According to legend, the three-legged golden crow is the mount of the sun. The bird just flew very low, but Kong Qianyu did not see the sun on its back. Otherwise, at such a close distance, he should at least be able to understand what a bird is called. Hot.

"The Classic of Mountains and Seas" contains: In the wilderness, there is a mountain named Nie Yaohuang. There are buttresses on it, the pillars are three hundred miles apart, and their leaves are like mustard. There are valleys called Wenyuan Valley and Tang Valley. There are supporting trees on them. They arrive in one day and leave in one day. They are all placed in Wu.

The general idea is that the two suns take turns working on the hibiscus tree, and they are carried there by the three-legged golden crow.

It seems that it is better to believe in books than to have no books at all. The ancients have not deceived me sincerely, and gods can also deceive people.

Since she couldn't sleep, let's move on. She left a message talisman on the tree where she had just rested, hoping that the third senior brother could see it.

Six hundred miles south from here, the vegetation gradually becomes sparse, tall trees are replaced by low grass, and the surface gradually becomes desert. Occasionally, you can see some six-legged dogs escaping in all directions.

This is a specialty of Congcong, Zhuzhuang Mountain. It has no special skills and the taste is very ordinary. It is said that it is not very delicious. Kong Qianyu chose to ignore it and focused on looking for another exotic animal rat.

Although it is called a rat, it is not actually related to a mouse. It is a kind of bird that looks similar to a pheasant, but it has mouse fur and a long mouse tail.

Zhizhuang Mountain was supposed to be a green forest landform, but now it has turned into a half-dead ghost state. It is probably due to the rats. After all, it is easy to go without rain for three years.

Without trees, it was much easier to catch a flying bird. Kong Qianyu glanced with his consciousness and saw two chickens with rat feathers pecking at grass seeds in the meadow behind the mountain. They must be rats. .

Following the movement of his heart, he captured the two birds in one fell swoop before they could react. Kong Qianyu picked up the two little things and looked at them. They weighed about five kilograms and had two big eyes that were blinking. They were quite cute.

She didn't have the mental barrier that mice were disgusting and couldn't be eaten. After peeling off the skin and cutting off the tail, she lit a fire and roasted them like a chicken.

Um? After roasting for a long time, the meat has changed color. It must be cooked. Why is there no aroma at all?

I tore off a piece of meat and tasted it, bah bah bah!

It doesn't taste like meat, it's just like chewing raw wood residue! After gulping down some water and gargling his mouth, Kong Qianyu kicked the grill to the ground and started to think about the fish in the ditch next to it.

The fish is famous for its medical value. After eating it, it is not easy to get diseases. It is named because its mouth is long like a needle. As for whether it is delicious, you have to eat it.

The gadgets were light and especially flexible in the river. It took a lot of effort for Kong Qianyu to catch more than a dozen of them. Each one was no bigger than a loach, and they could barely make a pot of soup.

But here comes the problem, she doesn’t have a pot, what should she use to make soup?

I had to put it away first and move forward hungry.

The direction she chose was due south. It took seven or eight days to travel more than 5,000 miles. Today, she was sitting leisurely by the river, taking out her mobile phone and starting to write down today's recipes.

In the past seven or eight days, she really found a lot of delicious, fun and useful things, and the storage bag was almost full.

For example, the monkeys produced in Mount Tai look similar to pigs, and their meat tastes similar to pigs, but the orbs produced in their bodies are really beautiful, colorful and crystal clear. Kong Qianyu couldn't hold it back and killed seven or eight of them to make a string for himself. Bracelets.

For example, several water systems around Zhushan produce gold and jade crystals, and the energy contained in them are all excellent materials for refining weapons. Kong Qianyu also packed a lot of them, planning to take them back and use them slowly. One of the rivers is rich in purple. The snails were all about the size of a fist, and the meat was delicious. The more they chewed, the more fragrant they became. She could eat ten of them in one sitting.

For example, the water monster encountered in Kongsang Mountain was a cow with tiger stripes. When it barked, it rained heavily. It almost rushed Kong Qianyu from the top of the mountain to the bottom of the mountain. She was so angry that she immediately killed her. Yes, as expected, it never rained heavily again. This one was probably a worm, a strange beast that can cause floods. But the taste is surprisingly good. It has an umami flavor like oysters when cooked. It is not as heavy as beef, so it is delicious.

Finally, there was Caoxi Mountain, which was closest to her. There are paper mulberry trees growing everywhere, the environment is suitable, the scenery is beautiful, and there are countless birds and animals. The only drawback is that there is no water. She hunted a reptile that looked a bit like a crocodile on the mountain and moved it four hundred miles to the southwest. By the small river of Yigao Mountain, prepare for today’s dinner.

This world is beautiful and fun, but after staying for a long time, Kong Qianyu still misses her little Taoist temple. Although it is cold in winter and hot in summer, and the shabby house has a rotten roof, it is still a place that can be called home.

Unlike now, she was completely wandering, with no fixed place to live. A tree branch or a strange animal's cave was her shelter.

Whatever you want to use, you have to figure it out on your own. Without modern civilization, there won't even be anyone who can speak.

Now she misses her third senior brother who she once thought was noisy. Even the erratic conversations of the three strangers who had eaten the blackmail beast were particularly interesting to recall at this time.

In the past, she practiced hard in the sect and had the experience of being in seclusion for decades, but as long as she wanted to, it would not be a problem to find someone to talk to to relieve her boredom.

But now, she has traveled more than five thousand miles and has never met a talking beast again. The only companions she has with her all day long are either the mooing tabby cow or the river clam that sprays water arrows at you.

Such mountains and rivers are so boring!

Kong Qianyu sighed and didn't even want to eat the crocodile with its legs. Most of the food here was delicious, but no matter how delicious the food was, it could only be eaten with barbecue flavor. After a long time, even the gods couldn't bear it.

When can she have a pot? She wants to make soup and make hot pot. The point is, she never wants to eat barbecue again!

But she would still be hungry if she didn't eat. She complained to the water and resigned herself to peeling the skin and grilling it.

When the fragrance wafted out, footsteps suddenly came from behind her, crunching on the gold and jade all over Yigao Mountain, getting closer and closer to her.

Kong Qianyu turned around and saw a pair of beautiful tiger eyes. It stretched its wings and bared its big white teeth, trying to make a sneak attack.

Probably because it was discovered by someone, this beast was still a little embarrassed. He raised his front paw and rubbed his face, and suddenly uttered human words: "Hey, I want to eat meat."

The moment Kong Qianyu saw it, a spiritual sword appeared in his hand, and white hairs broke out on his back!

There is a beast in the northwest, it looks like a tiger, has wings and can fly.

Could this guy be Qiongqi, one of the famous four ferocious beasts? But shouldn’t its range of activities be in the deep wilderness of the northwest? Why did you come to Dongshan for a walk?

And fortunately, he ran into himself without dying.

How bad this guy's temperament is can be seen from the records: "There is a beast in the northwest, which looks like a tiger, has wings and can fly. It kills and eats people and knows what people say. If they hear people fighting, they will eat straight; if they hear people are loyal, they will eat them. He often eats his nose; when he hears people are evil and disobedient, he often kills animals and feeds them. His name is Qiongqi. He also eats all kinds of animals."

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