Hey, hey, you don't want to repay kindness with hatred, right? After all, I have given you three bowls of rice. Do you want me to become a zombie?

Kong Qianyu raised his hand and gave Xiao Maozhang a violent shock. He couldn't beat her and wanted to assimilate her, so he didn't even think about it!

Xiaomao Zheng tried to cover her head in a very humane way, but her joints were still stiff. She couldn't do this action. She waved her hands in the air, which was ridiculous.

Anyway, she is a little aggressive little Mao Zheng, and Kong Qianyu has no interest in killing her. He stays in the tomb by himself. No matter how bright the lighting talisman is, human instinct is to avoid graves with a non-human creature accompanying him. It's better than being alone.

She raised her head to estimate the height difference between the thief's cave and herself. She squatted down slightly and used both legs to grasp the top of the wall.

She secretly cursed some kind of green plant. It looked like the entrance of a burglar's cave from a distance. When she came up, she realized that it was the vent of the tomb. It had absorbed thousands of years of zombie corpse gas and looked black and fluffy. , even if you get close, you can still smell the stench, which is very disgusting.

Which dead person's tomb in Nima has special ventilation holes? Is it to take care of the thieves who want to rob the tomb?

She jumped down angrily and knocked Xiao Mao's stiff head a few times in anger.

Xiao Maozhang was so aggrieved that she almost cried. If the zombie itself didn't have tears and wasn't very good at talking, the tomb would have been filled with her cries now.

She kept waving her hands, pointing at Kong Qianyu, then at the coffin, and finally made a gesture like pushing something. It doesn't look like she wants Kong Qianyu to become a similar person and stay with her.

Could it be that there is something fishy in this coffin? Kong Qianyu thought for a while and realized that this was really possible. She had checked the walls and floor of the tomb, and even the burial objects and corpses placed beside the walls had not been left behind. She had even explored the roof just now, but only the coffin remained untouched.

It is a very natural thing for everyone to have a coffin in a tomb. What is a tomb without a coffin?

But this tomb is obviously not the owner's tomb. The zombies in ancient legends are not a benign species. They have low IQs. The dignitaries may hope that they will live forever and not rot after death, but no one is crazy enough to want to become a zombie.

On the contrary, many burial customs are effective measures to prevent rigor mortis.

So Kong Qianyu guessed that this little zombie was probably deliberately raised by someone to guard the tomb. Her coffin is not a necessity. The magic circle can be engraved anywhere, and there is no need to have a coffin.

Kong Qianyu jumped into the coffin lightly, and without rushing to the ground, Kong Qianyu stepped on the two coffin boards, lifted up the bedding that was almost corroded by the corpse air, and knocked on the bottom board.

Judging from the sound, it seemed that the bottom was indeed empty. She found a protrusion with a different color and pressed it hard, and the bottom panel opened.

Without leaving in a hurry, Kong Qianyu heated up all the mushroom stewed chicken and rice in the storage bag, and lined them up in a row in front of Xiao Maozheng: "Thank you, please eat these."

After saying that, he waved his hand and jumped into the hole.

Kong Qianyu felt like she had turned into a big mouse. After leaving the tomb, she entered the hole and fell straight down for about a minute before stopping. When her feet stepped on the hard ground again, she realized that there was still a hole in front of her. It's so short that an adult would have to use both hands and feet to get through.

But there was no other way out, so she gritted her teeth and started crawling, crawling, crawling, crawling, even beginning to miss the spaciousness of the tomb where she could move freely.

The hole seemed to be getting smaller and smaller, and the mud everywhere around her was gradually rubbing against her face. Are you sure it's not a dead end? Will she be squeezed to death here? It's enough to kill someone with claustrophobia!

Gradually, just when Kong Qianyu was about to give up in despair and return the same way, the road ahead suddenly opened up, and she climbed out! In the distance, it seems that you can still hear the sound of running water! There is an exit!

She hurriedly ran towards the direction of the sound. After turning two turns, the front suddenly brightened and light came in. This meant that she finally came out!

No matter what hell place she went to, it was better than being buried alive underground, so she hurriedly ran out.

This is?

Kong Qianyu stared dumbly at the vast forest in front of her, unable to recover for a moment. Wasn't she in the hinterland of the desert in the northwest? Where did the forest come from?

No, she could clearly feel that she was walking downward all the way. Could this be an underground forest? What flowers, plants and trees can grow underground? She stood on a high cliff and looked up at the three suns hanging high in the sky, as well as the huge birds that passed by from time to time.

I'm numb, tired, it doesn't matter anymore.

She looked at the inconspicuous entrance behind her again, stretched out her hand and pinched her arm. The pain was obvious, and it was not a dream.

Since entering this jungle, Kong Qianyu found that her spiritual consciousness that had been imprisoned was no longer restricted. She seriously felt this strange land. The animals, birds, vegetation, running water, and insects seemed to be nothing special.

If she hadn't sensed a nest of talking rabbits fifty miles to the northwest.

It must be because there are three suns on top of her head that make her confused by the heat. Otherwise, how could she hear the rabbit talking? Not every rabbit is her third senior brother.

I don’t know if these rabbits can communicate, but it would be a good idea to ask.

Fifty miles was not far away, and it only took a minute to fly at full speed. Before she landed, she could smell the aroma of barbecue.

As a very popular way of cooking, Kong Qianyu had eaten it countless times, but she had never smelled such an enticing aroma. It was as if it had substance, entering through her nose and churning in her empty stomach.

She changed direction and flew towards the source of the scent.

"The food we ate today is really terrible, it tastes terrible!" One of the people kept taking the roasted meat from the simple wooden frame and stuffing it into his mouth.

Being close enough, Kong Qianyu discovered that there were three people grilling meat, two men and one woman. They were surprisingly dressed very similar to her. They looked East Asian and spoke Mandarin.

Hey, maybe we are still from the same country! Kong Qianyu quickly stepped forward to say hello.

The three people's eyes were wary. The woman had just swallowed the food in her mouth and asked quickly: "Who are you?"

Kong Qianyu also looked at her and her slightly bulging belly, where a new young life was being conceived, a small ball of white light, soft and calm.

She suddenly thought of someone and asked quickly: "Ling Qing? You are Ling Qing, right?"

"No." After the woman said it, she immediately covered her mouth: "Ah, I mean I'm not." She turned red with anxiety, stopped talking, and nodded desperately.

Is it or is it not?

Kong Qianyu was a little confused: "Did you all come through the passage of the ancient tomb? Are you from the archaeological team? Where is this place?"

Their clothes are not dirty yet, the two men's hair is quite stylish, and they haven't been here long.

"No, no, I know." One of the men replied. After speaking, he also covered his mouth with a look of horror on his face.

(End of this chapter)

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