Chapter 2 2. The only human being in the universe
The leaves are very tall, and Jiang Chuxia, who is 1.6 meters [-], is completely covered in his shadow.

Jiang Chuxia, who had never expected such a begonia flower to bloom, was stunned on the spot.

No, will humans be so hungry in the future? !
A red light flashed in the green eyes of Ye Ye. Jiang Chuxia instantly felt weak all over, his mind was filled with cotton and his body was swaying.

I really want to, I really want to close my eyes...

Oops!Did she take some weird drug? !

Before entering the dormant warehouse, Jiang Chuxia and others received several emergency escape lessons in future society.

Among them, there are mentions of various dangers that may be encountered after arriving in the future, and Chinese medicine is one of them.

Jiang Chuxia forced herself to cheer up.

Fortunately, she took the gun with her when she left the warehouse.

Holding the silver-black gun, Jiang Chuxia aimed at Ye Lu's heart: "Did you drug me? Give me the antidote quickly, or I'll shoot!"

Ye Lu smiled evilly: "I didn't drug you, little female, do you know about superpowers? This is my superpower, the E-level superpower "Hypnosis". "

Although it is only an E-level power, it is enough for humans like Jiang Chuxia who have no powers.

20 years ago, when a meteorite fell from the sky and almost destroyed the earth, it also brought supernatural powers.

Jiang Chuxia, who didn't know this, had only one thought in her mind.

Oh haha!The first human being I met in the future was really a psychopath!
The psychopath is coming at her!
Jiang Chuxia pressed the button.


Blood splatter.


Ye Lu screamed and a huge hole was made in his right leg. He fell to the ground and twisted into a maggot.

Ye Lu opened her eyes wide in disbelief. She couldn't believe that the female in front of her who should have been raised delicately and softly had a gun banned from circulation in the Muka Empire market. She really dared to shoot!
"You are killing people! The Muka Empire has a complete set of laws! - Ahhhhh -"


Hit the left thigh.

Ye Lu covered the two bloody holes in his legs with both hands. He was disabled and twisted on the ground like a maggot.

Tears fell from the nose.

The dizzy and swollen feeling in his brain, as if it was filled with fat, gradually disappeared, and Jiang Chuxia woke up.

Linked to the above words such as advanced female, superpower, Muka Empire, etc.

Jiang Chuxia is not slow, she also feels that the world 20 years later is not normal.

She raised Ye Lu's chin, blocked his head with a gun, and asked with a cold expression:
"Is the Muka Empire the current political power? What are high-level females, viviparous females, and superpowers? No, tell me all the common sense in today's society."

Ye Lu was trembling with fear from the cold gun on his head, and a pool of yellow liquid flowed out from his pants.

He no longer mentioned the useless laws of the Muka Empire, and explained everything immediately with a trembling voice.

"I said! I said!"

It turns out that the meteorite that fell from the sky 20 years ago brought about the sixth mass extinction of life. I don’t know what the meteorite carried. It disrupted human genes.

The surviving humans possess animal genes, become orcs, and have supernatural powers.

This is a unique evolution and an unprecedented disaster.

Disrupted genes are very easy to collapse, and the price of having mental power is the animal's reproductive instinct.

The orcs have a period of estrus every year. If they cannot find a female to share the estrus, it will induce genetic collapse and die directly.

However, viruses brought by meteorites also disrupt the male-female ratio. Under natural circumstances, the female-to-female ratio is as high as 1:100.

In order to continue the race, the orcs use a large number of breeding bases to breed female orcs, but most of the female orcs they breed are ugly and have low IQs.

Female orcs who are somewhat good-looking and have a certain IQ are each rare items.

Mental strength determines the future of a male orc.

Appearance, intelligence, and fertility determine the level of female orcs. The highest is viviparous females, which are generally only in the hands of nobles from aristocratic families, followed by S-level females from the breeding base, and the lowest is F-level.

The level determines the female orc's belonging.

The higher the level of female orcs, the easier it is for them to give birth to male orcs with high mental power. Therefore, rich people like to raise female orcs, and their average age is ten to 20 years old.

Low-level female orcs are reproductive tools and generally only live between zero and ten years.



Jiang Chuxia held back a curse word.

Hell is empty, the devil is on earth.

Her appearance was reflected in the green and gray eyes.

Long hair, white skin, big eyes, bright eyes and white teeth, soft facial features, lithe figure... No one would tell her she was a female.

And being a female in the orc world is simply worse than death.

She can be a female, but not a female from the orc world.

"The Muka Empire is the current regime, what was it before? There were more than ten regimes before it, but they were all overthrown for various reasons? Why were they overthrown? I don't know the reason, I am illiterate!"

The gun silently landed on Ye Lu's forehead, and he burst into tears:
"Males, all males will test their superpowers after they are three years old... You said whether females have superpowers? Who would test their superpowers? Females exist only for reproduction... I'm sorry! I shouldn't say that! But This is the fact!”

"ID card? The people on our Planet 44 are all undercover. As long as you have money, you can buy a citizen number."

Ye Lu shrank into a ball. He looked at the sky and the earth, but he didn't dare to look at the female who looked delicate and frail, but was actually dark and cold.

No, why is this female so ignorant?

