Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 156 Discovery of the 1st floor BOSS

Chapter 156 The BOSS on the first floor is discovered
In the morning, the three of them gathered together to continue exploring the maze. On the way, they happened to meet the elusive intelligence dealer Argo.

However, they had just set off for the maze, and Argo seemed to have just returned from the maze.

"Argo, good morning!"

"Morning~! Although it should be a good evening for me."

Argo smiled and teased, and then said to them:
"I originally planned to investigate further before sending you the message, but now that I have encountered it, I will briefly explain the current situation."

"I have notified other players who have reached level 15 of the information you provided yesterday and asked them about it."

"At present, there is only the case you encountered. Other players have not encountered similar situations, so the specific reasons cannot be analyzed."

"For the time being, it can only be classified as a special situation that will only happen with a very small probability."

"That's it"

The news Argo brought made Kirito and Asuna's hearts sink slightly.

Seeing their looks, she slapped them both on the shoulders and said with a smile:
"Why are you so depressed? Anyway, considering your strength, this unexpected situation should be nothing, right?"

"I will continue to pay attention to this matter during this period, and I will tell you any new developments as soon as possible."

"Also let me tell you some good news."

As she spoke, she took out a thin notebook from her arms and said with a smile:
"If nothing else goes wrong, the latest volume of [Argo Strategy Manual] will be sold in major prop stores starting from the afternoon. You are welcome to visit the store then!"

"Also, if possible, I hope you can continue to buy from me, Tongzai, hehe~!"

"I do not want it!"

Kirito's face darkened when he heard this, and he gritted his teeth and refused.

While chatting with Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna for lunch, he learned that each volume of the [Argo Strategy Manual] will be sold in prop shops in major safe spots, but the selling price is 0 Cole, so Just get it for free.

Although he was surprised that a money-grubbing guy like Argo would do such an incredible good deed, the more important question was-

He bought every previous volume from Argo at a price of 500 koels per volume!

Although the price was definitely a bargain based on the intelligence information contained in it, the thought of the other party hiding behind his back and snickering every time he foolishly spent money on it made him itch with hatred.

This time, it is absolutely impossible for the other party to take another penny from him!
"Oh, it's really sad that another important source of income is missing."

Argo sighed exaggeratedly, looking as if he really regretted the 500-col business, which successfully made Kirito's face darken again.

"Well Ritsuka, Asuna, goodbye!"


After saying a quick goodbye, Argo disappeared in a flash, leaving only a resentful Kirito standing there, and Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna snickering on the side.

"Okay, let's go too."

Although they were still a little concerned about that matter, in the next two days, the three of them still maintained the previous pace, advancing while slaying monsters, and slowly reached the No. 19 level of the maze area.

On the third day, after finally completing the collection of +6 strengthening materials, the third person finally found the passage to the twentieth level.

“Finally we’ve come this far.”

The final goal seemed to be close at hand, but Asuna just swallowed nervously, because she knew that what they had to face next was the most critical and difficult step——

Defeat the first floor BOSS.

Fujimaru Ritsuka said:

"Let's go."


Asuna and Kirito nodded, and the three of them continued moving forward.After reaching level [-], new types of monsters will no longer appear, because for this level, ordinary monsters are not the focus. The focus is on the BOSS room located deep in the level and the BOSS entrenched in it.

Previous levels were full of complicated roads, and players needed to explore repeatedly, or even explore the entire level before they could find the way to the next level.

This situation is the same on Level No. 20, except that the ascending passage is replaced by the door of the BOSS room.

Due to the delay at Level No. 19, they had only advanced one-third of the way to the first exploration of Level No. 20.

After returning to [Bartona], the three strengthened the weapons again and successfully reached the +6 enhancement level.

At this time, Kirito is 3S3D, Asuna is 3S3Q, and Fujimaru Ritsuka is 6S. Both levels and equipment have reached the limit that can be improved at the first level.

Under such circumstances, the next day, the three of them successfully advanced to the deepest level of Level No. 20, and the double doors belonging to the BOSS room were finally revealed in front of them.

"This is the BOSS room."

Asuna took a deep breath and murmured:

“The next step is the strategy”

At this time, Kirito suggested:

"Want to take a look at the BOSS?"

"The BOSS will not leave the room. If you just open the door and take a look without triggering a battle, there should be no problem."

Fujimaru Ritsuka smiled and said:

"Of course, it's all here. It would be a shame not to even take a look."

So the three of them pushed open the door to the BOSS's room, looked through the long corridor, and saw the sleeping BOSS standing quietly in the center of the hall with his head lowered.

"It's [Kobold Lord], but..."

Looking at the BOSS in front of him that was roughly the same as during the closed beta period, Kirito's brows furrowed unconsciously.

Like the [Ruin Kobold Commando], the opponent's appearance has also undergone some changes.

The most important thing is that although he is still sleeping, the other party is inexplicably emitting traces of gray-black smoke, which is full of ominous and evil atmosphere. This alone looks a bit uncomfortable.

Originally, as the first level BOSS, the kobold lord was not very difficult to conquer, but the opponent now looked as ferocious as if it were a BOSS that only appeared at high levels.

Although the name and appearance look similar to those during the closed beta period, perhaps the core is completely different.

He guessed so.

"Is that the kobold lord? He looks inexplicably giving me goosebumps."

Asuna crossed her arms and frowned slightly in discomfort.

Maybe BB did something to it?

Fujimaru Ritsuka secretly thought in her heart, looking at the monster in front of her that exuded a gray and black aura, she also had a bad feeling.

BB, she shouldn't go too far, right?

But in any case, conquering the BOSS can never be a matter for the three of them. Even if she uses all her strength to deal with it, the risk is too high.

So the three of them carefully exited again, and then she said:

"Let's go, go back to [Tolbana] first, and prepare to notify other players to hold a strategy meeting."

Kirito and Asuna nodded, suppressing the complicated emotions in their hearts for the time being, and prepared to return.

(End of this chapter)
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