Chapter 3 3. Distant Floating City
Capital Star—Floating City.
The floating city floating on the top of the capital star is shrouded in a transparent glass cover. Outside the glass is the cold air of high altitude, and inside the glass it is like spring all year round.

The rich people in the Muka Empire like to buy a piece of land in the floating city to prove that they are rich.

"Master~" Three identical white-haired, red-eyed, cute rabbit maid girls held hands and surrounded a big-bellied orc.

The pot-bellied orc held the female A-level triplets into his arms. He kissed the face of this one and touched the skin of the other one, just as he was about to have an in-depth communication with the three sisters.

StarNet made a sharp beep "beep beep--".

And he only gave a notification sound for "Ishun Garden"!

The pot-bellied orc was in disbelief at first, and then ecstatic. Under the continuous beeps, he roughly pushed away the triplets who were getting in the way.

The pot-bellied orcs were no exception. The other powerful orcs who received the forum prompts stopped what they were doing and opened the "Ishun Garden" forum in unison.

The forum is concise and clear. Most of the time, the homepage is blank and has two lines of large, dark red characters engraved on it.

"The [-]th dormant warehouse opened was detected"

"The human gender has been detected as female"

Two sentences made the forum silent for a second, and like boiling water, hundreds of comments popped up——

"Hahahahahaha, the last human! Still a female! God help me!"

"What's mine, no one can steal it from me!"

"Don't let another accident happen. Just like last time, you can get the wrong gender."

"It's okay if you have the wrong gender. At least you are alive. How many fossils have been found in "Ishun Garden"? Is this human female still breathing..."

"Guess whose family this little female will end up with?!"


The pot-bellied orc's eyes fell on the 'sleep warehouse' human and 'female', and his breath was hot.

He swiped at the star network for more than a dozen times before pressing his subordinate's phone number. As soon as he was connected, he ordered loudly: "Now, immediately, immediately, go to Star 44 to find a human woman for me!"

"Look for it! Look for me hard!"

"Name, citizen number."

"Yelv, I am Kuroto."

"Name, citizen number."

"Jiang Chuxia, I am also a gangster."

The medical staff took down the names of the two people without batting an eye. On Star 44, the most common people were those with no citizen numbers.

This earthquake was of great intensity, with constant aftershocks, and the small first aid station was filled with orcs.

The medical staff was so busy that they didn't even have time to look at the wounds on the two of them. Seeing some blood stains on their clothes, she handed Jiang Chuxia and the two a few bandages, a small bottle of disinfectant water and nutrient solution, and hurried to receive the next orc. .

Ye Lu asked the purple-skinned orc squatting next to them: "Why is someone suddenly taking care of us?"

It's not scientific.

You must know that a meteorite fell down on Planet 44, sinking a continent, killing and injuring hundreds of millions of people, and no one cared about it.

There are specialized medical staff to take care of a mere earthquake? ? ?

The purple-skinned orc didn't know what was going on with these rich people, "Maybe they are filming some charity film. I see there are many medical staff from the family."

Ye Lu raised his eyes and saw that it was indeed the case. The medical staff in this area all wore badges with different colors and symbols on their shoulders, representing different families.

Ye Lu glanced at it and saw no less than ten family crests with different colors and symbols.

These medical staff will also specially bring those female orcs with good looks, fair skin, and who look like they have been well-raised into a white room.

The moment the white room opened the door, with 5.0 vision, Ye Lu saw that there were various medical instruments and various high-tech items inside, which were completely different from the orcs like them who crowded into a large room and lived in Datongbu.

The female orcs were lying on a snow-white hospital bed. Special medical equipment was used to treat them. A robot stood beside the bed and faithfully recorded the treatment process.

It's really a public welfare film.

Ye Lu said 'bah', hypocritical and cunning.

The purple-skinned orc came over and said, "But I don't think they are doing charity. It is said that they are looking for an orc!"

"My dad's brother's friend said he was a very precious orc."

Ye Lu: "Why are the precious orcs here on this planet? The young master goes to the countryside for a physical examination to live in poverty?"

He looked left and right, but he didn't see his father Ye Lu. Jiang Chuxia, the vicious human woman who fed him poison, smelled the nutrient solution with great interest.

Leaf Green doesn’t understand why anyone would be interested in such a disgusting nutritional supplement.

But it's a good time.Ye Lu buried her head between her legs, pretending to rest, but in fact she was opening the star network in her mind.

Thanks to high technology, the Star Network can already be opened with thoughts.

