Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 171 Changes in the second level, the first team leveling

Chapter 171 Changes on the second level, the first team leveling
"Why so many people?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others never expected that the first problem they encountered on the second day after arriving in the second-level area was getting out of the city.

If it were a normal SAO, it would only take five days at most to conquer the first level, not three weeks at all.

However, since SAO has been transformed into a death game, the error tolerance rate in the face of danger has been greatly reduced. In addition, even after the frontline players have reached the limit, they are still trying to find ways to improve their strength by upgrading equipment, strengthening and skill proficiency. , causing the progress of the first level to be very slow.

One of the results of this is that with their current level of training, they only need to reach the level 12-13 range in the second-level leveling area, and there is no problem in going directly to the second-level BOSS.

Another result is that in terms of level, the gap between ordinary players and frontline players is not big, and many ordinary players have reached level 10.

After the second level was opened, these players also came up through the portal and began to level up on the second level.

By the way, the massive amount of experience provided by conquering the first-level BOSS has allowed them to reach level 11.

So, after resting for a day in the main city [Urubas], the three of them woke up the next morning and saw the largest number of players in the city except for the first day of open beta.

"Yesterday's mission"

"We're just a little bit away from being able to upgrade!"

"Let's continue today"

"Homemade red medicine is cheaper than the prop store!"

The players walking together on the street were chatting and laughing as they walked out of the city. Players who seemed to be on a mission were also in a hurry. Many people also gathered in prop shops, blacksmiths and other facilities.

In the spacious central square, there are still players setting up stalls with [Sales Carpets] selling, but most of them are selling some ordinary materials and homemade potions, or blacksmiths who are strengthening them. There are not too advanced ones yet. Stuff for sale.

In addition, there are a steady stream of players who simply come to visit from the portal.

Is this the lively scene in the first half of the first floor that Argo mentioned before?

The three of them couldn't help but be a little surprised.

Because on the first level, there were too few players on the front line, which caused them to always have a sense of pessimism and urgency about fighting alone.

When you see such a lively scene, you will understand that they are not alone, and you can't help but give people a sense of security.

Back to the point.

While the main city area became lively, a problem also emerged——

Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna are really conspicuous.

Although as the number of players increased, few female players began to appear, but the beauty of the two girls is still unmatched so far.

What's more, the two of them accepted the cheers from the players as a strategy team yesterday. There are probably not many players in the city who don't know them, right?

With no other choice, the three of them had no choice but to put on their cloaks again, transform into suspicious and mysterious people, and quickly pass through the strange eyes of players along the way, arriving at the wild area.

After walking out of the main city area, there is first a leveling area dominated by level 7 bison monsters.

But as expected, the leveling area next to the main city was almost crowded with players. The sound effects of various skill releases and the shouts of players could be heard constantly, and it looked like it was in full swing.

Fortunately, they didn't plan to level up in this area. Based on their current level and level of practice, the efficiency of the leveling area around here is too low.

Under the leadership of Kirito, the three of them headed west. Since the next safe zone is the village of Mamelo, which is four or five kilometers southeast of Urubas, most players are heading in that direction. , after walking for a while, the players in the field of vision gradually became rarer.

After walking out of the area dominated by bison monsters, you can see a natural stone bridge over a canyon about ten meters deep. After walking across the stone bridge, they arrived at their destination——

A leveling area dominated by the level 13 flying monster [Wind Wasp].

Since SAO is a game that focuses on sword skills, the most troublesome enemies are undoubtedly humanoid monsters that can use sword skills, so non-humanoid monsters are actually easier to deal with.

But it cannot be generalized. Among all non-humanoid monsters, flying monsters are the more troublesome category.As long as they rise a little higher, weapons like the player cannot reach them. They can only wait for the monster to attack and fall back to counterattack, or use [Flying Sword] to perform long-range attacks.

However, the props of [Flying Sword] are not unlimited, so this is not realistic.

Fortunately, among them there is a spear user like Fujimaru Ritsuka who has a very wide attack range. When facing [Wind Hornet], they are more calm than other player teams.

The reason why I chose to come to this area for leveling is firstly because the experience value provided by [Wind Hornet] is relatively high, and secondly because the material it drops [Wind Hornet's Poisonous Needle] can increase the success rate of weapon enhancement.

In addition to being more troublesome to brush, it kills two birds with one stone.

[Wind Wasp] is a bee-shaped monster with green stripes on its black body. It is about fifty centimeters in length. If it appeared in the real world, it would definitely be the largest insect in the world. It is extremely visually oppressive.

But among the monsters that inhabit Aincrad, he is classified as the smallest monster.

It has two attack methods, one is to bite through its huge mandibles, and the other is to attack using the terrifying poisonous needles on its butt that are comparable to ice picks.

After Kirito explained the monster's attack mode, the two girls nodded in understanding, and then Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and said:

"Let's get used to each other's battles first, and then we'll officially start spawning monsters after we get used to it."

"Yes, got it."

Asuna nodded as usual, but Kirito felt a little strange and couldn't help but ask:
"Well, I know if you can adapt to fighting, but what does it mean to officially spawn monsters?"

As an old player of MMO games, this was the first time he heard this term. Is there a formal or informal distinction between monster spawning?

Generally speaking, after adapting to combat, isn't it just normal to spawn monsters?Otherwise, what else?
Hearing Kirito's question, Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled mysteriously:
"Speaking of which, it seems like this is Kirito-kun's first time brushing monsters with us in the leveling area. It doesn't matter. You will understand after you see it later."


Kirito could only nod, suppress his curiosity for the time being, and start the battle after selecting a [Wind Wasp].

Fortunately, although the monsters have become a little more cunning, the attack pattern has not changed much. Relying on the memory of fighting with them during the closed beta period, Kirito regained the familiar feeling after solving the two monsters.

So, he stopped for a moment and looked at Asuna and Fujimaru Ritsuka who were fighting separately not far away.

Originally, he was a little worried that the two girls might be afraid of such super large insects, but his worries were obviously overblown.

Asuna nimbly dodged the monster's attack, and then responded with the skill [Linear Attack] three times in a row, easily destroying a monster. Her movements were light and precise, just like a real elf.

Fujimaru Ritsuka was even more relaxed.

Thanks to the high sharpness enhancement on her weapons and the damage bonus of the [See Through] skill on hitting weak points, a single skill and a normal attack can take away monsters instantly.

But being able to accurately hit the opponent's weakness twice in a row, he couldn't help but admire the opponent's accuracy and superb technique.

In team mode, teammates will share the experience equally. Under normal circumstances, it is difficult to achieve the efficiency of killing monsters alone, but if you team up with Asuna and Fujimaru Ritsuka, you don't have to worry about this problem at all.

Because he was shocked to find that in terms of personal monster spawning speed, he seemed to be the slowest among the three.

Damn it, I turned out to be the one holding back? !

Just as a strong sense of crisis arose in his heart, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna had almost adapted.

Then, Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded to the two of them and said:

"Then let's get started."

 By the way, I feel like my comment section is so quiet, and my grades are obviously not bad...

  Could it be that I am really playing stand-alone? (lost in thought)
(End of this chapter)
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