Time went back half an hour, and Huo Wenyao's attack had already been activated for half an hour.

Or Bangkok, a certain CBD building.

This is the office space of Quantum Fund. Top financial giants such as Soros also come to their offices and stay with their work teams like ordinary people.

They had discovered the anomaly long ago!

In addition to Soros, there are also two demon kings, Andrew and Han Fei. They are one with Soros because all their funds have been injected into the Quantum Fund.

The three of them stayed in the office, waiting for the results of their subordinates' investigation.

The investigation will be over soon!

It's faster than the Taiguo government, because their methods are more sophisticated and their connections are wider!

The truth is -

Huo Wenyao!

Soros and Han Fei were both slightly startled.

It's not that they never thought that Huo Wenyao could also snipe, but what they didn't expect was that Huo Wenyao's timing was so precise and his shots were so quick and fierce!

Because they had already decided to take action, but they never thought that Huo Wenyao would take the lead.

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!!"

Andrew looked sinister, gritted his teeth and said:"Huo Wenyao! Mr. Huo!"

"What's going on with this damn bitch? People already regard him as their savior. How can he have the nerve to take action? Forget about sniping, the attack is still so fast!"

"He was planning to beat others to death with a stick!"



"fuck!! Han

Fei turned to look at Soros and asked in a deep voice:"Mr. Soros, what should we do now?" Soros also looked a little unhappy. He did not answer immediately, but asked:"What do you think?"

Han Fei immediately said:"Follow up immediately, otherwise it will be too late!""

"ha?! Andrew

's eyes widened, he glared at Han Fei fiercely, and shouted:"If we follow up immediately, wouldn't we be helping Huo Wenyao?"! Han

Fei nodded and said,"Yes, we are helping him, but we are also helping ourselves!""

Andrew's eyes were full of violence, and he roared angrily:"That damn bastard used our two attacks to find out the trump cards of countries such as Taiguo, Indonesia, Singapore, and Malay."

"Now we actually want to help him in turn?"

"Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!! Soros looked solemn and said in a deep voice:"We just have to help him in turn, because even without us, he can still win!""

"When the Thai Baht is completely defeated, it will be too late for us to enter the market!"

"If we enter now, we can still eat meat like Huo Wenyao. If it comes later, we can only drink soup!"

"There must be no further delay!"

"Andrew, don't be too impulsive!"

Andrew was almost out of anger. He moved his lips and was about to speak, but Soros didn't give him a chance to act out of anger.

"I know you feel uncomfortable, but you must endure it!"

"Because this is business! Soros

' eyes were sharp and his tone was stern, and he said:"It's only been half an hour since Huo launched the attack, and we have already found out. Andrew, do you know what this means?""

"This shows that if we can check it, others can too!"

"This shows that he has no intention of keeping it secret at all. He just wants to tell the world that he, Huo Wenyao, has begun to attack the Thai baht. He is very unfavorable about the Thai baht and the country's economy!"

"This further shows that even if we don’t follow up, others will!"

Andrew's expression darkened and he calmed down.

Soros didn't need to explain these reasons. He understood that they were just unhappy. After all, in his expectation, Huo Wenyao, who was roasted on the fire, would side with Taiguo..

The result?

How long did it take before he actually played such a trick!

What's even more outrageous is that he got ahead of them!

Soros said solemnly:"Here, there are not only capital institutions that are good at short selling, but also With Huo's extraordinary influence in East and Southeast Asia, countless retail investors will follow suit!"

"Mr. Han is right, the later we take action, the smaller our profits will be!"

"The Thai Baht has started to depreciate!! Andrew

's face turned red with anger and he shouted:"Okay, do it, do it!""

"Oh shit! Oh shit! Oh shit!!"

"Huo Wenyao, how dare he play tricks on us like this, I will never let him go!"


As a result, Soros's Quantum Fund officially entered the market and joined the team of shorting the Thai baht.



The situation is unpredictable and news travels fast.

Just like Soros said, Huo Wenyao had no intention of keeping it secret from the beginning. If they can find out, others can also find out!

Even, it’s quite the opposite!

Others know how powerful Huo Wenyao is, but Huo Wenyao himself knows even better.

He is a super Internet celebrity in the financial world of this era. Every move he makes not only attracts countless attention, but also brings about huge follow-up actions, a typical herd theory.

In this case, how could he not take advantage of it?

In just one hour, the Southeast Asian financial market has undergone earth-shaking changes. Almost all financial-related industry practitioners are aware of this shocking news -

Huo Wenyao attacked the Thai baht!! crazy! crazy!!

First came the people of Taiguo, they were all crazy.

For more than a month, they have regarded Huo Wenyao as their savior and worshiped him as their own god.

But now their savior, their god, not only failed to save them, but gave them a vicious backstab, pushing them further into the abyss!

Faith collapsed!

People in other countries are also crazy!

Originally, because of Taiguo's unscrupulous operations, they were still doubtful and doubted whether they had made a mistake in their judgment. But now that even Huo Wenyao has taken action, there is irrefutable evidence.

Thailand’s economy is failing and it is unable to support the high valuation of the Thai baht!

Should be killedGot it!

What happened next was, as Soros said, countless retail investors respected Huo Wenyao, closely followed the leader's footsteps, and began to sell Thai baht crazily in the foreign exchange market.

The Thai baht has plummeted, and the exchange rate against the US dollar continues to fall!









When the foreign exchange market closed that day, the Thai baht to US dollar exchange rate officially broke through the 30 baht to 1 US dollar mark, reaching 30.12:1!

Compared with the exchange rate at the opening of the market, it has depreciated by 4 baht!


This also means that, regardless of handling fees, stamp duties and other expenses, the income on this day alone reached 14.22%!

If you sell a short position of US$10 billion in Thai baht when the exchange rate of Thai baht to US dollar is 28.12:1, then your profit in a single day will reach an astonishing US$1.422 billion!

Those who are short the Thai baht win big!

The most interesting thing about this game is that it has just begun.

Although the initiators of the sniper attack on the Thai baht were Soros, Andrew, Han Fei and others, they made wedding dresses for others. The one who had the last laugh and was once again crowned a god was Huo


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