Location: Bangkok, Government Hall.

Time: April 20, 1997. night.


After eight days of fierce confrontation, the Taiguo government relied on its careful deployment over the past month and teamed up with the Singapore Banking Bank to once again resist the attack of Soros and other international investment institutions.

In this battle, they paid a lot, but their opponents paid even more!

The losses of the financial bandits headed by Soros amounted to US$3 billion!

Everything they had done before was worth it.

They didn't know what would happen next, but at least in these two battles, they were the ones who had the last laugh.

They won!

Many government officials and ordinary Taiguo people spontaneously held a grand celebration ceremony. The streets and alleys of the Taiguo capital were filled with a cheerful and relaxed atmosphere.

Winning this battle means that Taiguo's prosperity will continue, its economy will improve, and their lives will also improve.

This is good!

But the core leaders of the Taiguo government couldn't laugh. Not only were they not relaxed at all, but they were even more nervous than before.

Because only they know the situation.

Just to win this battle, so many resources have been used, and the trump card has been almost used. If those financial bandits come again, what should they use to resist them?


There is no need to do it again. As long as the bandits attack harder this time, Taiguo will not be able to survive!

The so-called Guizhou donkey has no skills, that's all.



Government hall.

There were only seven people in the caucus room.

The leader, Tsawali Yongchai, personally presided over the meeting and occupied the core position. On his left and right are Song En Kapao, the governor of Thailand’s central bank, and Baldi, the finance minister.

These two people are undoubtedly the most important two people at present besides Chavali Yongchai.

The atmosphere in the conference room was extremely depressing.

Tsavali Yongchai was extremely tired. There were already some white hairs on his temples, but now they were at least twice as many.

The situation of others is not much better, they are all worried.


Chavali Yongchai gently rubbed his temples, and finally spoke, slowly saying:"Everyone knows what the situation is now, so I don't need to repeat it. We will only discuss two issues tonight."

"The first question is, what should we do if the other party launches a third sniper attack on us?"

"Can we hold on?"


As soon as these words came out, everyone looked at each other, not knowing how to answer.

They actually already had the answer in their hearts, but no one dared to say it at this time and on this occasion. If they did, it would disturb the morale of the army. Suspicion.

Chavali Yongchai glanced at the six people in turn and sighed when he saw that no one was willing to take the initiative to speak.

He was not angry at all.



These people in front of him are all the elites of Taiguo. How could it be possible? Is it a waste? Unfortunately, the current situation is like this, and the general trend is that no matter how elite they are, they can't come up with an effective method.

In this dead silence, Finance Minister Baldi's eyes flashed, and he gritted his teeth and said:"Okay! He looked firmly at Tsavali Yongchai and said solemnly:"This attack by Soros, Andrew and others is much stronger than the first time, but we still resisted it!""

"Since we can withstand the second time, we can certainly withstand the third time!"

"As long as the policy is correct!"

Chavali Yongcai said:"How to say? Baledi said firmly:"Just like what we did in March, we will increase our intensity and at the same time keep in close contact with Southeast Asian countries to help each other. If one side is in trouble, all parties will support us!""

"This is official policy"

"Secondly, among the people, as long as we can make others believe in our currency, the advantage lies with us. Soros and others will not be able to defeat us so easily!"

Believe us?

Doesn't this mean that they believe in the value of the Thai baht and the economy of Thailand?

Stop talking nonsense!

Who doesn't know what the economy of Thailand will be like this year? The foreign capital has already rushed to withdraw. Once they leave, How can the Thai market maintain the current economy?

Chavali Yongchai is calm on the surface, but he is crying and laughing in his heart.

Baledi, the Finance Minister is the one who firmly opposes the devaluation of the Thai baht in the Thai government. representatives have an extremely tough attitude.

Those who firmly oppose the devaluation of the Thai baht will of course support it. Let’s not talk about the big ones. Let’s just say that among the seven big guys in the conference room, except for Chavali Yongchai, the remaining six Among the people, at least two of them strongly supported the implementation of a floating exchange rate for the Thai baht.

Sure enough!

When Baredi said this, the two people immediately laughed.

One of them said:"Minister Baredi, what is our country's economy now? If others don’t understand the situation, how can you understand it? You are the one who knows best!"

"In this situation, tell me, what method should I use to make everyone believe it?

Baledi said coldly:"As long as we think about it, we can always find a way!""

This remark caused another round of sneers.

Chavali Yongchai shook his head slightly and said with a straight face:"Okay, what time of the day are you still noisy at this time?"

Everyone fell silent instantly.

Chavali Yongchai continued:"Let's discuss the second question. Should the Thai baht be decoupled from the US dollar and change from a fixed exchange rate system to a floating exchange rate system?"

"They say they are two questions, but they are actually one."

"Baredi, I know you are firmly opposed to the devaluation of the Thai baht, so it’s up to you to say it first. Baledi nodded and said,"Yes, Your Excellency.""

The next ten minutes will be Baledi's narration time.

He is thoughtful and well-founded.

His core point is that once the Thai baht implements a floating exchange rate system, it will cause a fatal blow to Thailand's economy. It may be that it will never recover from then on!

It will take many years to recover.

After Baladi finished speaking, the other two senior officials who supported the Thai baht's implementation of a floating exchange rate system spoke. They did not argue with each other, but recognized Baladi. Di's point of view.

There is nothing to object to, that is the fact.

But the problem is that if you do not implement a floating exchange rate system, you will still die. By then, Taiguo's economy will suffer a more serious blow!

They also used Sangguo as an example, Explained the situation in detail. The reason why Sangguo was able to have a soft landing back then was because they took the initiative to burst the economic bubble instead of letting it get worse. Now the situation in Taiguo is similar to Sangguo.

Baledi’s face is very ugly, because this , is also true!

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