Chapter 2002
On the one hand, Master Yunmeng joined the Tianbao Holy Sect because she actually wanted to use Lin Tian to deal with Shi Xingshan. On the other hand, she also heard about the Tianxing Stone.

This Sky Star Stone is a sacred object of the Tianbao Holy Sect, and there must be countless people who want to get it.

She also wanted to get the Sky Star Stone before, and felt that if she could get the Sky Star Stone, her cultivation would be improved even more.

But now looking at this grand welcome banquet, she suddenly felt hesitant in her heart.

He doubted whether what he had done before was correct. If he said that what he had done was correct, then he would be deeply sorry for himself.

"Forget it, let's settle down here first."

Master Yunmeng knew that since she was already here, it was useless to regret it at this time. All she had to do was to stay here first and make her own plans later.

The banquet lasted for a whole night. Although everyone was very enthusiastic, the lonely and arrogant layman Yunmeng did not show much happiness.

Lin Tian drank a lot of wine at the banquet. Because Tianbao Holy Sect had another monk with the most holy cultivation, he naturally felt very happy in his heart.

The next morning, Lin Tian climbed up from the bed. At this time, he rubbed his sleepy eyes. Xiao Xiner next to him said to him, "Why don't you sleep a little longer?"

"No, today is the first day that Master Yunmeng officially comes to our Tianbao Holy Sect. No matter what, I have to go and take a look."

"You work so hard, can she understand it?"

"Whether she can understand it or not, I can do it myself anyway."

That's right, Lin Tian feels that there are some things that even if he has paid a lot, he does not need others' understanding. Anyway, if he can do his best, that is a great thing.

Going outside the room of layman Yunmeng, Lin Tian saw that she was already practicing swordsmanship outside the room.

Lin Tian felt that she got up too early, actually getting up earlier than him.

So at this moment, Lin Tian walked towards Master Yunmeng, looked at her and asked, "Are you still getting used to everything?"

"This place is quite nice and suitable for my training, but I just don't know what I, as an elder, can do for the sect now. After all, I, as an elder, shouldn't be a sinner, right?"

"That's not true. How could you, an elder, be a sinecure?"

Lin Tian thought to himself that the layman Yunmeng had really confused him all of a sudden. When the Diming Holy Ancestor asked her to be an elder, he didn't ask her to do anything!

At this moment, Lin Tian smiled and said: "Well, I will ask Diming Holy Ancestor later and ask her to assign specific responsibilities to you."

"Okay, Lin Tian, ​​to be honest, I would like to thank you very much. If it weren't for you, I don't think I would have come to Tianbao Holy Sect so easily."

"You are in control of all this. If you want to come to Tianbao Holy Sect, no one can stop you, not even me. It is also an honor for our Tianbao Holy Sect that you can join our Tianbao Holy Sect."

"You're pretty good at talking."

Layman Yunmeng smiled faintly, but now he showed a charming smile.

Lin Tian didn't expect her to be so beautiful when she smiled. Now he looked at her and said, "How can I speak anymore? I just tell the truth. If there is nothing else, then I will leave first."

Lin Tian felt that staying here would only increase his embarrassment. After all, she was a beautiful woman, and Lin Tian had always been reluctant to speak when he saw beautiful women.So now Lin Tian left the courtyard where she lived and found the Diming Saint Ancestor.

Saint Ancestor Di Ming saw Lin Tian coming at this moment, and asked: "What can you do, brother Lin Tian, ​​for coming to me so early."

"It's still a matter of layperson Yunmeng. If you let her be the elder, what exactly will she be responsible for?"

"Well, I haven't thought about this clearly yet."

Lin Tian heard him say that he hadn't thought about this matter clearly yet, so he asked at this moment: "What are you talking about? You haven't thought about this clearly yet? How is it possible? This matter is so important, why don't you think about it carefully?" Have you thought clearly?"

"Okay, I was happy yesterday, so there are some things I didn't think about, otherwise so be it. Anyway, you are the one who really calls the shots in our Tianbao Holy Sect. You can figure it out yourself!"

Lin Tian really felt a little speechless and asked: "What are you talking about? The person who calls the shots in the Tianbao Holy Sect has never been me. Don't say nonsense that the person who calls the shots here has always been me. "

You must know that Lin Tian doesn't like to do things like taking the blame. He doesn't want to become a scapegoat.

The Diming Holy Ancestor would say this to Lin Tian, ​​which undoubtedly means that the Diming Holy Ancestor also felt that the Yunmeng layman might just pretend to join the Tianbao Holy Sect, and she had her own agenda.

If Master Yunmeng really had his own agenda for joining Tianbao Holy Sect, then Holy Ancestor Diming could pass the blame to Lin Tian, ​​saying that it was Lin Tian's idea that Master Yunmeng joined Tianbao Holy Sect.

Now Lin Tian is not willing to be the possible scapegoat, because he doesn't like taking the blame at all.

After chatting with Holy Ancestor Di Ming for a while, Lin Tian went back and told the layman Yunmeng that her elder's duty was to be responsible for law enforcement.

Tianbao Shengzong is a large sect. Many disciples in this large sect will make mistakes, and when mistakes are made, there will be people who enforce the law. Now Lin Tian has asked her to be responsible for enforcing the law.

In other words, she is now a law enforcement elder.

"You are a law enforcement elder from now on. Do you have any questions?"

When layman Yunmeng heard that he was asked to be a law enforcement elder, he asked: "Well, does it mean that whoever makes a mistake will be punished?"

"Yes, that's what it means."

"Then I understand!"

"If you need anything else, just let me know."

"There is nothing needed for now."

Master Yunmeng continued to practice his sword, while Lin Tian went to Shui Linglong's place.

Recently, Shui Linglong's Wanbao Pavilion and Zhao Linxin's Jubao Pavilion have been cooperating very well, but something suddenly happened yesterday, which seemed to create some gap between the two families.

That's because Wanbao Pavilion purchased a batch of goods from Zhao Linxin, but there was some problem with that batch of goods, but now Zhao Linxin does not admit that there was a problem with that batch of goods when it entered Wanbao Pavilion.

Lin Tian hasn't figured out the specific thing yet, and now he must conduct an investigation.

(End of this chapter)

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