Chapter 1 1. Help!I slept for 20 years!
Year 4300 of the Beast Calendar, Muka Empire, Star No. 44.

Planet No. 44 is located on the edge of the Muka Empire. There are only dim sand and stiff soil in its body, with a thin water source and a life that is struggling to survive.

It was once the home of humans and the origin of orcs, but all its glory turned to dust with history.

It is now one of the planets where the Muka Empire releases criminals and genetically corrupted poor orcs.



Ye Lu staggered towards Ye Qing and was submerged by the rolling gravel just a few steps away.

The largest mountain on Planet 44 rumbled and collapsed, crushing the broken houses.

Ye Qing stood sluggishly in front of the ruins. There were half of his life savings underneath. His child Ye Lu was trapped underneath, and his life and death were uncertain...

"Do you want to die? Run quickly, there will definitely be an earthquake later!"

"Children can be born again! If their lives are gone, they are really gone!"

The neighbor with rabbit ears grabbed Ye Qing and nimbly dodged the gravel falling from the sky.

"Yes, yes, yes... the child can still be born again! If his life is gone, he is really gone!"

Savings are precious, but father's love is even more valuable. If it's for life, both can be thrown away.

Ye Qing clenched his fists, looked back at the ruins, and said silently in his heart, son, when your father returns to the capital planet, I will build a golden coffin for you!
His eyes were red, and fiery red wings sprouted from his back.

The D-level ability "Flame Wings" is activated.

Three seconds later, Ye Qing followed his rabbit orc neighbor and left this dangerous place.

Rumble - boom - boom

The earthquakes are still continuing, and misfortunes never come singly. The mountains here are actually an active volcano!

Thick smoke curled up, and dark red magma spewed out like a fountain!

A huge stone was brought out of the magma cave.

It fell to the ground and cracked open, revealing a square 'coffin' inside the stone.

The 'coffin' is not a coffin, but a 'dormant warehouse' from 20 years ago.

In the crystal ice, there lay a lovely and beautiful girl. Under her thick black hair, Jiang Chuxia suddenly opened her golden eyes.

The dormant warehouse detected her awakening, the ice cubes surrounding her turned into mist, and the temperature inside the warehouse slowly changed to the outside temperature. After Jiang Chuxia adapted to the temperature, the dormant warehouse opened automatically.

The overwhelming sand smeared Jiang Chuxia's face, and the only yellow soil around was yellow mountains.

Jiang Chuxia blinked her eyes, unable to recognize where this was from Blue Star.

20 years ago, a meteorite as big as the moon suddenly appeared in the deep space of the universe and fell towards the earth at the speed of light.

If it falls on the earth, it will definitely cause the sixth mass extinction of life, with humans bearing the brunt.

But the technology at the time was not enough to smash the meteorite.

In order to continue the race, humans hastily built [-] 'sleep warehouses', which have enough space for one person to stay and store the information and some seeds of human civilization.

All the quotas for the 10 'dormant warehouses' were given to [-] boys and girls, and they were selected by drawing lots. Jiang Chuxia was one of the [-] people.

Carrying the fire of all mankind to the world 20 years later.

But now, 20 years away from the 1000-year deadline, she was awakened by a violent earthquake.

Jiang Chuxia climbed out of the dormant warehouse.

She saw landslides and ground cracks, and fiery red magma rolling down, melting everything in its path.

There was not a single plant or tree around, let alone any trace of human beings.

Humanity was eventually wiped out by that huge meteorite?
Jiang Chuxia thought of her relatives and friends, wondering which specks of dust their ashes had become in the world.

Before she could feel sad, she felt a warm hand covering her ankle.

Jiang Chuxia lowered her head and saw a gray-headed and gray-faced man crawling out of the pile of stones at his feet.

The man holding Jiang Chuxia's ankle had a pair of gray eyes and dark red skin. He crawled out of the pile of rocks with mottled blood on his face.

His breathing was heavy and suppressed, like a human being, more like a beast.

This is human!Humanity still exists!

Jiang Chuxia was overjoyed.

The man's eyes widened and he opened his mouth and said:
"Female, female?!"

"Oh my god! I actually saw a female!"

The man holding her ankle pinched his arm hard, leaving a deep black-purple bruise on the skin that was not white. He then touched his heart.

bang bang bang-

He is really alive.Only then did Ye Lu dare to believe that the beautiful orc in front of him, exuding a delicate scent, was a female!
It's not my imagination, she is really a living female!
Dad, he’s developed!I actually saw a female on Planet 44!
Oh, right!Where is his father?Ye Lu looked around, but there was no sign of Ye Qing.

whatever!His father is not as important as a female!
living!It can breathe!Looks like a human!This is definitely a high-end female!
In Jiang Chuxia's eyes, this person who behaves inexplicably is: female?What female?Are you calling me?