Ye Lu dug out Ye Qing's phone number and left a message:
"Father! We are rich!!! I met a human woman, but she drugged me! Come and save me quickly!!! I am in XXXX"

Ye Lu was about to press send when he suddenly felt a chill on his head. He looked up and saw Jiang Chuxia staring at him with a smile.

Cherry's little mouth opened and closed: "What are you doing?"

"No, nothing!"

Ye Lu exited the Star Network in a panic.

His heart was throbbing, and the heart-rending pain filled his whole body. Ye Lu's whole body went limp, and he spat out a pool of blood with a 'Wow-' sound.

"What... what's going on here?"

Jiang Chuxia: "Oh, I forgot to tell you, this medicine has some magical powers. As long as you want to harm me, it will backfire."

Ye Lu held his hands full of blood, and the smell of blood quickly attracted the attention of the medical staff.

"what happened to you?"

"I, she -" Another pool of blood came out of Ye Lu's throat. He was trembling, and he no longer dared to test whether the magical power of this medicine was real. "Gene collapse, I have a bit of a genetic collapse!"


Planet 44 is full of people waiting to die due to genetic collapse. Even if Ye Lu's eyes were averted, the medical staff didn't think much and reached out to hand him an F-level gene collapse suppressing drug.

Even the lowest gene collapse inhibitory drug is worth 44 star coins on Planet [-], which ordinary people simply don't dare to think about.

Ye Lu took the first gene collapse inhibitor drug in her life with tears in her eyes.

With tears in his eyes, he looked for Jiang Chuxia, who had already left the rescue center.

They came to the rescue center just because Jiang Chuxia had no money, and Ye Lu had no money even more. The hungry two walked down the mountain and couldn't afford food when they came to the city. They heard that the rescue had free nutrient solution, so they came to get the nutrient solution.

Now that the goal was achieved, Jiang Chuxia had no scars on her body, so there was no need to stay at the rescue center.

She came to the city. It was 4500 years in the animal calendar, and science and technology were highly developed. The city that was in ruins last night stood up again overnight.

Except for the sad orcs on the road, it seemed like nothing happened here.

Jiang Chuxia wants to find a job.

As a healthy person, there was really no need for her to waste the medical resources of other orcs in the rescue center.

"Recruitment requirements: Enhanced abilities, E level and above"

"Recruitment requirements: Metal-type superpower, D level and above"

"...water power, level F and above"

"...Plant-type superpowers..."

Jiang has no special abilities in early summer: Discrimination against special abilities!This is ability discrimination!
The head recruiter shook his snow-white tail and asked with a smile: "Little brother, which one do you like? Hurry up. If it weren't for post-earthquake reconstruction, there wouldn't be so many orcs."

Jiang Chuxia: "You are recruiting all the workers with superpowers?"

The head recruiter opened his eyes wide and looked at Jiang Chuxia as if he were looking at a rare item. His voice raised three times: "You don't have any powers?!"

90.00% of the orcs have superpowers, so he wouldn't have encountered the 0.1%!
Jiang Chuxia nodded sadly.

The orc in front of him was dark-skinned, ugly, short, thin, ugly, and had no powers. The recruiter seemed to have seen his tragic past when he was born to an F-class female, had neither enough food nor clothing, and was often bullied by others.

Not only did he pity him, he said: "Sorry, which company wants people without superpowers nowadays? It is said that some people without superpowers will suddenly have superpowers. Go to the testing site and take the test again."

He pointed to a dark blue building not far away, "Go to the Galaxy Building. There is a very conspicuous black door there. Once you walk in, you can test your powers."

After saying that, the recruiter emphasized: "That's a power testing site held by the Yan family. It's free!"

"There are three opportunities to go to Hope Academy this year. As long as the ability reaches A level, you can get it. I don't know if anyone can hope to get it this year."

Hope Academy is one of the five major universities in the capital. It recruits students from all over the empire. It only accepts orcs with A-level abilities and above, and they also have to go through interviews, so the requirements are extremely high.

There are three quotas for Planet 44 every year, but they cannot be used up every year.

Most of the people living on Planet 44 are poor and backward orcs with bad genes. If you have a B-level superpower, you will see smoke rising from your ancestral graves.

The same person used this quota to go to Hope University last time.

This year is already halfway through, and I haven't heard of any children awakening B-level powers. A-level powers are unlikely to be available.

The recruiter shook his head and when he came back to his senses, he saw that Jiang Chuxia had left.

"Young people today are so impatient."

(End of this chapter)

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