Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 164 Shocking change!Desperate situation?

Chapter 164 Shocking change!Desperate situation?
"Teams [-] and [-] maintain the attack rhythm and don't be greedy for damage!"

The eighth team spreads out a little more and keeps an eye on their substitute positions! "

"Team [-] and Team [-], don't let the follower monsters get together, keep distance!"

Clear instructions were issued from Fujimaru Ritsuka's mouth, and the originally chaotic battlefield and teams quickly became orderly and divided into two distinct areas.

The first is the attack area for the kobold lord. As closed beta players, Diabell and Kirito both clearly felt that the other party's desire to attack had increased, and their values ​​​​had also increased somewhat.

But even so, the tank team composed of top players in front of them is not too difficult to defend against the opponent's huge and obvious attack.

Coupled with the huge number of [-] players in the three teams, sufficient rotation space is ensured, so the health of the players can be controlled at about [-]%, and the situation is good.

Cooperating with the tank team in the attack was the main attack team led by Kibaou and Asuna.

As Fujimaru Ritsuka was in charge of the rear, Asuna's team only had five members.

But both Asuna herself and Kirito in her team performed very well. The skills displayed and the damage caused were outstanding, almost stealing the limelight from other main attackers.

But it is also natural.

Leaving aside the technical issues for now, you must know that among the players present now, there are very few players who have reached the +5 level in equipment enhancement, and they and Fujimaru Ritsuka are the only players who have reached the +6 level.

Back to topic.

The eighth team stood at the outermost edge of the encirclement. While looking for opportunities to interfere with the kobold lord, they were also responsible for replacing injured players from the main attack team.

On the other side, the fifth team and half of the seventh team, a total of nine players, are responsible for dealing with three monster followers.

Although there is no tank support, it is definitely not difficult to deal with a monster follower in the squad mode with two main attackers and one support player.

Although the whole thing looks complicated, it is simple and easy to understand for every player in the position, because they only need to care about the task at hand, and then pay attention to the orders to make changes.

What's more, everyone present is a top player with rich gaming experience. Although there are still gaps in technology and equipment, there are almost no mistakes.

In this case, the one who is most tested is undoubtedly Fujimaru Ritsuka who is in charge of the command.

The kobold lord has a total of four levels of health bars. Each time the blood bar disappears, a wave of follower monsters will be summoned again.

Therefore, she must always pay attention to the situation on both sides to ensure that there will not be a dangerous situation where the next wave of monsters appear after the last wave of followers have not been eliminated, and she must always pay attention to the changes on the field.

Overall, the progress of the guide has been very smooth so far. The Kobold Lord's health has been steadily and continuously declining, and now there are only two levels of health left.

If this trend can be maintained, it can be expected that this will be a beautiful victory.

Despite this, Fujimaru Ritsuka did not relax, her eyes were fixed on the kobold lord's health bar.

When the health bar is down to the last level, the kobold lord will drop the two weapons currently in his hand, pull out the scimitar from his waist, and his attack mode will completely change.

If nothing else, this part is the biggest difficulty in the entire BOSS strategy.

"The second blood volume is almost empty, each team is ready-"

As time passed, the kobold lord's health bar slowly but surely fell towards the last one. The moment the second blood bar was emptied, she shouted loudly:

"Everyone, retreat defensively! Get out of the BOSS's attack range!"

All players reacted quickly and retreated.However, the kobold lord did not switch weapons as quickly as expected. Instead, he opened his jaw again and roared with all his strength——


This roar actually carried a substantial sound wave special effect, quickly drowning the retreating tank team and main attack team, and instantly stopped them in place, unable to move.

Only the outermost support team and the team responsible for cleaning up the accompanying monsters survived.

A roar with a shocking effect! ?

This is a skill that has never appeared during the closed beta period!
Under the horrified gazes of the players in the front row, the black gas on the kobold lord's body became increasingly dense and chaotic, and his scarlet eyes emitted a blood-like light effect, as if he had turned violent!
Not only that, the opponent threw away the ax and buckler in his hand and pulled out the weapon at his waist, but it was not the scimitar mentioned in the beta test information, but a nodachi!

The moment he pulled out his weapon, the kobold lord shook his body slightly, and then jumped straight into the sky. While twisting his body in the air, he charged up the weapon. A red light with special skill effects covered the huge sword. ——

At this time, the shock effect on the players in the front row had just been lifted, but it was too late to evacuate, so they all took a defensive posture on the spot.

Even if it is a BOSS skill, as long as it can be defended, it will only deduct half of the blood volume at most.
But at this moment, Kirito and Asuna, many players keenly noticed something strange about the BOSS.

The opponent didn't seem to be jumping vertically. After rising to a high altitude, the kobold lord's body gradually moved forward to break through their encirclement, and its landing point——

Asuna and Kirito's pupils shrank, the abnormal memories that had been suppressed surged into their hearts again, and they yelled Fujimaru Ritsuka's name with all their strength.

But at this time, the kobold lord's attack has fallen, converting the accumulated power into crimson light, and then liberating it like a tornado, heading straight for Fujimaru Ritsuka behind!

The orbit is horizontal, the attack angle is 360 degrees, and the Nodachi’s exclusive sword skills——

【Spin Car】!

Accompanied by a huge roar, six bright red special effects lights burst out, looking like pillars of blood, completely covering the figure of Fujimaru Ritsuka.

The other players stood there in a daze.

Roaring and shocking skills and weapons that had never appeared during the closed beta period, an unknown state similar to madness, and BOSS who left the battle for unknown reasons and attacked them.
Although they had been prepared in their hearts, facing this series of unexpected situations, it still dealt a heavy blow to all players.

Especially under the opponent's blow, their command may -


But just when the players were desperate, Asuna's screams of surprise and joy sounded again.

A beautiful figure broke through the kobold lord's line of sight and suddenly appeared in mid-air. It was their commander, Fujimaru Ritsuka!

The other players also looked at her in shock. It seemed that after enduring the kobold lord's sword attack head-on, Fujimaru Ritsuka's health bar was intact at this moment!

But in fact, Fujimaru Ritsuka did not suffer any damage.

The moment the kobold lord took off, she noticed his abnormality earlier than anyone else.

Since she could not judge the range of the sword skill used by the opponent, after thinking quickly, she finally chose to jump towards the opponent. After narrowly avoiding the opponent's dropped Nodachi, she completely avoided the damage of the sword skill!
In mid-air, under everyone's gaze, she waved the spear in her hand and loudly ordered again:

"Everyone, keep attacking!"

".Oh oh oh oh oh oh--!!!"

Round two, start!
(End of this chapter)
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