turned their heads and looked at Huo Wenyao. Feiying looked confused, with a normal expression on his face, but he bit the root with his mouth open and shouted repeatedly:"I'm throwing it! I'm throwing it! Huo Wenyao! He is Huo Wenyao!!""

"The guy who asked me just now is one of his!"

"It's all true!"

"10 million Hong Kong dollars just passed me by!! Ahhh, my 10 million! Paolo frowned slightly and said,"Oh, Jack, I always feel that this matter is very strange. He is Huo Wenyao, and so many people are crazy about him." It's obvious that he has unimaginable influence on Hong Kong Island.

Fei Ying said:"What do you want to talk about?"

Paolo said:"What I want to say is, why do people like him need our help?" Is there anything he can't solve?"

"Things that even he can't solve must be very difficult! Fei

Yingbai glanced at his partner and said,"Please, if it's not a difficult situation, is the other party willing to offer 10 million?" It's tricky. What's so great about it that can't be done?"

"As long as the money is in place, I will commit murder and arson...I definitely won't do it."

"But the problem now is that we don’t even know what they want to entrust us to do, without even asking. Paolo nodded and said,"What you said makes sense. How about we catch up now, get to know each other first, and then decide whether to accept the order after discussion?""

"Anyway, you have three months off, so it’s good to stretch your muscles and maintain your skills. Fei

Ying shook his head repeatedly and said,"Forget it. Just now you were so decisive in rejecting others, but now you turn your back and stick to them. It's really embarrassing. Let's talk about it later. Let's talk about it later.""

"All right."

Paolo shook his head helplessly.

To be honest, he still can't understand this kind of thinking. Business is business. As long as it is beneficial to both parties and can achieve win-win results, it is a perfect cooperation. What is there to be embarrassed about?

Just as the two were talking At this moment, Huo Wenyao had already taken out his mobile phone and dialed Meng Bo's phone number.

Meng Bo also came to pick up the plane this time. The moment everyone in the Huo Group saw Huo Wenyao, their eyes began to shine. At this time, Meng Bo's phone rang.

He didn't bother to answer it, so he answered it anyway.

When he took out the phone and saw the caller, he couldn't help but be startled.

What the hell?

We are going to meet soon, Ayao is calling him now? Is there anything you want to talk about in person?

The phone was connected.

Before Meng Bo could speak, Huo Wenyao had quickly issued an order, pointed out the person to Meng Bo, and asked him to personally take action, and immediately began to track Fei Ying.

His tone was very serious.

Meng Bo Without daring to hesitate, he said decisively:"Okay, I'll do it right away!"Then, he left quietly and followed Feiying.

After making this call, Huo Wenyao was immediately surrounded by people.

People from the Huo Group, Wen Lishi, Xian Di, Lei Yingdong, Huo Jingliang and others , all rushed forward.

After not seeing each other for several months, Sandy missed Huo Wenyao deep in her bones. Her face was red with excitement. However, due to the situation at the scene, she did not dare to do anything too extreme.

"Brother Yao, you are back!"

"Chairman, good!"

"Brother Yao!"

The people from the Huo Group greeted Huo Wenyao one after another with faces full of excitement.

Huo Wenyao smiled back.

Then he looked at Wen Lishi, Lei Yingdong, and Huo Jingliang, and said with a smile:"Uncle, Mr. Lei , Oh, and Mr. Huo, you don’t need to come. It’s the same as seeing each other at the reception banquet in the evening. Lei

Yingdong patted Huo Wenyao on the shoulder, laughed heartily, and joked:"Mr. Huo, we can't come if we don't come. Have you felt the atmosphere at the scene?" All the people in Hong Kong are about to explode with excitement."

"What you did this time is so beautiful! Huo

Wenyao smiled.

Wenlish sighed and said:"It is indeed beautiful now, but how many people believed it at the time?" This is the most beautiful. Huo

Jingliang said with a smile:"Mr. Huo, I still say the same thing. Just treat all the unhappiness as the clouds in the sky and the wind on the ground. They have all dispersed.""

"This is a very normal business confrontation. Win or lose must be recognized."

"The result is not important. What is important is that there is no deep hatred between you and me. There is no need to fight to the death. I came here this time to congratulate you, to make peace, and to apologize. I hope Mr. Huo doesn't mind."

Huo Wenyao was surprised. He didn't expect Huo Jingliang to be so frank and direct, but after thinking about it, he secretly praised this old fox for his scheming. The problem is that he keeps these words in his heart. Saying them in public makes him look grand.

The key is what he said. That's right.

It's really not a life-and-death grudge, and his attitude is so low. If he cares about it anymore, it will appear that he is too low-minded and has no ability. Don't hit the smiling person.

Huo Jingliang can do it without being old-fashioned. To this extent, Huo Wenyao is a natural He also wanted to give the other party some respect, and responded with a chuckle:"It makes sense."

"Ha ha! It's better to resolve enemies than to make them end."

Huo Jingliang laughed.

Everyone chatted for a few more words and said no more.

Today, when Huo Wenyao returns, there will definitely be a reception banquet. Ding Yao has already arranged it, and it is scheduled to be at the Peninsula Hotel.

But the question now is, how to get there? Fight your way out of the heavy siege.

There are really too many people.

"Mr. Huo! Mr. Huo!"

"Mr. Huo!!"

Shouts like a mountain roaring and a tsunami rang out at the scene. The noisy voices gathered in one place, like thunder, soaring into the sky!

In addition to shouting, some people asked Huo Wenyao in public about his investment tips.

More straightforwardly, they asked Huo Wenyao what to do next. What is the opinion of the foreign exchange market? The foreign exchange market cannot be sure. You can also give some stock opinions.

There are many kinds of them.

Huo Wenyao is now completely famous in Hong Kong and Austria. His fame is so great that no rich tycoon can match it. Even if Even the richest man in Hong Kong today, the Charter King, could not do it.

Not to mention those emperors and superstars, they were never on the same level.

In the end, it took Huo Wenyao and his party more than two hours to get there.Leaving in a hurry while being surrounded.

The reception banquet is scheduled for eight o'clock tonight. There is not much to say. The atmosphere is pleasant, harmonious, and exciting.

Huo Wenyao was fine, but everyone in the Huo Group was drunk.

Nothing else, just two words: happy.

This reception banquet lasted for three hours in total and ended at eleven o'clock in the evening.

Huo Wenyao left under heavy protection and returned to his villa to rest.

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