Chapter 163 Raiders Begin

After resolving the misunderstanding between Diabell and Kirito, Diabell also agreed to keep Kirito's situation secret with him, Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna, and then they parted ways.

Two hours later, [Tolbana] went to the exit of the maze area. Players who had completed their rest and preparations arrived one after another, and no one was absent.

Although everyone gathered together somewhat scatteredly, it looked like a ragtag crowd from a distance.

But there is no doubt that this is the strongest group in SAO today.

After looking around at everyone, Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and said:
"Logically speaking, the BOSS on the first floor only requires players to reach level five on average to defeat it, but everyone standing here now has reached level ten, and their skills and equipment are already very advanced. "

"As long as we are careful, we can definitely pass the first level smoothly."

"Then, let's go!"

“Oh oh oh——!!!”×n
Huge cheers rang out, representing the firm determination of all players.

As a large group of people were heading to the labyrinth area from [Bartona], Asuna thought for no reason about the school trip held by their school at the beginning of the year, and the destination was Queensland, Australia.

Although the current situation has nothing in common with a school trip, everyone kept talking and laughing frequently along the way, making it really seem like we were on an outing.

The only difference is that the monsters rush out from the forest from time to time. However, in front of this group of top players, the monsters will only be defeated instantly and become a tool to show off their strength to their companions.

Seeing this, she couldn't help but whisper to Fujimaru Ritsuka beside her:

"I said Ritsuka, is it really okay to be in such a casual state? Next is the BOSS strategy."

Fujimaru Ritsuka laughed when he heard this and said:

"I think this is actually quite good. If everyone looks solemn, it will give people a worse feeling, right?"

"And, I think everyone is just using this way to relieve the pressure in their hearts."

After listening to Fujimaru Ritsuka's answer, she glanced at the noisy group of players again and nodded thoughtfully.

Then, she looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka next to her.

In this large group of people, most of the players were laughing, yelling, and fighting with their companions, but there were also a few players who were a little worried like her.

But Fujimaru Ritsuka's performance is the most distinctive.

She was not chatting eagerly with her companions like most players, nor was she looking worried, but looked as normal as she was on her way back to the dormitory after coming out of the restaurant.

He kept quiet when he had nothing to say along the way, and showed a familiar smile when talking to her, as if he was accustomed to everything in front of him.

Asuna suddenly thought, maybe when they get used to this kind of life in the future and make defeating BOSS a part of their daily routine, then their behavior on the road will be like the Fujimaru Titsuka in front of them, right?
But what did Ritsuka Fujimaru go through to become what he is now?
The longer Asuna spends time with Fujimaru Ritsuka, the more mysteries Asuna feels in her, but she doesn't know when she will be able to reveal them one by one.

Half an hour after setting off from [Bartona], we arrived at the maze area, and two hours later, we reached the top stairs.

Since this is the first time for 48 players to join forces, there will undoubtedly be unexpected dangers brought about by [the first time].

They did encounter two or three emergencies along the way, such as the situation where the seventh and eighth support teams composed entirely of players with long weapons were suddenly approached by monsters, and the weapons between players hindered each other during the melee. Situation etc.

But fortunately, Fujimaru Ritsuka did not let down everyone's trust. In the face of these sudden minor crises, he still displayed accurate command skills and made the crisis invisible.

However, through these emergencies, the players of the joint force have completely trusted Fujimaru Ritsuka, and the entire joint force has also been getting along well.At this time, a giant double door representing the BOSS room finally appeared in front of the players.

Fujimaru Ritsuka stood at the front. After arranging all the teams again and confirming, he raised the spear in his hand to signal to the players. The other 47 players also drew their weapons and nodded to her.

"It's about to begin—"

After saying a few words, she turned around and pushed the door open.

The BOSS room is a rectangular space, about 20 meters wide from left to right, and the distance from the door to the deep wall is about 100 meters, which is a quite dangerous length.

In SAO, the door to the BOSS's room will not close even during battle, so if you find yourself in a weak position, you can escape directly without waiting for total destruction.

However, in that case, a distance of 100 meters would feel like the two ends of the world.

After the joint forces advanced to a distance of about 50 meters, the torches on the left and right walls of the room suddenly burned one after another, completely illuminating the originally dark BOSS room.

In the deepest part of the room, the floor BOSS [Kobold Lord Irfangu], who was sleeping on the throne, slowly opened his eyes and suddenly turned his gaze towards the joint forces, making people shudder.

Covered in blue-gray fur, it has a strong body of more than three meters, and its eyes are glowing scarlet.In his right hand he held an ax carved from bone, in his left hand he held a small buckler made of leather, and at the back of his waist was a spare weapon similar to a scimitar.

The moment they saw each other, all the players clearly understood that they should never trust the BOSS information during the closed beta period.

Because the other party still exudes a trace of black gas that was not mentioned in the information during the closed beta period. It is like the state of [corruption] and [corruption] in some games, and is full of ominous meaning.

Although everyone didn't know what the black gas represented, what was certain was that something was definitely different from the closed beta period.

"Everyone, prepare to fight!"

Fujimaru Ritsuka's order sounded, and all players got into a fighting stance.

According to the planned formation, the players of the three tank teams lined up horizontally, led by Diabell's first team, and moved forward in a triangular posture.

Three main attack teams followed the tank team side by side, and two support teams were on the side and rear of the attack team, ready to rush forward to support at any time.

When he was only 20 meters away from the throne, the BOSS, who had been motionless, suddenly jumped up from the throne, fell to the ground with a huge sound, opened his mouth and roared with all his strength:


Its roar was like some kind of order, causing the three heavily armed follower monsters to jump down from the walls on both sides, echoing with the same sharp screams.

The follower monster is called [Ruin Kobold Guard]. According to the information during the closed beta period, there will be three waves of new monsters, that is, a total of twelve monsters.

Fujimaru Ritsuka assigned an attack team and half a support team to fight.

At this point, the monster side is also fully prepared.

Seeing the scene in front of him, Fujimaru Ritsuka, standing between the tank team and the main attack team, quickly pointed the spear in his hand at the BOSS and ordered loudly:

"The battle begins!!"


Almost at the same moment, the players burst out with a roar no less than that of the BOSS, and resolutely charged towards the opponent!
(End of this chapter)
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