Chapter 2004 Guiding Light
"I don't doubt your intentions, but I have to figure this out, so now I want to do an experiment, and I hope you will cooperate with me."

Zhao Linxin knew what Lin Tian meant and said, "Okay then, after the money arrives, you can pick up the goods from my warehouse!"

Lin Tian then asked Shui Linglong again to follow the last process and import a batch of the same goods from Jubao Pavilion.

The goods are the same, and Shui Linglong carefully inspected them when they left the warehouse, and there were no problems at all.

"Shui Linglong, you have to see it clearly. This time you have to check it yourself. There is no problem with the goods coming in from me, right?"

"That's right, the goods I imported from you are indeed without any problems at all!"

Shui Linglong didn't bother to wrongly accuse others. Since Lin Tian was going to do this experiment, she would cooperate with this experiment at this time.

She knew that this matter was definitely not her problem, so since it was not her problem, it must be the other person's problem.

But what she thought seemed to be a little too simple, because two days later, she found that the new batch of goods entering the warehouse did not have any signs of mold.

Lin Tian also felt strange. In other words, there was no problem with the warehouse. There was no leakage or moisture in the warehouse, but why did the previous batch of goods become moldy and spoiled?
"Shui Linglong, is it possible that you didn't take care of the goods last time?"

"How is that possible? Are you doubting what I said?"

"I don't doubt what you mean, I'm just raising a possibility. Now think about it carefully, is there such a possibility as I mentioned?"

"The possibility you mentioned is not possible at all. Look how good my warehouse is. The last time the goods became moldy, it was not caused by poor storage of my warehouse."

"Well, I believe you."

Lin Tian saw that she was very angry at this time, so he thought that if he angered her, then they might not be friends.

He didn't want them to be friends. You must know that the relationship between the two of them was very good before.

Since the relationship between them is very good, at this time, he naturally does not want the relationship between the two to become rigid because of this trivial matter.

No matter what, he felt that he must investigate this matter clearly. If he did not investigate this matter clearly, then there would be a knot in his heart.

And this pimple will make him feel very unhappy.

"I will definitely investigate this matter clearly. I don't believe I can't find out what the reason is."

In the next few days, Lin Tian continued to investigate, and finally felt that he had some clues.

After Lin Tian's investigation, he felt that the most likely thing about this matter was that these goods were switched after they came out of the Jubao Pavilion.

Because according to Lin Tian's investigation, the goods were indeed in good condition when they came out of the Jubao Pavilion, but soon after entering the Wanbao Pavilion, they suddenly discovered that they were moldy.

Isn't this a package swap?

Or there is another possibility, that is, someone deliberately sabotaged it. Which possibility is closer to the truth? He feels that he has to go to the old man of Tianshu to find out about this matter.

He is a very wise person. If there are many things that Lin Tian can't figure out, he will ask him. He will also answer Lin Tian and make Lin Tian feel satisfied. "Master, what do you think of this matter?"

After hearing Lin Tian explain the whole process, Old Man Tianshu said with a smile: "Well, this matter is actually very simple. Whether the goods were dropped or someone deliberately sabotaged it, there is actually only one way to do it. People who can do it are the people inside Wanbao Pavilion."

"People inside Wanbao Pavilion?"

"Yes, only people inside Wanbao Pavilion can freely enter the warehouse of Wanbao Pavilion, what do you think? So if you want to investigate, you must investigate from within Wanbao Pavilion."

It was like a child who had been thinking for a long time suddenly realized something. Lin Tian immediately understood something. Yes, if you want to investigate clearly, you must investigate from within Wanbao Pavilion.

"Thank you master."

"You don't have to be polite to me. If you have time, come to my place often, then I will feel very happy!"

"I'm really sorry, Master, I haven't come to you for a long time, but I also want to come to you, but I've been very busy recently!"

"I know you are very busy. If you are not busy, you can come to my place again. You are welcome here anytime, anywhere!"

Lin Tian felt that he was really happy in his heart. With such a master, he felt as if he had a guiding light in his life.

He can now ask his master many questions that he doesn't understand. Now he knows how to go about investigating this matter.

After a while, Lin Tian returned to Wanbao Pavilion, and then said to Shui Linglong: "I suspect that someone in your store did this."

"What, it was done by people in my store. What do you mean? Do you think there is an insider in my store?"

"Yes, someone deliberately damaged that batch of goods. I just went to the warehouse again and found that there were traces of water stains on that batch of goods. In other words, someone deliberately damaged that batch of goods. Spraying water on the goods will cause the goods to become moldy quickly."

"Are you sure you're not mistaken?"

"I'm sure I'm not mistaken. This matter seems to be getting closer to the truth at this time."

"Who did this? Who has such hatred for me?"

Lin Tian now comforted her and said, "Don't do this anymore. Who was responsible for taking care of the warehouse during those days?"

"It's Butler Wang, but although Butler Wang is in charge of the warehouse, I believe this matter was not done by Butler Wang. After all, Butler Wang has been with me for many years. How could he do such a thing?"

"Then besides Butler Wang, who else can enter the warehouse?"

"By the way, I remembered that Qiu Ju, who is usually responsible for cleaning, can enter here. Could it be Qiu Ju who did this?"

"Qiu Ju?"

Shui Linglong thought that Qiu Ju might have done this, and immediately sent people to find Qiu Ju.

(End of this chapter)

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