Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 170 The current situation of Yui and Kayaba Akihiko

Chapter 170 The current situation of Yui and Kayaba Akihiko
"This big sister is my master and senior, her name is Fujimaru Ritsuka. Come and say hello."

BB smiled and touched Yui's head and introduced her.

When dealing with Yui, BB doesn't look like a devil at all, but more like a gentle sister.

"Senior, Master?"

Yui tilted her head slightly when she heard the words, as if she was thinking about the meaning of these two words. She looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka and shouted tentatively:


"Hello, little Yui."

Fujimaru Ritsuka responded with a smile.

Yui also took off her guard and asked BB curiously:

"In other words, Ritsuka-sama is also from our side?"

"You can say that, after all, he is my senior."

BB confirmed her guess and warned:

"However, senior is undergoing a trial, so you can't disturb her at other times!"

"Well, I see."

Although she didn't understand, Yui nodded obediently.

When she looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka again, her attitude suddenly changed, she showed an innocent smile to her, and spoke enthusiastically:
"Ritsuka-sama, actually I have known you before!"


Seeing Fujimaru Ritsuka's surprised expression, she explained enthusiastically:
"Because I have been paying attention to the situation in SAO. As the strongest player in SAO currently, Ritsuka-sama has led everyone to defeat the first-level BOSS!"

"And among all the players, Ritsuka-sama has the most stable emotional expression!"

"It's really awesome!"

Yui's eyes sparkled when she spoke, as if she was a fan.

But in fact it is true.

As a health management AI, she can sense the emotions of players in SAO. During this period, the emotions in most players' hearts are negative and depressed.

Among them, only Fujimaru Ritsuka's mood has remained stable and sunny, and she has already received her attention in the early stages of the game.

"Uh, thank you."

Faced with Yui's sudden admiration, she responded with a smile, but she still had some doubts in her heart.

If she remembered correctly, the little Yui in front of her should be the AI ​​daughter adopted by Kirito and Asuna in the future.

Just why does the other party appear here?

Seemingly seeing the doubt in her mind, BB explained it to her thoughtfully.

Yui, to be precise, it should be called YUI-MHCP001, the mental health counseling program (Mental Health Counseling Program) trial project number one.

She was originally a program born in SAO. Her mission was to monitor, manage and care for the mental state of SAO players, and to take timely measures such as reminders and warnings.

If a player's mental state is in danger, in an emergency, you may even have the authority to force the other player to log out of the game.

In addition, Yui also has a human-like emotional system and super learning ability.

However, on the day of the SAO public beta, Kayaba Akihiko, the game designer, deprived her of access to players, turning her into a useless program that could only passively accept the players' emotions.

Due to her long-term exposure to the player's emotions, elementary wisdom was miraculously born.

After BB seized control of Kayaba Akihiko and took over the entire game, he accidentally discovered Yui's existence.

So she gave Yui a little help, allowing her to evolve into a truly intelligent AI and freeing her from her original position.

"That's it"

After listening to BB's story about the causes and consequences, Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded suddenly.

Speaking of which, BB seems to have been originally configured as a superior AI to manage the master's health, and it is obviously similar to Yui's original responsibilities.

From this point of view, it is not difficult to understand why BB takes such good care of Yui.

In addition, because BB mentioned Kayaba Akihiko during the narration, she suddenly remembered a question, and asked BB curiously: "Speaking of which, since you now control the entire game, what about the original controller Kayaba?" Where is Chang Jingyan going?"

"Who knows."

However, BB's answer surprised her. She shrugged and said:
"I don't have the extra energy to pay attention to a defeated general who has nothing. Maybe the other party feels the humiliation of having control authority taken away by AI, and maybe commits suicide in shame and anger."

"I know!"

But at this moment, Yui on the side suddenly raised her hand, attracting the attention of the two people.

Under the gaze of the two people, Yui reported actively:

"If you are talking about Mr. Kayaba, the designer of the game, he has now become a gamer and operates in SAO under the name [Heathcliff]!"

"Since Ritsuka-sama conquered the first floor, Mr. Kayaba followed him to the second floor!"

Hearing this, BB raised his eyebrows in surprise and said:

"Oh, he's not dead yet? He's really tenacious beyond expectations."

Fujimaru Ritsuka was thoughtful, but he didn't expect that the other party would still sneak into the players.

However, now that BB has become the real controller of the game, this information does not seem to be that important.

After all, the other person is just an ordinary player like her.

Of course, as the game designer, Kayaba Akihiko should know all the information in the game, but whether the other party is willing to share it is another question.

Moreover, if she came to her door like this, her own identity would be exposed, and the gain would outweigh the loss.

She kept this information in mind for the time being.

This time there was no doubt at all, so she asked BB:
"If there is nothing else, can you send me back?"

"Of course."

After BB finished speaking, Fujimaru Ritsuka's side began to become unreal, and his vision gradually fell into darkness.

Before disappearing completely, BB came with his usual smiling greeting——

"I wish you a happy game, senior!"

The moment after seeing off Fujimaru Ritsuka, BB suddenly relaxed and slumped down on the sofa, letting out a long sigh of relief.

"It seems like it hasn't been exposed yet. It's really scary to death."

It would be really bad if Fujimaru Ritsuka discovered the truth.

However, she soon figured out why she was not exposed.

"Do you actually think that those two attacks were deliberately targeted by me? Although it is indeed very similar to my style, I still feel a little unwilling to be slandered like this!"

She puffed up her cheeks and muttered dissatisfiedly, arousing the curiosity of Yui beside her.

"Master BB, are you worried about something? Is there anything you need my help with?"

"No, it's nothing, just a trivial problem."

BB pretended not to care, waved his hand, and dismissed Yui.

Because this is not an issue that the other party can intervene at will.

After Yui left, she frowned slightly again and said in distress:

"I didn't expect that dealing with these 'garbage' would be more troublesome than expected. Damn it, can't it be eliminated honestly?"

"This has caused me to have a lot of extra workload! I really want to apply for a salary increase!"

Moreover, she had already praised the green and loyal dog so much that now she could only bite the bullet and do it herself.


"Fun and enjoyable.?"

Recalling Fujimaru Ritsuka's answer just now, her tense expression relaxed a little, and she said with a helpless smile:

"Well, forget it, who makes me the most reliable junior of my seniors!"

 Speaking of which, someone in the comment area was talking about building a readership. Do you think it is necessary?
(End of this chapter)
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