Wednesday, May 28, 1997. working days.

The Bangkok Securities Trading Center worked as usual, starting preparations at 8 o'clock, as did the staff of the Foreign Exchange Department of the Central Bank of Thailand. No one could predict what would happen next.

No one could predict what a thrilling day today would be!

When Huo's financial department placed the first Thai baht sale order worth US$30 million, it shocked the foreign exchange department of the Central Bank of Thailand and immediately paid close attention.

Their operating method is to let the foreign exchange market swallow a part of it first, and then take in a large amount of what cannot be swallowed.

Once they eat a lot, the price of the baht will definitely rise.

At this time, the foreign exchange market will give feedback, and many institutions and retail investors who were originally waiting and watching will follow up and buy.

At this time, the foreign exchange department of the Central Bank of Thailand will temporarily stop.

The purpose of this is to guide and borrow the power of the market to swallow up all the Thai baht sales orders as much as possible at the minimum cost and maintain the exchange rate of the Thai baht against the US dollar.

In February this year, Soros, Andrew and other international hot money launched a tentative attack on the Thai baht. what's the result?

As a result, Soros, Andrew and others used 5 times leverage to sell short positions of more than 12 billion Thai baht. The Thai government only used a mere US$3 billion to completely swallow up and repel the sniper.

Guiding the market is important.

Borrowing the market is more important!

In this way, the Taiguo government can maximize the role of its limited foreign exchange reserves.

But not this time.

As Huo Wenyao said, if you don't move, you have to do it. Once you move, you must complete the victory. You must not engage in any fueling tactics. Send it bit by bit and give the Taiguo government time to react.

As huge baht sales orders were thrown out one after another, staff in the foreign exchange department of the Central Bank of Thailand became increasingly panicked.

Cold sweat on forehead, cold all over!

Only half an hour passed, and they were frightened half to death by the exaggerated shipping speed in front of them. Even the most experienced financial personnel had never seen this kind of momentum.


The news was reported layer by layer, and soon it reached Mario, the Minister of Foreign Exchange.

In the office.

Mario took the information compiled by his subordinates and quickly browsed it.

When he saw the astronomical sales orders, he was dumbfounded.

I feel like there are thorns in my back, and I feel like I am sitting on pins and needles.


"Oh, my God!"

Mario stood up suddenly. At some point, sweat was pouring down his forehead. His pupils were dilated and he exclaimed:"This, this... damn, those financial bandits!"

"They, they... they launched a third attack!"

"No, no, you must report the situation to the president immediately……"

As he muttered, Mario decisively left his office and rushed as quickly as possible to the office of Song En Capao, the governor of the Central Bank of Thailand.

Soon, Mario rushed to Song En Capao's office.

At this time, Song En Kapao did not know how serious the situation was.

Seeing his old friend coming, he was still in the mood to joke and said:"Mario, what happened? Is it imminent?"

"It’s really an urgent matter!"

"Something bad is going on!"

Mario looked anxious and told the story quickly.


Only a minute had passed. Song En Capao felt as if a thunder suddenly sounded in his mind. His eyes widened and his whole body couldn't help trembling. Already too shocked to speak

"Praise, praise! Mario

's face was covered in cold sweat, and he was like an ant on the hot pot. He shouted:"What's wrong with you? Let me tell you something. What should we do now?""

"In just over half an hour, we have used 2 billion US dollars of foreign exchange reserves!"

"If this continues, our foreign exchange reserves will soon be exhausted, and then we will no longer be able to intervene in the market. The situation is urgent and time does not wait. You'd better make an idea quickly!"

Have an idea?

When things have developed to this extent, I still have no idea. The other party's offensive is too cruel!

"Damn it!"

Song En Kapao came back to his senses and let out an exclamation. After he came back to his senses, he walked back and forth in the office several times. Only then did he stabilize his mind and his thinking ability returned.

"Two things! He looked at Mario and quickly ordered:"The first thing is, as soon as possible, as fast as possible, find out who is behind all this!""

"The second thing is to inform Sir Chavali Yongchai of the situation immediately. Everything will be decided!"

"The third thing is to immediately contact the Bank of Singapore and other members of the Southeast Asian Financial Association and ask them to help our country overcome this current difficulty!"


"Must be quick!"

Mario nodded, responded solemnly, and turned to work.

He was mainly responsible for the first thing.

The remaining two things were the work of Song En Capao.



Both of them worked very efficiently. Within half an hour, Song En Kapao informed Tsawali Yongchai of the situation and at the same time got in touch with several major economies in Southeast Asia.

The Bank of Singapore was the first to react and acted decisively as before!

Such decisive help was not due to good relations with Taiguo, but also for his own consideration, because Taiguo was the face of Southeast Asian countries. If it fell, other countries would not be spared.

But even so, it still doesn't work.

Without him - the opponent's attack is really terrifying!

Huge amounts of Thai baht short sales orders were thrown out one after another as if they were free of money. Even the Central Bank of Thailand and the Central Bank of Singapore were frightened when they joined forces.

What they felt was a deep, thick despair as if doomsday was coming!

What's the scariest part about the whole thing?

Take the last attack by Soros, Andrew and others as an example. No matter how fierce their attack, there are traces to follow, and through their operating techniques, we can roughly figure out where their limits are.

But this time is different!

This is also the scary part - no matter how hard they try, the Thai baht short selling orders seem to be endless, and as much as they eat, more will pop up.

Endless, no end!

This financial battle is completely different from the previous two battles. It is completely a magical battle!



In addition, the biggest question now, and what the central bankers of several Southeast Asian countries such as Thailand, Singapore, and Indonesia want to know most is who is the boss behind this magical battle! who?

Who the hell is this?!

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