Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 165 Duel, decisive battle, victory!

Chapter 165 Duel, decisive battle, victory!

Although the order to continue the attack has been issued, the current crisis has not been resolved.

In mid-air, Fujimaru Ritsuka's figure began to fall.

At the moment when she crossed paths with the kobold lord, the spear in her hand suddenly pierced the opponent's back, all the way down, drawing a long vertical line on the opponent's body, like being disembowelled, causing a lot of damage in an instant!
The opponent's last blood volume was directly reduced by [-]% under this exaggerated blow!

The kobold lord let out a scream as if he was in pain, and the stiffness of the skill was lifted. After a slight pause, it held the hilt of the sword with both hands, and turned around and swung the sword very quickly.

The huge blade almost touched the ground and drew a slash from bottom to top, heading straight for Fujimaru Ritsuka, but she only took a slight step to the left and missed the slash.

The strong wind caused by the slash blew Fujimaru Ritsuka's hair into a mess, but she had no time to care about these details at the moment.

Because she keenly noticed that the red light of the skill's special effects appeared on the opponent's blade again.

At this time, Kirito's shout suddenly came from behind——

"Quickly defend, that's just a starting move!"

No one expected that the kobold lord's second-stage weapon would be changed from the scimitar during the closed beta period to the current nodachi. But fortunately, in the upper level of the closed beta period, Kirito had a fight with a man holding a nodachi. Fighted the floor BOSS.

Although he was tortured to death by the opponent at the time, thanks to this, he memorized many of Nodachi's exclusive sword skills, and he was deeply impressed.

For example, the sword skill [Floating Boat] just performed by the kobold lord is a sword skill with a very short freezing time. If you are accidentally hit by this move, you must not struggle needlessly, and you can only try your best to to defend.

Although Fujimaru Ritsuka dodges that move, it does not mean that everything is fine, because the subsequent pursuit is the most deadly killing move!
Sure enough, accompanied by the red skill special effect light, the Nodachi in the hand of the kobold lord swung two up and down combos at an astonishing speed!

Under this terrifying slashing speed, in the current SAO, only players with full agility points can barely dodge, but this is not realistic for Fujimaru Ritsuka, but——

"Qiang! Qiang!"

She didn't need extreme speed. The spear in her hand moved slightly, perfectly deflecting the storm-like attacks, but she still didn't suffer any damage.

However, the special effects of the skill on the Nodachi blade had not dissipated. After the second combo, the Nodachi was gathered up to the waist by the kobold lord. After a slight pause, the Nodachi issued a final powerful thrust!

Three combo skills, [Crimson Fan]!
However, the pause for one beat was already a huge gap for her. When the opponent launched the final thrust, she, who had already been ready to go, immediately started to move!

As if predicting the future, he stepped sideways in advance, dodged the last blow, and jumped up again. The spear with accumulated special effects in his hand was like a swimming dragon, and he accurately inserted into the left eye of the kobold lord!

Basic spear skill, [Thrust]!
Skill interrupted!
Weakness crit!


The kobold lord roared again, but this time it was more of a shrill scream. His whole body leaned back unconsciously and fell to the ground with a dull sound.

It is an abnormal state unique to humanoid monsters [tumbled over]!
Fujimaru Ritsuka drew her spear and jumped back to the ground. At this time, the other players finally appeared beside her.

Three tank teams, two main attack teams, one support team, and Kirito and Asuna beside her.

Except for the remaining main attack team and the support team, which are still trying their best to deal with the support monsters that were just summoned, the other players are all present.

But the current situation left no time for greetings, so she immediately commanded:

"Everyone, attack with all your strength——!"

“Oh oh oh——!”×n
All the players roared as if venting the accumulated frustration in their hearts, quickly surrounded the fallen kobold lord, and began to use sword skills without any scruples.One-handed straight swords, rapiers, broadswords, two-handed axes, maces, hammers, and spears. Various weapons are accompanied by different skills and special effects. Use all your strength to bombard the fallen monsters. It went away and swallowed the monster's figure instantly.

Different from the steady attack in the previous strategy, when all the top players in SAO burst out together, the resulting bombardment of skills caused the BOSS's blood volume, which was fixed above the line of sight, to decrease rapidly!

The kobold lord Irfangu struggled to get up. If the opponent succeeded in getting up, he would be met with another round of large-scale sword attacks.

At this time, all the players were almost crazy. The burly men headed by Agil even jumped on the opponent and continued to attack regardless, hoping to slow down the opponent's getting up speed!

At the same time, the remaining troops who had eliminated the accompanying monsters also joined the encirclement and suppression.


In the end, the goddess of victory finally stood on the player's side. The kobold lord fell before getting up, and the health bar above his head completely turned to nothing.

Accompanied by a scream that seemed to have strong unwillingness, the monster instantly turned into colorful debris.


Did you win?
The players panted heavily and stared blankly at the scene in front of them. Although the facts were clearly displayed in front of them, it seemed that a voice was still needed to wake them up completely——


Fujimaru Ritsuka called with a smile, making everyone look at her involuntarily.

So, under the gaze of all the players, she raised the spear in her hand with a smile and announced loudly:

"We successfully defeated the first-level BOSS, and we won!"

After hearing her firm declaration, everyone seemed to slowly come back to their senses. The players looked at each other, and heartfelt smiles gradually appeared on everyone's cheeks, and then——

"Oh oh oh oh oh.!!!"×n
Deafening cheers instantly filled the entire BOSS room, as if all the pent-up emotions from SAO's transformation into a death game until now were cleared away. Many players even started to dance inexplicably funny dances in excitement.


Among the crowd, Asuna excitedly threw herself into Fujimaru Ritsuka's arms.

The original abnormal situation reappeared, which made her feel a little scared, but the perfect result of defeating the BOSS made her feel happy.

With such complicated emotions, she didn't know what to say for a moment, so she could only hug the other person tightly.

Fujimaru Ritsuka gently stroked the other person's head and smiled softly:

The beautiful scene of two girls embracing each other fell into the eyes of Kirito, who was gradually calming down. He unconsciously raised the corners of his mouth slightly.

In addition, looking at Fujimaru Ritsuka's figure, he unconsciously recalled the scene of Fujimaru Ritsuka fighting the kobold lord just now.

During the time when the three of them formed a team, Fujimaru Ritsuka had always been more focused on support and command. He only occasionally showed a hint of remarkable skills that were of concern, but he was always unable to fully understand them.

And just now, he finally saw the whole picture clearly——

The amazing choice when facing large-scale attack skills, the keen insight into unknown situations, the superb skills that can perfectly block the BOSS's continuous skills, and the key counterattack that determines the outcome.
In that short but thrilling duel, every scene was deeply engraved in his mind, and he couldn't help but sigh:
Finally, we meet the strongest spear user in SAO who can be called "unparalleled".

Sure enough, so strong!
(End of this chapter)
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