Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 155 Weird situation, Asuna’s uneasiness

Chapter 155 Weird situation, Asuna’s uneasiness
What happened just now was completely unexpected for the three of them, and it makes people a little scared when they think about it now.

"It should be a newly added mechanism."

However, after calming down, Kirito analyzed in a deep voice:
"Although it seems a little unreasonable, in fact, it is completely technically feasible."

"As long as you increase the initial hatred value of the monster towards a certain target, or set the priority of attacking enemy types, you should be able to achieve the same effect just now."

At this time, Asuna, who was close to Fujimaru Ritsuka, also calmed down and joined the discussion:

"In other words, monsters are set with the rule that they must attack a certain target first, right?"

"Yes, but there are some subtle differences."

Kirito explained:
"If you just increase the initial hatred value, then players equipped with shields may be able to use the [taunt] skill to forcefully attract the monsters."

"But if it's 'a certain target must be attacked first', there's no way."

Asuna nodded in understanding, and at the same time Fujimaru Ritsuka also analyzed:

"Since the monster is coming towards me, then the 'target' might be a player in the back row, or a long weapon user, right?"

Kirito and Asuna also basically agreed with her judgment. As for what the target was, they could only continue to verify it through battle.

But what she didn't say was that this might also be BB's prank, which was entirely directed at her.

So the three decided to move forward. After a while, another [Ruin Kobold Commando] appeared in front of them.


At this time, the formation of the three people was slightly modified, with Fujimaru Ritsuka standing in the middle and Kirito coming to the end.

In this way, we can verify what the monster's 'target' is.

However, this time, the monster returned to its previous state. After being attacked by Asuna, it began to attack her, showing no signs of rushing backwards.

".What's going on?"

After solving the monster, Kirito and Asuna couldn't help but feel a little confused. Fujimaru Ritsuka said:
"Try again, it may be triggered by probability."

"Yes, it is indeed possible."

They can only accept this statement and continue to move forward cautiously.

But in the battle that followed, until they climbed to the No. 17 level at a slow speed, and until today when they came to dusk again, they never encountered the enemy for the first time.

Even if there is a probability, is this probability too low?Even lower than the drop rate of reinforced materials.

It even made Asuna and Kirito have some self-doubt, wondering whether the initial encounter was a common delusion on their part. In fact, there was no mechanism to "prioritize attacking a certain target" at all.

On the other side, Fujimaru Ritsuka was becoming more and more certain in her heart that the abnormal situation just now was probably caused by that guy BB.

But this was information that could not be revealed to the other two people.

So looking at Kirito and Asuna who were frowning, she smiled and said:
"In short, let's tell Argo the specific situation first and let her record it."

As the frontline players, they will find ways to communicate some of the more special and dangerous situations they encounter to prevent other players from continuing to step into the trap or even sacrifice their lives.

Since they all know Argo, they usually inform her of this information, and then she prints it in the latest issue of [Argo Strategy Manual].

For example, the information they received from the captain of the player's team they rescued two days ago has been shared with Argo.

"Furthermore, as a well-informed intelligence dealer, Argo may be able to obtain more information based on the intelligence we provide."

Fujimaru Ritsuka's words made the two people's eyes light up.

Indeed, if it was Argo, he might actually be able to find out some information.

After all, the other party is professional when it comes to obtaining information.

Then, she smiled again:
"As for our words."

"It's already this time, let's go back to eat first!"

Hearing the same words coming out of her mouth, Kirito and Asuna smiled helplessly, and the sadness in their hearts dissipated a lot unconsciously.

Perhaps because of such an unusual incident, Kirito felt a little more tired than usual today. After eating in a hurry, he went back to his room to rest.Asuna felt as tired as Kirito, but after washing and lying on the bed, thinking about the weird scene that happened today, she couldn't fall asleep.

At the same time, she couldn't help but think of what the captain of the player team said that day -

The more insidious and ferocious monsters seem to be deliberately targeting players and are full of malice.
For a moment, she felt a little creepy.

Finally, after tossing and turning on the bed for a while, she couldn't help but look at Fujimaru Ritsuka not far away, and whispered:
"Ritsuka, are you asleep?"

".Hmm, what's wrong?"

After a while, a somewhat drowsy response came, sounding like he was not far off even if he was not asleep.

As the person involved, Fujimaru Ritsuka didn't seem to be troubled by this at all, which made her feel a little stupid, but she also felt a lot more at ease.

Although she apologized for disturbing the other person's sleep, she still continued to speak in a low voice with some embarrassment:

"Well, Ritsuka, can I come over to your place and sleep with you?"

"I can't sleep a little bit myself."

At this time, Fujimaru Ritsuka was a little more awake, and noticed that the other party seemed a little uneasy for some reason.

"Well, yes."

So she responded while squirming to the bed, making a bed available for Asuna.

Asuna moved very quickly. The moment she got the other person's permission, she immediately picked up her pillow and climbed out of the bed, and then gently got into Fujimaru Ritsuka's warm bed.

Although SAO perfectly restored their real-life bodies, it stands to reason that they cannot even restore their body fragrance.

But the moment she entered the bed, in addition to feeling the other person's warm body temperature, she seemed to really smell the light body fragrance emanating from Fujimaru Ritsuka.

She couldn't describe it with specific things or words, but it was undoubtedly a comfortable and reassuring fragrance.

"What's wrong, Asuna, are you worried?"

Fujimaru Ritsuka whispered concernedly, and at the same time held her hand comfortingly.

"Hmm, it's okay."

Asuna shook her head slightly. Originally, she did want to say something, but at this time her heart became inexplicably peaceful.

So she smiled and said:

"Thank you, Li Lixiang, good night."

After seeing Asuna seemed to really relax, Fujimaru Ritsuka also smiled and said:
"OK, good night."

After the words fell, Fujimaru Ritsuka closed his eyes and quickly fell asleep.

With the help of the cool moonlight shining in from the window, Asuna could see Fujimaru Ritsuka's delicate face so close at hand more clearly at close range.

Lying on her side, Fujimaru Ritsuka put down the side ponytail she tied up during the day. Her orange-red hair slightly obscured the side of her face. The unsuspecting face so close to her looked even cuter and slender than usual. .

After getting along with her for this period of time, she already had a better understanding of the girl in front of her.

Although she usually looks like a cute and rude girl, she is actually very calm and reliable. She is very strong both physically and mentally, giving people a feeling that she wants to rely on unconsciously.

Just like what happened during the day, Fujimaru Ritsuka, who was originally the target, should have been the most panicked person because she didn't know when the monster would charge at her again.

But in fact, Fujimaru Ritsuka had to calm her and Kirito's impatience.

Only when sleeping like this will the other person reveal a delicate and soft side that is completely different from that during the day.

But why is Ritsuka so strong?

What kind of person would she be in the real world?What kind of things have you experienced?
With such curiosity and questions, Asuna unconsciously fell into sleep.

 The author is half-blooded and resurrected!

(End of this chapter)
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