Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 222 The end, the hidden real murderer?

Chapter 222 The end, the hidden real murderer?

When mentioning Xuanzang Tripitaka of Chaldea, people always think of the amazingly powerful treasure she exerted through the power of Buddha Sakyamuni.

However, as Master Tripitaka who has overcome the eighty-one difficulties, successfully obtained the true scriptures from Tianzhu, and became the Chan Tan Merit Buddha, there is no doubt about her attainments in Buddhism.

Therefore, the salvation Fujimaru Ritsuka entrusted to Xuanzang Sanzang was naturally a salvation in the true sense, rather than some physical salvation.

Of course, Sanzang was the expert in this area, and if she felt that physical transcendence was better, she had no objection.

This was what she was thinking about, the best way to deal with the Kirishiki family and the ghouls.

Therefore, Fujimaru Ritsuka first briefly explained the current situation to Xuanzang Sanzang.

After listening, she looked at Kirishiki's family again, with a look of compassion in her eyes, and then nodded without hesitation:

"I understand, leave this matter to me."

After confirming her mission, she looked at Shizhin Muroi, who was standing silently in the crowd, and her eyes suddenly lit up. She stepped forward with a smile and invited:

"Host, are you willing to conduct this ritual with me?"


Faced with the sudden invitation, Muroi Shizhin was a little stunned, and there was obviously still unspeakable entanglement and hesitation in his expression.

However, at this moment, Kirigushiko suddenly spoke:

"Please help me, Mr. Muroi."


Muroi Shizunobu looked at Kirigiri Sako in surprise. At this time, she had gradually calmed down and just sighed sadly:

"I've had enough of hiding in human society. Since my plan has failed, if I can escape like this, it might be a good choice."

"And it would be great if Mr. Muroi could perform rituals for me."

Having said this, she looked at Muroi Shizhin, barely smiled and said:

"After all, I am a loyal fan of your books."


Muroi Shizhin looked at her blankly. After a while, he slowly closed his eyes as if he had made up his mind, sighed and nodded:

"I understand."

So a simple but not simple salvation ritual was carried out in the Kirishiki family. Xuanzang Tripitaka and Muroi Shizhin chanted scriptures to save the corpses.

Before the ritual began, Tatsumi asked Fujimaru Ritsuka once more:

"So, who are you? Where are you from?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka replied:

"My name is Fujimaru Ritsuka, and I am the Master from Phoenix Chaldea, a human survival organization."

"Humanity Continuity Guarantee Organization. Master"

Tatsumi murmured these two terms, then he thought of something, shook his head and said with a smile:

"It's really weird."

On the other side, the mission of Fujimaru Ritsuka and others is not over yet.

Although the Kirishiki family had just arrived in Soba Village, they knew that Shimizu Megumi was not the only villager they had transformed into a ghoul so far. Next, they needed to bring all the other ghouls in the village here.

Now they have found it. In terms of pure combat power, ghouls are not much higher than humans, so this is not a difficult task. Coupled with the information proactively provided by Tatsumi, they soon found all the ghouls. .

The rituals of Xuanzang Tripitaka and Muroi Shigenobu also went very smoothly, but the effect was so good that it shocked Ozaki Toshio and other ordinary people, including Shizunobu Muroi who performed the rituals together.

Shizunobu Muroi has also done many rituals to save the dead before, but even he thinks that saving the dead is more of a comfort to the living, but he has never experienced a true salvation ritual.

Needless to say, the corpse ghost was originally resurrected as the dead. Under Xuanzang's chanting of sutras, he walked into his death peacefully, just like an old man who had died. Among them, the body of Kirigiri Sako was directly turned into fly ash, as if it had never existed.

Even the human wolf, which is the perfect evolution of the ghoul, cannot avoid it. However, perhaps seeing the death of Kirigashiko, Tatsumi and Kurahashi Yoshie were willing to follow her and leave, thus actively bringing about their own end.

It was not only Tatsumi and Kurahashi Yoshie who made such a choice, but also the only human member of the Kirishiki family, Kirishiki Masashiro.

Kirishiki Masashiro was born into a prominent family, but his father was a vicious man with a human face and an animal heart.

He hated his parents, but was unable to do so due to the order of human society, so he turned to Kirigiri Sako and others to kill his parents with the help of Kirijiki Chizuru, and received all his property as reward.

Although he is a human being, he believes that Kirigushiko can realize his ideals and chooses to follow her, providing money, information and blood to Kirigushiko.

However, because he discovered that his dead parents had not been transformed into ghouls, he knew that the chance of resurrection was very low, and he did not have the courage to face death, so he chose to continue to be a human being as a collaborator of ghouls.

But at first he was afraid of facing death without transforming, but in this situation now, he chose to commit suicide and follow Kirigashiki Sako.

As a result, as the ritual ceremony came to an end, the mysterious murder case of Kirishiki's family, which caused the villagers to die one after another in Waiba Village, and intended to occupy the entire Waiba Village as a ghoul stronghold, came to an end.

At this time, the moon was still hanging high in the night sky, and the village was quiet, with only a few rustling insects heard. It was no different from the remote, peaceful, and old village in the past.

Except for a few people present, no one else knew what happened that night.

After the ritual was over, Shizunobu Muroi looked at the place where Kirigiri Sand once existed with a sense of disappointment, without saying a word.

"Jingxin, 伱.!"

Seeing him like this, Ozaki Toshio was furious, but there was nothing he could do.

At this time, Xuanzang Sanzang became full of energy again, and gave a victory gesture to Fujimaru Ritsuka with a smile on his face.

"Smoothly done!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka also praised her without hesitation:

"I knew Master Xuanzang was the most powerful!"


After receiving the compliment, the smile on Xuanzang Sanzang's face became even brighter, and his happiness was beyond words.

The incident was resolved satisfactorily. Fujimaru Ritsuka looked up at the moon above her head and couldn't help but yawned widely. A wave of sleepiness filled her heart.

"Ha--I can finally sleep."

Hearing this, Ozaki Toshio also temporarily gave up persuading Muroi Shizunobu and invited everyone to go to his house to rest.

Since they have been running the only hospital in Soba Village for generations, the Ozaki family can be said to be a prominent family in the village. The house they live in is also quite spacious and elegant, more than enough to accommodate Fujimaru Ritsuka and his party.

"Well, that's going to be troublesome!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka did not refuse, and agreed with a smile, so everyone followed Ozaki Toshio and left. In the end, only Shizunobu Muroi was left, still standing quietly, as if in mourning.


"Mr. Muroi, can we talk?"

A voice with a smile suddenly sounded beside him. Muroi Shizunobu looked over unexpectedly and saw Moriarty, who had originally left with Fujimaru Ritsuka and others, suddenly left and returned for unknown reasons.

Shizhin Muroi frowned slightly and said:

"Excuse me, what do you want to talk about?"

Moriarty raised the corner of his mouth slightly and smiled:

"Talk about you as a real murderer."

 Damn it, I’m late!



(End of this chapter)

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