More than two hours passed, and although the process was not so pleasant, a result was finally achieved.

The burden on Tsavali Yongchai's shoulders suddenly became less heavy, and he felt much more relaxed. He looked at Baledi, Song En Kapao and others and said,"Oh, there is one more thing."

"Mr. Huo from Hong Kong Island, is he still not moving?"

There was a slight pause.

Chavali Yongchai looked solemn and added:"I forgot to mention just now that this should be the third question of this meeting. It is very, very important!"

"Tsavali Yongchai specially emphasized the word"very".

Song En Kapao quickly replied:"No!""

Finance Minister Baldi also shook his head and said:"Soros and others launched an attack for the first time, and he didn't make any move."

"This time, neither!"

"I think this may be good news. The first attack may be just a tentative move, but this time it is very different. This is a tough battle with real guns and live ammunition!"

"But Huo Wenyao still didn't take action. What does this mean?"

What does this mean?

This is indeed a question. Everyone, look at me, I look at you, and think about it. Do you value the Thai baht and believe in the value of the Thai baht?

Or even - believe in the economy of their country?

Stop talking nonsense!

Huo Wenyao has invested a lot in Taiguo. The Huo family is attacking the first group of Taiguo. Huo Wenyao himself maintains a close and good cooperative relationship with the Taiguo government.

But this does not mean that he is a fool, let alone He is a philanthropist.

Even Soros could see it, but he couldn't see it?

But he just didn't take action!

This is really puzzling.

For a while, no one could guess Huo Wenyao's thoughts.

Some people were weak He said:"Perhaps Mr. Huo wants to correct the problem and let Soros and others test the waters first. He will be the fisherman who watches the show and reaps the rewards?"

"How can this be! Baledi frowned, retorted immediately, and said coldly:"This time, Soros and his gang of financial bandits are going all out. Once they succeed, Huo Wenyao can only follow Soros and others to drink soup!""

"Who is Hong Kong Island Fok Wenyao, and what kind of consortium is the Hong Kong Island Fok Corporation?"

"He is the light of the Chinese people, the light of Asia, and the richest man in the world!"

"The Huo family is the absolute and unquestionable hegemon in Asia. Its tentacles of power have extended to the Middle East, Africa, South America, Europe and the United States. It is already one of the world's top conglomerates such as Morgan and Rockefeller!"

"It's okay for him to be the leader, but how could he follow others to drink soup?"

Others frowned and couldn't understand it, saying:"Then how to explain his performance now?"

Baredi didn't respond, with a stern look on his face, but in his heart he rolled his eyes wildly and complained unscrupulously. You're so numb!

If I had known and was still sitting here talking nonsense to you, I would have started the Baredi Consortium a long time ago!

Chavali ·Yongchai looked at Song En Kapao and asked:"Song En, you have always had a good relationship with the Huo family, and you often deal with the senior leaders of the Huo family. Have you ever inquired about him?"

"Have inquired."

Song En Kapao nodded, but the next moment he smiled bitterly, shook his head and said:"It's useless!"

Chavali Yongchai frowned:"What do you mean?"

Song En Capao said:"I have very good personal relationships with several senior executives of the Huo family. During this period, I often met with them. I wanted to ask about the Huo family's attitude, but they didn't know anything."


Everyone was shocked.

Baledi couldn't help but said:"The senior executives you contacted should be second only to Huo Wenyao and Li Jiayuan, right?"


Song En Kapao nodded and said helplessly:"But the result is that they didn't hear a bit of news, and the entire Huo family did what they wanted, without any knowledge from top to bottom."

"Since I couldn't get any useful information from them, I thought I might as well contact Huo Wenyao directly. Unfortunately, the other party didn't give me any chance at all, and I couldn't even see him in person."


"I think, not only us, but even the Huo family, few know Huo Wenyao's true intentions."


Tsavali Yongchai was stunned for a moment, and then his face became more solemn.

Dark clouds were threatening to destroy the city, and the mountains and rain were about to come. The wind filled the building.

The more this happens, the more it means something big is going to happen!

This is the calm before the storm!

You can even think with your toes that Huo Wenyao must have big money behind him, but I don’t know whether this big money will be used on them or Soros and other international investment institutions.

Otherwise, he has spent more than half a year What's the purpose of his big move?

It can't be a joke, right?

Damn it!

Damn it!

It's not just Tsavali Yongchai, the others who had felt a little relaxed after deciding on a countermeasure were instantly knocked back to their original shape.


Their moods at this moment were heavier than before!

For a moment,

Baledi looked bitter and sighed:"Mr. Huo, Mr. Huo, if all his plans are to deal with us, then the situation will be too bad. The situation is unpredictable……"

Chavali Yongcai's eyes flashed, and he suddenly gritted his teeth and made a rather whimsical decision!

"Since he hasn't expressed his stance yet, let's do this!"

Tsawali Yongchai said firmly. He followed closely.

He quickly informed the others of his plan.

Songen Kapao, Baldi and others looked at Tsavali Yongchai in stunned silence.

Damn it!

Is this okay?!

Tsawali Yongchai continued with his usual face:"Everyone, I have said before that the top priority is to restore the confidence of the people of this country, and even the whole world, in the Thai baht."

"For this reason, no matter what the cost, even resort to any means!"

"Extraordinary measures should be used in extraordinary times!"

"Just do as I say!"

Everyone's body trembled, and they all replied:"Yes, Your Excellency!"



End of the meeting!

The unscrupulous and extraordinary measures will begin immediately!

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