One or two of them spoke in confusion, making it difficult for people to understand.

Kong Qianyu turned his attention to the last man: "What happened to them."

He shook his head and said, "They have something to do." As soon as he finished speaking, his eyes widened in shock.

The three of them looked at me and I looked at you, wondering what was going on.

"I don't know you," one of the men said to the other.

"I don't know where the Koumi Ancient Tomb is. I haven't heard of it. I don't know. I don't know how to do archeology. What is an ancient tomb?" The pregnant woman shook her head constantly while talking to Kong Qianyu, almost crying. The sound is coming.

Kong Qianyu's eyes turned to the rabbit-shaped meat on their grill, and then looked at a fresh rabbit-shaped creature at their feet that had not yet been skinned, and he suddenly realized.

These three fools like Nima ate a blackmail beast without knowing it!

It is recorded in the "Shenyi Jing" that a deceitful beast appears in the southwest wilderness. It looks like a dodder, has a human face and can speak, and often deceives people. It speaks east and west, and speaks evil but good. The meat is delicious, and if you eat it, your words will not be true.

The general meaning is that there is a kind of black beast in the desert in the southwest. It has a beautiful face, a body like a rabbit, and graceful manners. It has spiritual energy everywhere in its movements and movements. It can also speak human words. People and animals like to gather around it. Next to this, this kind of spiritual beast is full of good intentions. Its meat is delicious, but after eating it, it can no longer tell the truth.

Kong Qianyu was unable to touch his forehead. Could it be that this place was the gathering place for the strange beasts described in the legendary Book of Mountains and Seas? If she remembers correctly, the Book of Mountains and Seas was originally the recipes of the old gods that were left in the mortal world! The strange beasts they recorded would only appear in one place: their food range area!

Where the hell did she come from?

"What you are eating is a false beast. After eating the meat of a false beast, you will no longer be able to tell the truth."

"." The three of them roared in their hearts: What a joke! What came out of his mouth was: "I believe you."

Now they really couldn't bear it anymore and wanted to cry.

Kong Qianyu shrugged. She didn't have any good ideas. After all, it was a strange beast that even gods could tell lies after eating it. She had to leave a message talisman: "You'd better not wander around. I'll go find someone. I'll wait until I find someone." Take you home."

The three of them took the messenger talisman, nodded their thanks honestly, and kept their mouths shut at the same time.

Since the three of them, ordinary people without any magic power, could come to this forest alive, I believe that her third senior brother, who has great supernatural powers, will be fine. Her top priority is to find him and at the same time search for other people who have wandered here. Take them back together.

She began to walk down the mountain, wanting to take a look at the living blackmail beast first. This little thing was very friendly and had almost no attack power. There were three or five of them in groups, chattering non-stop together, and there was a group of elders surrounding them. Weird little animals.

Let's go. Although this stuff tastes delicious, the side effects after eating it are too great.

But the smell just now really made the glutton in her stomach go crazy, and she stopped eating if she didn't want to eat anything else. This was the vegetable garden of the immortal master, so if you don't eat it, you won't eat it for free!

Having made up his mind to taste a different fresh ingredient every day, Kong Qianyu set his goal on the first day on the fish in the small river ditch.

The bighead carp has a body like a bull's head and a roar like a pig's grunt. Ever since she saw it in the water, she has roughly determined her current location: Rijiang Mountain, located in the east. Bighead carp is a delicious fish. The most important thing is that this fish is very lazy and sleepy by nature. It spends more than half of the day sleeping. It is not aggressive and is big enough. Given its appetite, , three meals a day, it is good to eat one fish.

She quickly caught a bighead carp from the river, and felt a little emotional in her heart. Is it true that all species that live in the water have to be called fish to identify themselves? Otherwise, this thing has nothing to do with fish at all. How did you come up with the name?

The bighead carp really does not look like a fish. It is not accurate to say that it has the head of a bull and the body of a fish. It should obviously be a swimming cow.

He set up a fire rack, lit it with the inner elixir spiritual fire, and then hung the disemboweled bighead carp on it. A strong fragrance that he had never smelled spread out. Kong Qianyu took a deep breath and felt that The hunger is even worse.

These gods really knew how to enjoy themselves, so they did not take up much space in the Classic of Mountains and Seas. A few hurriedly brought ordinary ingredients were enough to make her salivate, wondering how delicious top-notch food would be.

The fish meat was easily cooked, and the blood-red fish meat began to turn white. She picked the fish off and put it into her mouth eagerly.

It melted in the mouth and was extremely sweet. Every time she took a bite, Kong Qianyu couldn't help but shake her head. She thought she could eat the whole fish for a day, but she unknowingly swallowed the entire meal.

It's strange that I don't feel full, and I can even eat two more.

She resisted her desire to eat, walked to the river, and caught five more sleeping bighead carps, and then she continued walking down the mountain with satisfaction.

According to the original book of Shan Hai Jing, this continent is not all forest. There are probably no powerful animals in this continent, so whether it is small animals, flowers, plants, or trees, they all grow extremely densely, and there is almost no place to stay in the forest. A small, inconspicuous piece of grass can be extremely aggressive.

Kong Qianyu suffered a small loss just now.

She was looking up and wondering how this bare tree could grow so tall. She couldn't even see the crown of the tree clearly. When she was hundreds of meters away, she suddenly felt a stinging pain on her feet. Soon she felt dizzy and almost fell down.

An inconspicuous plant with small red flowers at her feet was lying on her instep, greedily sucking blood at an extremely fast speed. The reason why Kong Qianyu felt dizzy was due to the massive blood loss in a short period of time.

Aroused by the spiritual energy, the little flower was cut off by her roots, and a large amount of blood spurted out instantly. The little flower quickly turned white and fell to the side, probably dead.

Kong Qianyu didn't dare to rest, so she had to endure her dizziness and jump to the branch of a tree. She made sure again and again that the tree would not suck her blood before she dared to sit down and meditate.

The movement of the three suns above the head is irregular. Just like now, only one is left hanging above the head, and the other two have fallen. The temperature has dropped a lot, and it is very cool. When Kong Qianyu completely calms down, Come here, it's finally her first night here.

Anyone with a little bit of common sense would know how dangerous the forest can be at night, so she didn't rush to jump off the branch and continue on her way, preparing to spend the night here.


The night was too short, and she didn't have time to fall asleep. Almost five minutes after she closed her eyes, a new round of red sun had already jumped over the horizon, and a big bird with three legs flew from the sky, casting down Huge shadow.

The famous three-legged Golden Crow was flying towards the tallest tree in the distance.

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