Jiang Chuxia tilted her head in confusion.Her long black hair, as black as eternal night, fell on her shoulders as she moved. Her skin, which had been in a dormant warehouse for nearly 20 years, was as pale as a vampire. Her body exuded the faint fragrance of night orchid, the source of the fragrance. It's perfume.

Ye Lu, who has lived on Star 44 since childhood, does not know what perfume is.

His ears were red and his heart was beating at the strong smell of body fragrance, which further confirmed that the beautiful orc in front of him must be a high-end female.

Only the legendary high-end females can emit good body fragrance!
This is definitely an expensive, delicate, at least A-level high-end female!Possibly even a viviparous female!
I just don’t know why such a precious female appears on Planet 44. Isn’t Planet 44 a large garbage dump?

Whether it is garbage in the physical sense or garbage in the spiritual sense.

How irresponsible her husbands are!

The beautiful senior female opened her round, gilded eyes and looked at herself like a cat, seeming to be very shocked by her existence.

The faint fragrance floated in his nose, like the most powerful estrus drug in the world, making Ye Lu's face turn red.

Want to touch her, possess her, become her new husband.

The hard stone on the ground pierced his knee, and Ye Lu woke up from the sting.

On Planet 44, which is full of evil people, he is so poor that he cannot afford to raise, let alone keep, a high-class female.

But by selling her, he can leave Planet 44, change his class, and go to the breeding base to buy many females to see if the females miss me. They are as delicious as my father said when he bragged...

Enjoying the bright future, Ye Lu licked his alveolus and held Jiang Chuxia's ankles with both hands, fearing that this living money would run away in the blink of an eye.

The strange man's touch was like a pervert. Jiang Chuxia frowned and stepped on Ye Lu's hand.

just heard

click - click -

Yelu's finger bones made a sound, as if someone had stepped on them and broken them? ? ?
Jiang Chuxia:(〃′o`)
Can fingers be so fragile?She didn't use any force at all!Done!On her first day in the future, she stepped on future humans and broke their bones!

Jiang Chuxia was calm on the outside but trembling on the inside. She was already thinking about how to apologize in order to save the precarious relationship with future humans——

"Little female, you are so healthy."

Not as angry as expected, the person she crushed on held up her foot obsessively, "Does your foot hurt?"

Jiang Chuxia:? ? ?

This man... must be mentally ill!

Jiang Chuxia moved away.

This man with dark red skin, wearing animal skin clothes, and a somewhat sick behavior got up from the ground and said:
"Little female, where are your husbands?"

Female, female, will human civilization 20 years later call people female to their faces?

This made Jiang Chuxia feel that there was no difference between herself and animals, but humans were originally animals and women were originally females.

Jiang Chuxia didn't think much about it. She was more concerned about polyandry in the future?

That's what she thought, and that's how she asked.

"That's right. A high-class female like you must be owned by a noble and has only one husband. Little female, where is your husband? How could he leave you alone in such a dangerous place?"

"Is he not here?"

Planet No. 44 was originally a planet abandoned by the Muka Empire. The orcs who would appear here were either criminals or orcs with genetic collapse.

I don’t know what kind of husband the high-level female in front of me belongs to.

However, if a precious female is left in such a dangerous place, the husband is probably dead.

Thinking of this, Yelu happily shook the three red tails on his back.

...a red fluffy tail?

Jiang Chuxia was surprised, "You have a tail?!"

"Of course, I have fox genes, little female, you can touch her if you like~"

Ye Lu brought his tail close to Jiang Chuxia. The fiery red tail instantly swelled up like a dandelion and gently swept across Jiang Chuxia's face.

A great feeling of satisfaction welled up in my heart. So is this what it feels like to be watched by a high-level female?It’s completely different from being looked at by a low-level female!
Ye Lu's heart was filled with ups and downs, and he stared greedily at the female's snow-white skin.

Want, want, want to possess her.

Although he can't keep such a high-level female, if he only has it for a short time, it's still okay——

Ye Lu licked his gums, stretched out his arms, and walked towards Jiang Chuxia step by step.

"Little female, what's your name? How about you go home with your brother? He will find you a new husband."

(End of this chapter)

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