Mysterious I came a billion years later

Chapter 2003 Whose Problem Is

Chapter 2003 Whose Problem Is

If there is a problem with Zhao Linxin's Treasure Pavilion, then Lin Tian will definitely get to the bottom of it.

Whose problem is it, then whoever has to take responsibility is what Lin Tian has always felt.

Now Lin Tian went to Jubao Pavilion, and then asked the front desk manager of Jubao Pavilion: "Is Zhao Linxin here?"

"Do you have anything to do with our boss?"

"Well, of course something happened. If she is here, then let her come out to see me quickly."

"Hey, why are you so angry?"

When Lin Tian came here, Zhao Linxin had actually heard Lin Tian's words.

She walked out of the backyard unhurriedly, and then asked: "What's the matter with you? You're so anxious. Can't you just say it slowly now?"

"Zhao Linxin, I heard that Shui Linglong took a batch of goods from you, but there are some quality problems with the goods, but you don't admit it, do you?"

"I knew you would come to me because of this matter, but if you say that I have nothing to do with this matter, would you believe it?"

"You said you have nothing to do with this matter?"

Lin Tian was a little confused now, thinking that Shui Linglong told him that her batch of goods came from Jubao Pavilion, but why did Zhao Linxin say at this moment that this matter had nothing to do with her?

"Okay, what are the specific things? Can you tell me in detail?"

At this time, Zhao Linxin said: "Actually, Shui Linglong took a batch of goods from me, but this batch of goods was in good condition when she took it away, but after a few days, she said that the batch of goods It is corroded now, but how do I know how that batch of goods was corroded?"

"The goods are corroded?"

"Yes, but the goods placed in our treasure collection pavilion are absolutely not corroded. If you don't believe it, then you can come with me and have a look."

Then Zhao Linxin took Lin Tian to the warehouse at the back, and said: "Look, this is the same batch of goods she took from me, but the goods we have here are all good, not bad at all." It’s not corroded, but why are the goods corroded when they arrive at her place? I guess it must be a leak in her warehouse, so it’s corroded.”

Lin Tian checked it carefully and found that the goods here were all in good quality and had not been corroded at all. If what she said was true, could it be that the one with the problem was really Shui Linglong?

"Don't be angry. I am also here to investigate this matter. If you think the problem in this matter does not lie with you, then I will go find Shui Linglong and ask clearly."

"Okay, Lin Tian, ​​you must be on my side anyway. You know, in fact, I have always admired you in my heart."

"Cough cough."

Lin Tian coughed at this time and felt a little embarrassed. As for admiration, he felt that it was completely unnecessary for him to be admired by others, because he was not noble enough to be admired by others.

After leaving the Treasure Collection Pavilion, Lin Tian sighed. He originally thought that the root of the problem was the Treasure Collection Pavilion, but he didn't expect that things were not as simple as he thought at this time!

So Lin Tian then went to Wanbao Pavilion opposite. "Shui Linglong."

Lin Tian found Shui Linglong and explained the matter to her, but Shui Linglong said: "How is it possible? How can the same goods be fine if they are placed in her warehouse, but they will corrode if they are placed in my warehouse? It's over, Lin Tian, ​​come with me."

She dragged Lin Tian to her warehouse. After the warehouse was opened, Lin Tian smelled a musty smell inside and said, "The musty smell here is really strong!"

"That's right, the batch she gave me is now moldy and spoiled."

Lin Tian came to the side of the batch of goods. He took a look at this time and saw signs of mold and spoilage in this batch of goods. Although the moldy spoilage was not too severe, the overall smell was really... Very strong.

Although it has just become moldy now, because the warehouse is airtight, if it continues like this, it will deteriorate even more.

"How can it be like this?"

Lin Tian felt that someone between the two of them was lying?
But based on Lin Tian's own understanding, this should be impossible!

After careful inspection, Lin Tian discovered that the goods here did smell moldy and rotten, but why were the same goods in good condition in the Jubao Pavilion warehouse?

Lin Tian felt that there was something fishy about this matter, so he asked: "Shui Linglong, I have been to Jubao Pavilion just now, but none of the goods in her warehouse are moldy."

"Really? Then what happened to the goods I have here? Why are they all moldy and spoiled?"

"I feel there is something strange about this matter, otherwise I would investigate it carefully now and then tell you!"

"Then you must investigate carefully, and I must also figure this matter out."

She is also in a very anxious mood now, feeling that she must figure this matter out quickly. If she doesn't figure this out quickly, then she will definitely feel very anxious in her heart.

Because this batch of goods is very expensive, if the losses are unclear, she will be responsible for them.

Lin Tian began to investigate this matter, but after two days of investigation, there was still no result. So in the end, Lin Tian suddenly thought of a way, that is, to get the same goods from Jubao Pavilion to Wanbao Pavilion. Let's take a look and see if there are any changes?
If there are the same changes this time, it means that there is really something wrong with the warehouse of Wanbao Pavilion. But if there is no change, then the problem appears in Jubao Pavilion.

Just do what he said, Lin Tian came to Jubao Pavilion at this time, and then said to Zhao Linxin: "Can you give her another batch of goods?"

"Do you still want to give her a batch of goods? That's fine, as long as she gives you money."

"Of course there is no problem with money, but the premise is that there is no problem with your goods."

"How could I possibly cause problems with the goods? Lin Tian, ​​haven't you always believed in me? But now you actually doubt me?"

Lin Tian smiled. He had no doubts about Zhao Linxin. He just wanted to figure things out at this time.

(End of this chapter)

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