Time flies so fast, and it’s already been an hour since the market opened. What’s the situation in the foreign exchange department of the Central Bank of Thailand?

Just one word: chaos!

It was extremely chaotic, a complete mess!

The staff responsible for direct operations were highly nervous, with cold sweat on their foreheads. Their eyes were fixed on the transaction screen, and their fingers were flying, operating at an incredible speed.

While they were operating, they were still praying.

Pray that the opponent's attack will stop!

Pray that those baht sales orders will be a little less, and a little less.

Of course, it would be better if they could disappear, even if they were given a few hours, or if they could restart the attack tomorrow.

Unfortunately, all their prayers were in vain.

The pressure from the sellers of the Thai baht is unprecedentedly strong, so unprecedented that the international foreign exchange market cannot swallow it, and the Thai national team can only end up!

The only solace comes from Singapore and other members of the Southeast Asian Financial Association.

After learning that the Thai baht was under attack, all these national financial institutions closely related to it took action to help Thailand maintain the Thai baht exchange rate.

Taiguo is not fighting alone!

But even so, the opponent's attack is still going forward, still devastating, and there is no sign of stopping!

Panic spread quickly like a virus.

Slowly, this panic turned into despair!



Central Bank of Thailand, Governor's Office.

At this time, Song En Capao, the governor of the central bank, was like an ant on a hot pot like Mario, the foreign exchange minister half an hour ago, and he was so anxious that he was sweating on his forehead.

He sometimes sits, sometimes stands, and most of the time he paces around his office impatiently.

Kick, kick, kick!!

A rush of footsteps came from outside the office.


Without knocking on the door, Mario, whose face was full of panic and despair, took a piece of information and pushed the door directly in. He looked at Song En Capao in fear and said in a trembling voice:"It's a big deal, something bad is going to happen!"

"We, we have found out the identity of the initiator of this attack!"


Song En Kapao instantly transformed into an angry King Kong, his eyes widened, and he yelled almost roaring:"Who? Who is that son of a bitch? Is it Soros or those bastards?!"

Mario shook his head and said:"No...no.

Song En Kapao was stunned and said:"Who is that?""

Mario said:"Huo Wenyao."


These three words were like a bolt from the blue, suddenly exploding in Song En Kapao's ears, making him dizzy and confused. He was completely dumbfounded!

Song En Kapao's whole person became confused. Chaos, I don’t know what to do, and I don’t know what to say.

Huo, Huo... Huo Wenyao?

Huo Wenyao!


If it’s really Huo Wenyao, then the end of the world is coming, and no one can do it!

If it’s really Huo Wenyao, they will resist with their heads.!

Mario looked bitter and continued to explain:"We have investigated everything clearly. The seller operates through an offshore bank, and the final point is the Bank of East Asia."

"The Bank of East Asia is Huo's private enterprise and also Huo Wenyao's private ammunition depot.……"

Song En Kapao was no longer in the mood to listen to the rest.

If it is definitely Bank of East Asia, then it must be Huo Wenyao.

There is nothing to say.

Song En Kapao's state of mind instantly hit the bottom, and all his energy and energy were drained, and he slumped back to his seat.

Mario frowned slightly and said with a hint of confusion:"Song'en, there's something strange. The other party doesn't seem to have taken any confidentiality measures at all. We investigated it easily.……"


Song En Kapao sighed and said:"The other party just wants us to know and let the whole world know immediately. How can he keep it secret?"

"Then others will flock to"

"He wants to lead the trend."

"Once the trend is established, our country, no, not just our country, but all the countries in Southeast Asia will not be able to escape. Is there anything incomprehensible about this?"

"Mario, Mario, what are you wondering about again?"


Mario's expression suddenly froze. He followed Song En Capao's train of thought and immediately thought of the horrific scene that followed. He couldn't help but gasped and felt dumbfounded!

Not bad, not bad!

Many people can seize the opportunity and borrow the general trend, which is already good, but Huo Wenyao is different.

He has a high status and status, stands higher, and has a higher level!

He does not want to borrow the general trend, but to lead an era and become The leader of this trend at this stage!

He is the richest man in the world.

He is a financial monster!

Once the news of his attack on the Thai baht comes out, coupled with the internal economic situation of Thailand, there will definitely be a run on the Thai baht in the international foreign exchange market. People will take action like crazy!

Not only financial institutions, but also countless retail investors!


An unprecedented financial disaster is about to befall the country!

Thinking of this, Mario trembled all over, and his eyes were full of fear and trembling. The voice said:"Then, then...then what should we do, now, what should we do now?

Song En Kapao laughed, shook his head and said,"What are you doing?" we can't do anything"

"oh surrender"

"If we really want to say what we can do, it is to surrender. The only thing left is to pray in our hearts, praying that Huo Wenyao will find his conscience and be merciful, and let us go."

"Even if you want to kill him, don't kill him so hard."

Mario looked at Song En Capao in a daze, speechless.

Song En Capao stood up, his eyes were dull, and he said feebly:"But this is impossible."

"We all know who Huo Wenyao is. No matter how many titles he has on his head, in essence, there is no difference between him and Soros and others. Oh, there is still a difference."

"His strength is stronger, and his methods are more cruel and ruthless."

"Either he doesn't take action, or if he doesIt must be an unprecedented big deal, and he will never stop until he achieves his goal."

There was a slight pause.

Song En Kapao let out a long sigh and was silent for a few seconds before he said:"But now the only thing we can do seems to be to pray."

"I, I, will go see His Excellency Chavali Yongchai now……"

Mario's lips moved, but still didn't say a word.

The only thing he could do was just watch Song En Kapao leave.

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