Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 207 Dinner, commission information from the firm

Chapter 207 Dinner, commission information from the firm

In the end, because of Moriarty's words and the fact that there was no real evidence to prove that he was doing evil, Fujimaru Ritsuka still did not send him back to Chaldea.

Since today was Matthew's first day in Conan World, they decided to celebrate by cooking a sumptuous dinner at home using the ingredients they had just purchased.

After returning home, Fujimaru Ritsuka called and invited Haibara Ai again. After the other party agreed to participate, she asked Moriarty to drive to pick her up, while she and Mashu started busy in the kitchen.

While washing the ingredients that would be used next, she started talking to Mashu.

"Speaking of which, it's obviously a banquet to celebrate Matthew, but I still have to ask you to cook. I feel a little embarrassed."

"how come?"

Hearing her say this, Matthew smiled and said:

"I am very happy to be able to cook for seniors and everyone like this. If I were to do nothing, I would feel a little restless."

Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help but sigh after hearing this. She didn't have as high a consciousness as Mashu.

For example, it's not that she doesn't know how to cook, she just is too lazy to do it. Apart from eating out and ordering takeout, the most she makes at home is instant curry rice, which is not considered cooking at all.

However, she is still more than happy to cook with everyone or help others when cooking.

After a while, Moriarty came back with Haibara Ai, and Fujimaru Ritsuka introduced her and Mash to each other.

"Hello, my name is Mash Kirilet. Just call me Mash. Please give me your advice."

"I am Hui Yuan Ai, please give me some advice."

While Haibara Ai was introducing herself, she cast her questioning gaze on Fujimaru Ritsuka calmly, wondering where the girl in front of her came from?

Isn't it the Bo Dao type again?

Fujimaru Ritsuka seemed to see what Haihara Ai was thinking, so she smiled and said:

"Mashu is also from Chaldea like me."

If you come from Chaldea, doesn't that mean you come from another world? !

Hui Yuan Ai was shocked, and her eyes towards Masu suddenly changed slightly.

However, after being informed by Fujimaru Ritsuka of the specific situation yesterday, she has now accepted the reality, so she is not too surprised.

She was just a little nervous, but she still asked Matthew calmly:

"Are you here to take Sister Ritsuka back?"

After hearing her question, Mashu replied with some embarrassment:

"Everyone in Chaldea is still trying to figure out how to solve this problem, so it's not possible yet. I'm here just to protect my seniors."

"That's it."

Haiyuan Ai nodded in understanding, feeling relieved in his heart.

Although she knew her idea was wrong, she did hope that Fujimaru Ritsuka could continue to stay here.

After getting to know each other, Haibara Ai saw Fujimaru Ritsuka and Masuo preparing dishes, so he also took the initiative to join the team to help.

According to Fujimaru Ritsuka, cooking is undoubtedly the most critical step in the entire cooking process, but the preparation before that is the most troublesome.

However, the three of them knew how to cook. Working together, they completed the food preparation faster than expected and started the cooking process. Fujimaru Ritsuka and Haibara Ai still helped.

As night gradually fell, dishes were placed on the table one after another. Finally, drinks were poured for everyone. Fujimaru Ritsuka picked up the cup and smiled happily at everyone:

"To celebrate Matthew's arrival here, cheers!"


While eating, Fujimaru Ritsuka actively said to Mashu:

"After all, Matthew just arrived today and there is still no time to go somewhere to play. But if you have a good rest tonight, you can start having fun in Tokyo tomorrow."

"Speaking of which, regarding Tokyo, is there anywhere Mashuzu wants to go?"

"Actually, before coming here, I also made some strategies in advance."

Hearing Fujimaru Ritsuka's question, Mashu sheepishly took out a booklet titled "Tokyo Travel Guide" from his arms and said: "For example, Sensoji Temple, Skytree Tower, Ueno Park"

"It's just that Tokyo here seems different from Tokyo over there, so I'm not sure whether some places still exist."

The biggest difference is that there is no Miwa Town in their Tokyo.

On the other side, Mashu's words immediately aroused Haibara Ai's curiosity. She also wanted to know what the differences were between their two worlds of Tokyo.

"Um, can I see that travel brochure?"

"of course can."

Ma Xiu smiled and handed the manual to Haiyuan Ai, who took it and read it carefully.

The above only introduced some famous attractions in Tokyo, so there was not much text. Haibara Ai quickly flipped through the manual and then showed a thoughtful expression.

Then, she opened the manual and introduced to Matthew:

"All the scenic spots recorded in the manual also exist here, and they are almost identical, except that some places have different names."

"For example, the Skytree Tower, although it looks exactly the same, is called the Suzuki Tower here. It is a private building of the Suzuki Foundation; and this one."

Ma Xiu listened to Haiyuan Ai's explanation, nodding slightly from time to time, showing a look of astonishment, like a good student who listened carefully in class.

After listening to Haiyuan Ai’s explanation, Ma Xiu thanked Hui Yuan Ai:

"Thank you for the introduction, Xiao Ai."

"It's ok."

Haihara Ai shook her head slightly, not thinking that she was helping the other party, because she had also obtained information about another world, and in her opinion, she was the one taking advantage.

Anyway, after understanding the situation here, Matthew quickly determined the attractions he wanted to visit.

Of course, Haibara Ai also received a joint invitation from Fujimaru Ritsuka and Mashu. She did not decline, but nodded and agreed.

At this moment, Mashu seemed to remember something and said to Fujimaru Ritsuka:

"Speaking of which, senior, didn't you open an office? Is it really okay to just ignore it?"

"Um, if this is the case."

When mentioning this matter, Fujimaru Ritsuka couldn't help but feel guilty.

From the time she opened the business to the present, she has really never taken care of the affairs of the office. She looks a bit like a heartless person who abandoned his wife after the wedding night and never cared about it again.

Speaking of which, when she had just returned to this world and stayed in the office, she didn't even think of turning on her computer to see if she had received any commissions or letters. She had completely forgotten about it.

"It should be fine, right?"

Although she said this, her tone was obviously full of unconfidence.

So after finishing the meal, while everyone was cleaning up the mess, Fujimaru Ritsuka used his mobile phone to log on to the office's website to see if anyone had used the function of the website during this period.

What she didn't expect was that after opening the webpage, she actually found a message on the message board of the webpage!

Not only the message board, but also the email address of the office received a letter. It seemed that the message was sent by the same person.

The message board and email were sent not long ago, two days ago. I think the other party must have called the office, but unfortunately she was still in SAO at the time and didn't know about it.

The content on message boards and emails is very brief.

The other party said that a strange and mysterious incident might have occurred in the village where he was currently located, and hoped to get in touch with the office for communication, and at the end he attached a name and contact information.

Looking at that name, Fujimaru Ritsuka felt a little familiar and murmured:

".Nagumo Ryuunosuke?"

(End of this chapter)

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