Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 208 The connection between Southern Sun Crane and strange mysterious events

Chapter 208 The connection between Southern Sun Crane and strange mysterious events

Ryuunosuke Nagumo.

Fujimaru Ritsuka carefully recalled this name that was somewhat familiar to her. Although she could not find a completely corresponding existence, she still found a clue.

That was the little boy who possessed the body of his sister after being killed by Hatami, the younger brother of writer Minami Hikaru during the incident on Nito Island. His name was Minami Ryuunosuke.

Nan Yun Ryu no Suke, Nan Yun Ryu no Suke.

Will there be any connection between the two?

Suddenly, she had an idea and searched the name on the Internet. Unexpectedly, she found the answer instantly——

Ryunosuke Nagumo is a well-known and powerful authentic mystery writer. He won the 32nd Detective Novel Newcomer Award for "Shadow Ball" and made his debut. Currently, he is the author of the novels "Shadow Ball", "Floating", and "Swamp Man", all of which won the It has won unanimous praise from readers and the industry.

At the same time, he is also a legendary mysterious writer. His real name, gender, date of birth, education and resume have never been made public. He refused to appear in public and even missed the award ceremony of the Edogawa Rampo Award, becoming the first person since the award was established. He is also the only writer who is currently absent to accept the award.

There is also a recent related news at the bottom of the introduction——

[Nagumo Ryuunosuke's latest masterpiece "Summer Returns" is now on pre-sale! 】

This Nagumo Ryuunosuke should be Nangumo Hizuru, right?

Fujimaru Ritsuka could only make such a guess.

Looking at the introduction on the web page, she was a little surprised. Although she was not a fan of mystery novels, she also knew that the Edogawa Ranpo Award was the highest honor for mystery novels in Japan.

Winning the highest award for mystery novels at such a young age is quite an achievement no matter what.

She also didn't expect that the other party would be such a powerful writer.

And in this world of Conan, the identity of a mystery novelist is even more powerful.

Of course, regardless of whether Nagumo Ryuunosuke is the Southern Hizuru she knows, it is impossible to confirm whether the person who sent her the message is really Nagumo Ryuunosuke himself.

The most important thing is that what the other party said in the email was a strange and mysterious incident.

Although it was already night, it was not too late at this time. She thought about it and decided to take out her phone and enter the contact information left by the other party to make a call.

The sound of her phone call also attracted the attention of Matthew, Haihara Ai and others in the room, making them look here with some curiosity.

Sure enough, the other party answered the call quickly, and Fujimaru Ritsuka was the first to speak:

"Hello, this is Chaldea Mystery Firm. Did you visit the firm's website two days ago and leave your contact information?"

After a moment of silence, a familiar voice came from the other end of the phone:

"——Ritsuka, is that you?"

".Ms. Hizuru?!"

Although she had made some guesses before making the call, she couldn't help but be surprised after confirming that it was indeed Nanfang Rihe on the other end of the phone.

What surprised her even more was that the other party actually called her name!

Fujimaru Ritsuka's exclamation once again attracted the attention of everyone in the room, especially Haibara Ai. When she heard the name 'Miss Hizuru', she immediately thought of the southern Miss Hizuru on Ridu Island.

Rito Island is the place where she first came into contact with mysterious events and where she first realized the truth about Fujimaru Ritsuka and others. She will probably never forget everything there in her lifetime.

However, Minami Hizuru on the other end of the phone did not know the situation on Fujimaru Ritsuka's side. Her tone of voice was as calm as ever. After confirming Fujimaru Ritsuka's identity, she continued:

"It's me, Southern Rihe from Ridu Island. I took care of the shadow disease issue before."

As soon as these words came out, it was basically confirmed that the other party was the beautiful writer who had been with them on Ridu Island, and not an individual with the same name or a parallel world.

There's just one more problem.

Fujimaru Ritsuka asked with some confusion:

"But why does Ms. Hizuru still have the memory of that time?"

".I also want to know this question."

Hearing this question, Nanfang Rizhe finally revealed a hint of helplessness in her calm tone, and then she revealed another important piece of information. “Not only me, but also Amodai Shinpei and others, including my younger brother Ryuunosuke, all retain the memories of that time.”

With that said, Nanfang Hizuru briefly talked about the situation of their group after Bo Dao reset the world line.

Her personal experience is very different from before, but there is one very different thing, that is, her younger brother Ryunosuke survived this time and grew up with her. He even got married and had his own daughter.

His daughter's name is Nanfang Bodao.

Amidai Shinpei and Ofunushio were not separated by life and death. Because of Ofunushio's connection, Amidai Shinpei returned to Hito Island. The two officially confirmed their relationship at the summer festival and started dating.

Rhomboid Paper Tahihiko died normally three hundred years ago, and Diamond Window's family is also a normal medical family. Of course, Xiaofune Mio still did not agree to Diamond Window's confession.

This was indeed the ideal ending they expected, but due to the memory of the shadow incident, it still caused some trouble and confusion to them.

For example, Amidai Shinpei and the others' experiences and memories before they were on Hito Island were very different from the parallel world. Although it was a little confusing, they all adapted quickly.

As for her, the existence of Southern Ryunosuke caused many memories to conflict, and it took her a lot of effort to gradually adapt.

The worst offender is undoubtedly her brother Nanfang Ryuunosuke.

One side is the memory of being a junior high school student forever, and the other side is the memory of growing up smoothly, getting married and having children. They are simply two completely different lives.

Fortunately, he has a strong nerve and a strong ability to accept things. Although it was very hard, he finally accepted the reality.

If it were an ordinary person, it might not be impossible to become schizophrenic.

Therefore, when mentioning this period of the past, Minami Hizuru's tone became much colder, and even though it was not a face-to-face conversation, Fujimaru Ritsuka still showed an awkward smile unconsciously.

Nanfang Hizaku said, "I don't know why I still retain the memory of that time," but both she and the other party knew in their hearts that there was only one guy who could do such a thing——

Yanqiebo rice.

Although she didn't know why Hatae did this, as Hatae's master now, she could only apologize to Nanfang Hizuru in embarrassment.

"Ritsuka, you don't need to apologize. This is not your problem."

Nanfang Rihe regained his composure and said:

"I don't intend to continue to be entangled with the shadow of the past. Now that I have passed it smoothly, just let it pass."

When Nanfang Rihe said this, she also breathed a sigh of relief, and then the other party continued:

"And judging from the current situation, I might even want to thank her."

"Otherwise, I probably wouldn't have thought of contacting you."

Seeing that the other party got down to the topic, she sat upright again and asked:

"Speaking of which, did you encounter any trouble with the words you left on the website?"


Nanfang Rihe affirmed without hesitation:

"Although there is no definite evidence yet, where I am currently-"

"Something is killing people."

"I hope to get your help."

(End of this chapter)

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