Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 209 Waichang Village, Southern Rihe’s experiences

Chapter 209 Waichang Village, Southern Rihe’s experiences

The commission from Southern Hizuru is the first commission after the opening of Chaldea Mystery Firm.

Not only that, as one of the witnesses of the Shadow Incident on Ridu Island, the other party is more sensitive to the existence of mysterious forces than ordinary people. The situation told by her is undoubtedly more credible than others.

What's more, what Nanfang Rihe said was not a simple mysterious phenomenon, but a worse mysterious murder.

In short, it is certain that the original plan to travel to Tokyo was ruined.

So the next day, the four people immediately arrived at the destination that Rihe told them in the south.

Hui Yuan Ai also followed.

That time on Ridu Island was just an unexpected situation encountered during the trip, but this time, they originally had no intention of bringing Haibara Ai with them. After all, events related to mysterious powers were still too dangerous for her.

But Hui Yuan Ai insisted:

"Please let me go with you. I won't hold you back!"

Ma Xiu had some doubts about this. Although it could be seen from Bo Dao's memory that Haihara Ai was not an ordinary little girl, the look on her face still made people uneasy.

However, Fujimaru Ritsuka did not hesitate too much. After thinking for a moment, he nodded decisively and smiled:

"Then let's come together."

She understands Haihara Ai's abilities and personality. She is a cautious person and will never be as reckless as Conan.

Perhaps by then, Hui Yuan Ai might be able to bring them unexpected help.

After getting Fujimaru Ritsuka's permission, Haibara Ai breathed a sigh of relief and was glad that she had not been left behind.

As she said before, the worlds she and Fujimaru Ritsuka live in are too different. Of course she can be a good child and wait quietly at home for them to come back.

But if this continues, the distance between them will only get farther and farther.

Just like Conan, he knew Fujimaru Ritsuka earlier than she did, and had even been working tirelessly to investigate him. But even so, the connection between him and Fujimaru Ritsuka was limited to familiar strangers.

This was definitely not the future she expected.


The four of them had just stepped out of the Shinkansen when they saw Minami Hizuru, whom they had not seen for a long time, leaning on a tough off-road vehicle on the roadside not far from the station exit, saying hello to them.

"Long time no see, Miss Hizuru."

"Long time no see, Ritsuka."

The four of them walked up to her, Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and said hello, while Minami Hizuru responded, his eyes glanced around them, as if he was looking for something.

Finally, she set her sights on Matthew, whom she met for the first time.

"Who is this?"

Matthew politely introduced himself:

"Hello, my name is Mash Kirilet. Just call me Mash. Please give me your advice."

Fujimaru Ritsuka added from the side:

"Ma Xiu is my companion, also from Chaldea."

Got it, pros.

"My name is Nanfang Rihe, please give me your advice."

So Nanfang Rihe nodded, pushed up his glasses, then turned around, opened the car door and said to the four of them:

"Anyway, let's get in the car first and chat on the way."

Several people got into the car. Moriarty sat in the passenger seat, Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others sat in the back seat. Minami Hizuru stepped on the accelerator and took them to their real destination——

Outfield Village.

Waichang Village is a very remote and inconspicuous small village. On the way here, Haihara Ai searched for information about Waichang Village on the Internet, but apart from finding the place name on the map, there was not much public information. .

After some research, she finally found an essay written by a writer named Muroi Shizunobu, which seemed to introduce the situation in the outfield village.

The essay describes it like this - "This village is surrounded by fir tree mountains on three sides. The village developed along the stream is enclosed in a harpoon-shaped triangle by fir trees. It has a population of only 1300. It is based on planting fir trees and making tombstones." living village.

Trees dedicated to the dead isolate entire villages from the rest of the world.

The village is shrouded in death. "

At least judging from the lack of information available on the Internet, it is indeed an isolated village.

So in the car, Haiyuan Ai asked about this matter, and Nanfang Rihe gave an affirmative answer.

"Yes, the village introduced in the essay is Waichang Village."

"Actually, when I was resting on Ridu Island after writing "Summer Returns", I decided to come to Waichang Village because I saw that article."

Hearing this, Ma Xiu asked curiously:

"Are you here to collect materials?"


When talking about the novel, Nanfang Rihe's tone became slightly more positive and said:

"The isolated village where tombstones are being made is 'shrouded in death'. The image of a closed, old and mysterious village emerges on the paper. It is simply the perfect creative material."

Indeed, a perfect crime scene.

If it was Conan who came, it would probably be another horrific serial murder case or something, right?

Fujimaru Ritsuka thought of this unconsciously.

Then, Nanfang Rihe introduced more situations to them.

The national highway they are driving on now is the only road connecting Waichang Village with the outside world.

The main source of income for Waichang Village is the use of fir trees to make tombstones and various funeral-related ritual vessels.

The village retains many traditional customs, especially the custom of burial. It is a rather closed and conservative village.

Not only that, she also learned that Waichang Village, like Ridu Island, had its own horrific folklore.

There is a shadow disease on Ridu Island, and a thing called the Resurrection Corpse is spread in Waichang Village.

"This may be related to the local burial custom. Legend has it that at night, the corpses in the cemetery will resurrect again and attack the villagers wandering on the road."

"A simple yet effective horror story that prevents children from going out at night."

Southern Hizuru commented.

Of course, if everything just ended here, then she wouldn't find Fujimaru Ritsuka and others.

"During this period, villagers from the elderly to children continued to die in the outfield village, and the symptoms were basically the same."

She said:

"At first, he had mild symptoms such as general weakness, anemia, heat stroke, heat cold, etc., and then rapidly worsened within a few days, and finally died of acute heart failure."

Hearing these words, Hui Yuan Ai, a pharmaceutical scientist, immediately frowned and said:

"This situation sounds more like some kind of terrible infectious disease."

Hearing this, Nanfang Rizhe glanced at her through the rearview mirror.

However, when she thought about how the other party had shot Bo Dao in the head with a gun on Ridu Island, she suddenly found that the other party's performance was not too surprising, so she continued:

"Indeed, the doctors in the village initially thought so and were preparing to collect information and report it to the government."

"For some reasons, I was able to participate in this work and was responsible for conducting interviews and investigations on the villagers related to the deceased."

"In the process, I and another person involved in the investigation discovered some clues."

Having said this, Nanfang Rihe paused for a moment, because the real topic came next.

"Only a few people know the current truth, but what is certain is that this is by no means an infectious disease, but a murderous incident of a vile nature."

"The murderer is similar to the tradition spread in Waichang Village——"

"It's a monster similar to a resurrected corpse!"

(End of this chapter)

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