Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 223 Shizunobu Muroi’s resistance, the real murderer

Chapter 223 Shizunobu Muroi’s resistance, the real murderer

The real murderer?

Hearing Moriarty say this about him, Muroi Shizun's brows frowned deeply involuntarily, but at the same time, an indescribable emotion seemed to be swirling in his heart.

"Why do you say that? Did I do something?"

Moriarty chuckled a few times at Shizunobu Muroi's doubts, and then said:

"I'm sorry, I'm not a detective who is good at solving problems. The following content is just my unfounded speculation. Please just listen to it."

After finishing speaking, he began to talk eloquently.

"Actually, I started to notice you after you expressed your thoughts on the existence of ghouls."

"Because your words and actions are too contradictory."


Muroi Shizhin didn't speak, but his eyes showed doubts when he looked at Moriah.

Moriarty continued:

"You have been running around to collect information about the ghouls, and you almost found the hiding place of the ghouls in the village; but on the other side, after realizing the existence of the ghouls, you chose not to report it."

"You think that the zombies can only survive by sucking human blood, so killing is understandable; but on the other hand, regarding Dr. Ozaki's resistance, you feel that humans, as the attacked, have no power to punish them. "

"To sum up these two points, most people probably think that you are a stupid and hopeless idealist, a traitor to mankind, a lackey of the zombies, etc."

"What do you think, Mr. Muroi?"


After a moment of silence, Muroi Shizhin sighed quietly and said:

"Actually, I don't know what I'm thinking, but I do feel pity for the sand."

"That kind of existence is really too sad."


Moriarty was noncommittal about Shizunobu Muroi's thoughts, he smiled and said:

"It's just that in addition to these emotions, you seem to have some thoughts that you haven't even noticed."

"for example--"

"Wanting to destroy the outfield village or something."


The moment Moriarty finished speaking, Muroi Shizunobu's eyes widened and his pupils trembled slightly, seemingly in disbelief at his conclusion.

Me, want to destroy the outfield village?

Shizunobu Muroi's first reaction was that he thought this statement was extremely ridiculous, but for some reason, his rebuttal was stuck in his throat and he could not speak for a long time.

I. Want to destroy the outfield village?

Seeing his unbelievable look that revealed a bit of confusion, Moriarty raised the corners of his mouth slightly and talked about another thing.

"I heard Dr. Ozaki say that you and he both went to college and were prepared to live outside. It was only because we needed to inherit the family business that we had to return to the Outfield Village."

Having said this, Moriarty paused for a moment, chuckled a few times again, and continued:

"However, Dr. Ozaki doesn't seem to like his family's hospital, and even regards it as a cage to imprison him. However, in order to rely on all the villagers of Ozaki Hospital and his integrity as a doctor, he has to return to Waiba Village to inherit the family business .”

"And he chose to deliberately wear a T-shirt and jeans under a white coat. He had a sad stubble and didn't take care of his sideburns and bangs in time, giving people a sloppy look."

"Thanks to this, it seems that many villagers think that he is not as good as his father."

"This is his way of expressing his inner resistance."


Shizunobu Muroi didn't speak, but he recognized Moriarty's speech in his heart.

As a good friend of Ozaki Toshio, he had complained to him about these things more than once before, so he understood that what the other person said was true.     But, what does this have to do with him?

The questions that had just arisen in Shizuo Muroi's confidence were quickly answered, because after briefly describing Ozaki Toshio's situation, Moriarty brought the topic back to him and said with a smile:

"You also returned to the village to inherit the family business, but you behaved very differently from Dr. Ozaki."

"According to what Dr. Ozaki said, you don't seem to be opposed to this."

"From the day you returned to the village, you seemed to have completely adapted to your role as the host of Bodhi Temple. Your words and deeds perfectly met the expectations of the villagers, so you quickly took over your father's job and became the next host. "


Shizunobu Muroi remained silent. As Moriarty said, he did all this to cater to the expectations of the villagers, but——


Moriarty suddenly changed the topic, raised the corner of his mouth slightly, and said with a smile:

"I think you and Dr. Ozaki have a lot in common."

“For example, resistance to outfield villages.”


Shizunobu Muroi's expression suddenly froze, and he couldn't help but look at Moriarty again, his eyes full of fear.

He always felt that the man in front of him seemed to have the strange ability to see through people's hearts. Even the deepest thoughts he had never told anyone, were revealed so easily by the other party.

"It was actually a no-brainer for me."

As if reading his mind again, Moriarty smiled and spread his hands:

"During this time with you, whether it was facing us or the villagers we met along the way, you always had that calm, indifferent and distant expression. It was so obvious. Nothing more than a camouflage mask.”

"And when you were talking about the villagers' problems with Miss Nanfang Rizhe, I got a little glimpse of the true face behind that mask."

"in addition,"

Moriarty took out his mobile phone, shook it, and said with a smile:

"I just lied to Dr. Ozaki that I was reading a mathematics journal, but in fact, I browsed your novel on my mobile phone. The theme basically tells the story of 'people abandoned by God'."

"It seems like you think you are one of the 'outcasts'."


Muroi Shizhin fell silent again, lowered his head slightly, hiding his face in the shadows, so that no one could see the expression on his face clearly.

However, Moriarty didn't pay attention to his reaction. He stretched out a finger and said interestingly:

"At this point, I got a very interesting guess."

"You had to return to Waichang Village in order to inherit the family business. In your heart, you still yearn for the outside world, and you regard your family's business and Waichang Village as your own prison."

"You have a gentle personality and cannot openly resist the expectations of your family and villagers, so you can only put on a mask for yourself, play the role of an excellent host conscientiously, and even deceive everyone in the village."

"However, you have never reconciled with the village in your heart, but because you do not have the courage and means to resist, you can only record the anguish and lament in your heart through novels."

"At this moment, Kirashiki Sako, who was attracted by your novel and came to the village, appeared in front of you."

"You had a very pleasant conversation, and even though you learned Kirigashiki's true identity, you sympathized with Kirigushiko's experience because you saw a trace of yourself in her, so you chose to help her hide her identity."

"Not only that, the appearance of the other party also gave you a glimpse of a turning point, a turning point of liberating yourself from the village."

"Therefore, longing for freedom, you chose to let the other party act, and even unconsciously favored the other party, hoping that the other party could completely destroy the outer field village and liberate you from the cage."

Moriarty looked at Shizhin Muroi, who was becoming increasingly silent, and smiled:

"Do you think I'm right?"

 Chapter 2 will probably be posted later today. I probably won’t have time to catch up in the next few days. Sorry.



(End of this chapter)

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