Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 224 Xuanzang’s mission and reward before leaving

Chapter 224 Xuanzang’s mission and reward before leaving

Since they were busy until late last night, Fujimaru Ritsuka and others stayed at Ozaki Toshio's house at the invitation of Ozaki Toshio. Fujimaru Ritsuka immediately fell into a deep sleep, and when he woke up the next day, it was already close to noon.

After a brief wash, Fujimaru Ritsuka came to the living room and saw Mashu, Haihara Ai and Xuanzang Sanzang sitting together. Xuanzang Sanzang was actively promoting and explaining Buddhism to the two of them.

What is a bit surprising is that not only Mashu, but also Haihara Ai listened very seriously, nodding from time to time, looking like a good student.

Moriarty sat reading a book not far from the three of them, undisturbed, quiet and elegant.

But apart from them, Minami Hizuru and Ozaki Toshio were not seen.

"Good morning, everyone."

"Senior, good morning!"

"Good morning, Ritsuka-sama."


"Good morning, Ritsuka, but let me tell you, it's almost noon now, right?"

Responses came one after another. After the greetings, Fujimaru Ritsuka asked curiously:

"Speaking of which, where are the others?"

Moriarty smiled and replied:

"Dr. Ozaki has already gone to the hospital. Ms. Hizuru is probably still sleeping."

Hearing this, Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded clearly.

Ozaki Toshio needless to say, as for Minami Hizuru, after solving the ghoul incident last night, she suddenly said that she was inspired to write, and then she took out her notebook and pen as if no one else was around and started writing crazily, until they were in Ozaki It didn't stop even when the Toshio family settled in and got ready for bed.

Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't know when the other party fell asleep.

"Senior, are you hungry? There is some breakfast in the kitchen. I will heat it up for you."

Saying this, Mashu stood up and prepared to go to the kitchen. Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled happily and said:

"Thank you, Matthew."

At the same time, Xuanzang Sanzang also stood up, walked to her, and said with a smile:

"You're awake, how was your rest last night?"

"I was supposed to return to Chaldea after solving the problem last night, but I still have some things to do before leaving. I just saw that you were too tired last night, so I waited until now."

"Now that you've woken up, I'm going to get down to business."

Hearing this, she asked curiously:

"What is it?"

"It's nothing, it's just that little Da Vinci hopes that you will take the initiative to contact Chaldea when you are free next time. She has something she wants to explain to you."

"Da Vinci kiss?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka was a little confused, but still nodded and said:

"I see."

Seeing this, Xuanzang Sanzang also nodded, and then continued:

"Otherwise, let me collect the data you collected during this period and take it back."

She took out a data collection device from her arms, and then said with some embarrassment:

"But you also know that I'm not very good at using this kind of stuff, so..."

"give it to me."

Fujimaru Ritsuka understood the idea and took the device from Xuanzang Sanzang. After skillfully collecting the data, he handed it back to her and said with a smile:

"that's it."

Xuanzang Sanzang suddenly showed a bright smile and praised without hesitation:

"As expected of my disciple, you are so capable!"

"Okay, if that's the case, I'll go back first."

"Ah, do you want to leave now?"

Xuanzang Sanzang nodded and said with a smile:

"Because there will be a Buddhist exchange meeting in Chaldea next, and I am a special guest at the exchange meeting. It will be bad if I am late or absent."

"Besides, everyone has been quite busy recently. It's rare to have free time to get together. I don't want to miss it."

"So this is ah!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka was stunned when he heard this, Xuanzang Sanzang smiled again and said:

"That's it."

"Anyway, I'm leaving first. You guys, Ritsuka, should continue to work hard here!"

She nodded and said:

"Well, see you soon, Master Xuanzang!" After saying goodbye, Xuanzang turned into a spirit son and disappeared from everyone's sight, returning to Chaldea.

Hui Yuan Ai curiously looked at the location where the other party disappeared, his eyes full of inquiry.

She has not done much research on Buddhism, so she didn't really understand it when the other party was giving lectures just now, but from her performance last night, it can be seen that the other party is definitely an enlightened monk.

In addition, she had also heard of Xuanzang, a famous monk in history and novels.

But the one in the record is undoubtedly a male monk.

Is it the same name?

After sending Xuanzang Sanzang away, she did not contact Chaldea immediately because the current time and place were not suitable, and she planned to wait until she returned.

At this time, Matthew had already heated breakfast for her. While she was eating, Nanfang Rihe walked out of the room in a daze.

"Good morning, Miss Hizuru."

"Haaah~ Morning."

Nanfang Rizhe yawned greatly, and there were thick dark circles under his eyes. It could be seen that he stayed up quite late last night.

Matthew smiled and asked:

"Miss Hizuru, would you like something to eat?"

"No. Just make me a cup of coffee if you can, please."

"Okay, you're welcome."

So after drinking a cup of hot black coffee, Nanfang Rihe finally felt a little more energetic.

At this time, she said to Fujimaru Ritsuka:

"Anyway, this ghoul incident has troubled you again. Of course, since it was my initiative to carry out the commission, the reward will naturally not be small."

"So I want to ask, how much are you charging for this incident?"


Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help but be stunned for a moment when he heard the words. He was a little embarrassed for a while and didn't know how to answer.

Speaking of which, although she opened a mysterious firm, she really didn't do much research on how to charge for this kind of thing and how much she should charge.

After all, her purpose is not really to make money.

But it is true that since it is a commission from a mysterious firm, it should be accepted to some extent.

After thinking about this, and then thinking about Southern Hizuru's identity as a great writer, Fujimaru Ritsuka tentatively said:

"How about one million yen?"


Nanfang Rizhe didn't speak, but looked at her with eyes that seemed to say, 'Are you serious? ’, which made her a little restless, and she didn’t know where she said the wrong thing.

Seeing her like this, Nanfang Rihe seemed to understand something. After sighing helplessly, he nodded and said:

"I see."

So, she took out an invoice, wrote on it, stamped it, and handed it to Fujimaru Ritsuka.


Fujimaru Ritsuka took the invoice, but found that it was not one million yen, but 100 million yen, which was a hundred times more!

So she immediately looked at Nanfang Rihe with some surprise.

"Please accept it."

Nanfang Rihe pushed up his glasses and said:

"Although this little money is nothing compared to what you do, it can at least give me some peace of mind."

"And this is not paid by me alone. I will go to Dr. Ozaki and Muroi."

"Even though they are just famous families in a remote village, they are actually much richer than me."

"That's it, okay then."

After hearing what she said, Fujimaru Ritsuka thought about it and decided to accept the money.

This is the amount of Chaldea Mystery Firm’s first transaction.

One hundred million yen.

Looking at the invoice in his hand, Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded with satisfaction.

Not bad!




(End of this chapter)

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