Time: April 20, 1997!

Location: Bangkok!

A certain villa.

This is where Soros temporarily lives and where his entire team works.

He didn't have to come.

But this is his style of doing things. Once he wants to do such a big thing, his requirement for himself is to stay at the forefront of the battlefield, so that he can accurately grasp the situation.

The premise of a super victory is that the intelligence must not be wrong!

The information must not be wrong, it is just basic, and it must reach his ears as soon as possible.

In this way, he can give his own judgment as soon as something happens, so as not to miss the opportunity.

Also living in this villa was Andrew, who was also involved in sniping the Thai baht.·H·Morgan, and Han Fei, who also invested a lot of money.

But now, they are all in a bad mood.

Soros’ losses reached $300 million!

The Morgan consortium lost as much as $600 million, of which belonged to Andrew·H·Morgan’s private wealth is US$280 million, almost surpassing Soros!

Han Fei's losses were also considerable, reaching 60 million US dollars!

60 million US dollars cannot be looked at at all when placed in front of the two figures of 300 million and 600 million. But the problem is that Han Fei's total net worth is only over 1 billion, which is far from being compared with Soros and Andrew.

This loss has already broken his muscles and bones!

In the living room, Soros was sitting on the sofa with an expressionless face, concentrating on something.

Han Fei was sitting on the other side, his face looked good and he didn't have much anger.

Only Andrew, the most explosive person, did not sit down.

His blue eyes were spitting fire!

There was nothing to hide in front of his own people, so he unleashed his madness unscrupulously and walked around the living room irritably.

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!"

"Damn it!!"

Andrew roared angrily:"Huo Wenyao! That son of a bitch Huo Wenyao, what the hell is he doing? It was okay if he didn’t take action last time, but he didn’t take action this time!"


"Doesn't this bastard want to side with Taiguo and go against us? No, it's impossible. If he really plays like that, he is just looking for death. Even if he can stop it, he will suffer heavy losses! Han

Fei sighed softly and said calmly:"Is he waiting?" Andrew turned his head, stared at Han Fei fiercely, and said sternly:"Wait?" What is that bitch waiting for?"

"Come on Andrew. Han Fei shook his head and said,"You know what he is waiting for.""

"Oh, that's it."

Andrew rolled his eyes, his expression changed suddenly, and all the hysteria disappeared, replaced by a strange expression that seemed to be a smile but not a smile!

He shook his head, grinning, and said:"Old Han, of course I know what he is waiting for. Wait until we launch two rounds of attacks so that we can find out Taiguo’s trump card."

"Oh, with Mr. Huo’s strategy, of course it can’t be that simple"

"Not long ago, the central banks of Southeast Asian countries held a meeting and announced that they would help each other."

"So... the real answer is that he not only wants to find out the trump card of Taiguo, but also the Philippines, Indonesia, Singapore, and Malaysia. Gee, he is really patient. Han

Fei chuckled, nodded and said:"Judging from everything that has happened so far, he is indeed more patient than us.""

"His patience was rewarded"

"Now everyone knows that Taiguo is just a paper tiger that is a powerful foreign power, and even the major economies in Southeast Asia are. The next third attack will be harvest time."

"Oh, what should I say? Han

Fei sighed softly:"It should be said that it is Mr. Huo Wenyao Huo who controls the situation and timing so accurately that it is beyond human ability!""

At this time, Soros suddenly spoke and said:"What Mr. Han said is true, but this is also what I expected."

"Mr. Huo's financial attainments have already reached their peak."

"I'm not surprised at all that he can do this. On the contrary, I think it's natural, because this is Mr. Huo... Forget it, let's not talk about this, let's talk about business."

"Andrew. Soros turned to look at Andrew and said,"There's no need to be so excited. Mr. Huo can hold it back. That's his ability and our luck.""

"After all, we still have to cooperate this time"

"Don't invest your energy elsewhere, just focus on our own things"

"Although this attack failed, it also revealed Taiguo's trump card. The money lost now will be doubled or even doubled in a short time. What is there to be angry about?"

Andrew's sinister eyes flashed away, he laughed and said perfunctorily:"I have another question. Soros said:"


Andrew said:"Uncle Soros, we have launched two attacks since February. The first time can only be regarded as a test, nothing more. Let's forget it.""

"But this time is different, this is not a feint, but an actual battle!"

"Once we defeat the Thai Baht, if Huo Wenyao wants to enter again, he will have to pick up our leftovers to eat. Does he look like that kind of person? Han

Fei shook his head and answered for Soros:"It's not a question of whether he looks like him or not. He's not.""

"Yes, he is not, then the problem arises. Andrew

's eyes were bright and he said:"Why does he conclude that our attack will definitely fail this time, and he still has a chance to enter again?" I can't figure this out no matter how hard I try!"

Soros and Han Fei were both stunned and couldn't help but fell into deep thought.

For a moment,

Soros smiled bitterly, shook his head and said,"Andrew, this is a good question, but unfortunately, I can't think of an answer."

Andrew looked at Han Fei again.

Han Fei shrugged and said,"I can't think of it either.

Soros sighed softly:"So Andrew, what Huo Wenyao is really good at is not finance, but his judgment of the situation and his control of the overall situation.""

This is unmatched by anyone in the world!"

"From now on, please stop thinking nonsense. It is best to be friends and allies with such people, and never become their enemies, otherwise it will be very, very difficult."

"Even if you can create a miracle in the end and win him, you will still be dragged down by him until you lose three layers of skin, and the gain outweighs the loss. Andrew smiled, as if he was serious, but also as if he was joking, and said:"Uncle Soros, then again, defeating such an opponent will give you a greater sense of accomplishment.""

"It's more fun too, isn't it?"



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