They each spoke for more than half an hour, and then there was a verbal battle that lasted for more than an hour.

The results were terrible.

Because this meeting of the core and high-level officials of the Taiguo government lasted for more than two hours, from eight o'clock in the evening to more than ten o'clock in the evening, but there was still no consensus and no results.

In fact, this is expected.

Because it's not the first time.

As early as February this year, when international investment institutions headed by Soros launched their first attack on the Thai baht, some people had already asked whether the exchange rate system could be changed.

The fixed exchange rate system was useful to Thailand in the past, and it is still used now. It is certainly good for the economy of Thailand, but it is constantly accumulating bubbles.

The bigger the bubble, the more dangerous Taiguo is!

Every country has operations, the difference is only in the number, and Taiguo is certainly no exception.

The insightful people at the top of the Taiguo government wanted to do this because they saw Sangguo in the bubble economy era, and then thought of their own country, which became more and more shocking.

Of course, it's difficult!

This is true for any reform, especially a reform involving the entire country and its future development, which can be called a national policy.

There are certainly those who support it, and there are certainly those who are against it.

Not to mention, Taiguo's economy has taken off in recent years and developed so rapidly because various policies were implemented well before. One can imagine how difficult it is to change it rashly now.

Finance Minister Baladi is a representative of the hardliners who insist on a fixed exchange rate system and insist on the Thai baht not devaluing!

Behind him, there was also a large number of people standing.

We can't say who is right or wrong. Basically, everyone is thinking about their own country and its future development. It's just that they think from different angles and consider different things, and they come to completely opposite conclusions.



Just like many previous meetings, the opinions could not be unified and there was no result.

In the conference room, everyone was noisy

"Damn it!! Baledi was so angry that his face turned red and his neck was thick, and the veins on his cheeks and neck bulged one by one. He shouted angrily:"If you do this, our country will be plunged into disaster!""

"If you do this, you are the sinners of the people and the sinners of history!"

"I absolutely disagree!!"

The opposition was tit for tat.

Neither of the two bosses were afraid of Baredi, and they both sneered.

One sarcastically said:"Your Excellency Baredi, do you dare to ask, if we continue like this, our country will not be in catastrophe?"

"At that time, you will be the sinner of the people and history, right?"

The other one said coldly:"Humph, you're just blaming someone before you even start doing anything. Who is Mr. Baredi trying to scare? It is still difficult to say who is the sinner!"

The others are all one and the other.

There are those who support it, those who oppose it, and of course there are those who are neutral. The remaining four, including the leader Chavali Yongchai, are all neutral.

They don't care about the Thai baht. Should they be tied to the U.S. dollar?

The only thing they care about is that they can discuss a solution and get through this difficulty smoothly, instead of arguing like now, but without any results!

Just in Baledi During the quarrel with others blushing and thick-necked— bang!

Chavali Yongchai slammed the table, glanced at the three of them fiercely, and shouted:"That's enough! No matter what the quarrel is, it was like this once, it was like this twice, and it was still like this three times!"

"What are you doing?"

"What do you think this meeting is for?!"

"I don’t want arguments, just solutions!"

"Is your quarreling like this helpful in solving the current predicament?!"

The eyes were fierce and the tone was stern!

The three people who were arguing fell silent instantly.

Tsavali Yongchai was extremely tired and was too lazy to waste any more time. He turned to look at Song En Kapao, the governor of the Central Bank of Thailand, and said:"Kapao, what do you want to say?"

Song En Capao glanced at Baledi, then at the other two people, and let out a breath.

He just heard him say:"Your Excellency, I think we can hold on for a little longer. There are several reasons."

"1. We have defeated Soros and other international investment institutions twice in a row. Now the whole country is celebrating, morale is high, and people’s confidence in the Thai baht is back."

"Minister Baredi is right. As long as there is popularity, we can get through it."

"2. Countries in Southeast Asia have established cooperative relations and decided to help each other. Just like this time, the Central Bank of Singapore took action decisively. This is also a huge advantage."

"3. Since we have persisted for so long and have won twice in a row, there is no reason not to continue to persist. What if we are lucky enough to win again? It might be over."

Paused for a moment.

Song En Capao said slowly:"Don't forget, after this battle, the losses of those international financial bandits will exceed 6 billion, or even 10 billion US dollars!"

"We are very scared, because we all know that Soros and others will definitely not give up!"

"They will definitely launch a third attack on the Thai baht to make back the money they lost this time, and the attack they are about to launch will be far more powerful than this one!"

"But don’t forget that crisis is both a danger and an opportunity!"

Chavali Yongchai was shocked, staring at Song En Kapao with stern eyes, and said:"Keep talking."

"Yes, Your Excellency. Song

En Kapao responded and continued:"As long as we can withstand the third attack by Soros and others, it will inevitably cause unimaginable losses to them!""

"They will be utterly defeated!"

"At the same time, we can also prove to the world how strong the Thai baht is through this incident!"

Song En Kapao, the man who controls half of Taiguo's money bag, has the final say!

The logic of this statement is clear and well-founded!

Even the boss who firmly opposed the Thai baht's continued implementation of the fixed exchange rate system did not Say something else.

People are not so easily convinced, especially bosses of their level.

Of course, they were not completely convinced by Song En Kapao, but they also knew that since the other party had already said this, , it will have no effect if they persist

"Okay, let’s do it!"

Tsawali Yongchai was also moved, his eyes flashed, and he said decisively:"Then our top priority is only one thing, which is to make the outside world believe in the value of the Thai baht!"

"You must do whatever it takes, even if the means are not so glorious!"

The matter was settled, and the meeting finally came to an end, and the meeting was concluded.

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