I don’t even know what Star Network is!
He knows that some big nobles like to be silly and sweet, but they don’t have to be this stupid!Is this mental retardation?
It was noon on Planet 44, the scorching sun rose into the sky, and a crystal reflection in the distance flashed through Ye Lu's eyes.The source of the reflection is a silver coffin-like thing in the distance.

That thing!That thing is a dormant warehouse for humans!
20 years ago, the ancestors of the orcs, humans, built dormant warehouses when facing a survival crisis, and chose 10 humans to go to the future!

The ignorant female in front of me is not an orc!

She is a pure human female that is more precious than a viviparous female!
It's like you thought that what you saw in front of you was 100 million, but in the blink of an eye it turned into [-] million. Ye Lu used all his strength to rush towards Jiang Chuxia.

"No wonder, no wonder you don't know anything! You are not an orc at all!"

"You are human, human female!"

"If I get you, I can turn over and become a noble!"


One shot hit Ye Lu's right hand.

The heartbreaking pain came from Ye Lu's feet again, and he stumbled and fell to the ground.

This fall happened to be at Jiang Chuxia's feet.

She raised the gun and pointed it at Ye Lu's furry head, and when she was about to press the button——

"No no no! You can't kill me!"

The cold gun awakened Ye Lu's remaining sanity, and he cried bitterly and hugged Jiang Chuxia's thigh, almost falling to the ground.

"I am the Ye family of Capital Star! The Ye family of the ten nobles of the Muka Empire! If you kill me, my memories before death will be uploaded to the family! Then all the Ye family will know that you are human!"

"You don't want them to find out that you are human!"

Jiang Chuxia thought for a moment and put down the gun.

Jiang Chuxia didn't understand the existence of supernatural powers, so she couldn't tell whether this was true or not, but looking at Ye Lu's cowardly look, it didn't look like he was lying.

However, there is still a doubt...

"If your family is noble, why are you so depressed?"

Jiang Chuxia said this politely.

The orc's hair in front of her was gray, and she even saw scabbed sand on it. She didn't know how many months it had been since it had been washed, and the clothes Ye Lu was wearing were white, yellow, black, and red... the whole thing Big color palette.

No way, the nobles are so miserable these days?

Ye Lu smiled shyly: "I am the branch of the branch of the branch of the Ye family..."

"Wait! Don't shoot! Although I am very branched, I am really a member of the Ye family!"

Jiang Chuxia put down the gun again.

She took out a red pill from her pocket. This red pill was an heirloom of Jiang Chuxia's family. It could sense a person's thoughts and even control his life.

Jiang Chuxia handed the pills to Ye Lu, "Take it. If you don't take it, you will die. Don't play any tricks."

The gun was right on his head, Ye Lu didn't dare to resist.

He trembled and took the pill. It melted in his mouth and flowed into his throat uncontrollably as if it were alive.

It's so silky smooth, there's no chance for him to do any tricks he wants!

"Boss, what is this?"

"A poison. I'll give you an antidote every week, otherwise—"

Jiang Chuxia smiled.

This smile made Ye Lu tremble all over. The human in front of him was not a human being. He was clearly a god of death!
"How did you recognize that I was human?"

Jiang Chuxia narrowed her eyes, the green leaves reflected in her golden pupils, cold and ruthless.

There is not much difference between orcs and humans. Judging from Ye Lu's previous behavior, he could guess that some orcs might look similar to humans, otherwise he would have recognized them long ago.

Instead, suddenly shouting that she is "human".

Life and death were in the hands of the female human in front of him. Ye Lu did not dare to make any mistakes. He pointed to the reflective dormant warehouse not far away and said: "That dormant warehouse, the Muka Empire found many humans in this kind of warehouse."

"Where are the humans discovered before?"

Ye Lu glanced at her and replied appropriately: "The official news is that they are all dead."

As the sky gradually darkened, Jiang Chuxia fired several shots at the dormant warehouse, but the dormant warehouse remained unscathed.

It is worthy of being called the strongest man-made object by human scientists.

Jiang Chuxia couldn't take such a big thing away, and leaving it behind would be a hidden danger. She ordered Ye Lu to dig a grave and bury the dormant warehouse.

And setting up a tombstone.

No normal person would dig someone else's grave!
Jiang Chuxia nodded with satisfaction.

She took a step forward and was about to walk towards the road, but was pulled by Ye Lu.

Staring at Jiang Chuxia's eyes that said, "If you can't give me a reason, just die", Ye Lu hesitated and said:
"You look too much like a female. If you go to the city, you will be caught and sold."

Before taking the poison, this dangerous human woman would have been able to celebrate for three days and three nights if Ye Lu was sold, but now he is the one with the poison.

What should he do if Jiang Chuxia is sold?
When Ye Lu said this, Jiang Chuxia immediately smeared dust and sand on her body and face. After a while, her fair and tender face turned black and ugly.

Jiang Chuxia then manually drew on her eyebrows and beard.

A clean little girl turned into a black male orc in an instant. Her own mother didn't recognize her as a girl even when she came.

Ye Lu, who had never seen the magic of makeup, was stunned when he saw this scene of transforming into a living person.

"What are you looking at? Lead the way."

"Yes, yes, boss!"

(End of this chapter)

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