Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 154 Sudden unexpected situation, monster?

Chapter 154 Sudden unexpected situation, monster?

In one afternoon, while slaying monsters and pushing forward, the three of them finally explored the twelfth level.

Since they obtained valuable information from the player captain they rescued, their process of spawning monsters went fairly smoothly.

At the same time, about one-fifth of the +5 strengthening materials have been collected. If there are no other teams occupying the resources tomorrow, another whole day of farming should be enough.

Although the enhancement in the game has a probability of failure, the enhancement probability can be increased by adding a large amount of materials, and theoretically it can be increased to 100%.

However, in fact, once it reaches 90.00% or above, the amount of materials required to increase the probability further is an astronomical amount.

Of course, the success rate of 90.00% is already very high, but there will still be many unlucky people who hit 5.00%.

Moreover, every weapon in SAO has a number of enhancement times. For example, the rare weapons in the hands of three people have a maximum of 8 enhancement times. Regardless of success or failure, it will count for one enhancement time.

Therefore, the cost of failure to strengthen is very high, and sometimes it may even lead to a weapon being directly scrapped.

At dusk, the three of them returned from the maze area. After eating, they returned to the room early to rest and prepare to continue tomorrow.

The next day, they successfully explored the No. 14 level and discovered the entrance to the No. 15 level.

However, they did not continue to advance upward immediately. Instead, they stayed in the No. 14 level area where there were still relatively few players and began to collect strengthening materials.

After a whole day of grinding, the three of them couldn't help but become a little numb. Fortunately, the results were gratifying. As dusk approached, the three of them finally got enough strengthening materials.

This is still a situation where the three of them have almost conquered the entire No. 14 level. When the players behind gradually catch up, the efficiency of brushing will probably drop by several steps.

What's even more gratifying is that in the hands of the lowest level NPC blacksmith in [Torbana], the weapons of the three of them were successfully strengthened to +5.


If you fail to strengthen after working hard all day to collect materials, you will really want to quit playing.

In addition, they also observed that the monsters of these levels did show a stronger desire to attack, which was specifically reflected in a higher frequency of attacks, but other than that, no other abnormalities were found.

So on the third day, the three of them entered the No. 5 level with enhanced +15 weapons.

According to the information provided by Kirito during the closed beta period, when we get here, there will be a new type of kobold monster called [Ruin Kobold Assault Trooper], a kobold monster that wears armor on its upper body, uses a hand ax as a weapon, and likes to launch face-to-face attacks.

The three of them moved forward cautiously, and not long after, they saw the first [Ruin Kobold Commando].

However, the moment he saw the other party, Kirito couldn't help but froze for a moment.

"Wait, don't start the monster first!"

He quickly stopped Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna, hid out of the monster's sight, frowned and said:
"I always feel like it's a little strange."

Asuna heard this and asked:

"What's wrong? Is it different from the monster during the closed beta period?"

"No, judging from the appearance and monster name, there should be no change, but there seem to be some subtle differences."

While Kirito stared closely at the monster, he recalled the memories from the closed beta period in his mind and compared the differences between the two.

Compared with the closed beta period, the opponent's appearance does not seem to have changed much, but it inexplicably gives people a more ferocious and evil feeling.

He guessed that it might be the change brought about by those scarlet eyes.

In SAO, except for BOSS, the eyes of ordinary monsters will only turn red when they enter combat, and it will be the same light red light effect that appears after being injured.

But the [Ruins Kobold Commando] in front of him had scarlet eyes in his wandering state, which looked a bit ominous.

"Is that so"

After listening to Kirito's words, Fujimaru Ritsuka pondered for a moment and said:

"But just looking at it like this won't help. You still have to fight to understand the specific changes that have occurred."

"Anyway, handle it with caution."

Maintaining the order of Asuna, Kirito, and her from front to back, the three of them appeared in the monster's sight on alert.

"!@#¥%..." Unsurprisingly, the moment he saw them, the monster howled and rushed towards them. It looked no different from the previous monster.

So Asuna prepared to use [Linear Attack] as usual, and the light effect of the skill charge began to cover the rapier——


With a scream, her attack hit the opponent's neck. While successfully taking away one-third of the opponent's health, she also fell into a brief stiffness.

What happened next made Kirito's pupils shrink immediately.


Generally speaking, at this time, after Asuna hits the opponent, the monster's hatred is attracted to her, and the monster will only attack her.

However, the kobold monster in front of her completely ignored Asuna who was attacking her, jumped directly over the opponent's body, and continued to rush towards them in the back row.

Is he the target?
No, no—

"Ritsuka, be careful!!"

While shouting a warning to the opponent, he clenched his beloved sword and swung a slash with all his strength, but the result was that he only took away one-tenth of the opponent's health again, and was unable to stop the opponent's actions at all.

Fortunately, the spear in Fujimaru Ritsuka's hand was already stored and ready for use.

The moment the opponent passed Kirito's figure, the spear in her hand instantly turned into an afterimage, passed in front of the monster, and accurately hit the monster's right wrist.

Almost at the same moment, the weapon in the opponent's hand was immediately thrown out and landed on the ground not far away, making a "clang, clang, clang, clang" sound.


After causing the disarming effect on a monster holding a weapon, the monster should immediately pick up its own weapon. At this time, there will be a very large output gap.

But for some reason, the monster in front of him just stood there suddenly. Void shook his empty right hand, looking a little dazed.

Although I don’t know what is going on, there is no doubt that this is also an excellent output opportunity.

Fujimaru Ritsuka began to accumulate strength and shouted at the same time:
"We attack together!"

Kirito and Asuna, who had recovered from the stupor, reacted quickly, accumulated their skills together, and then cast them almost at the same time, easily hitting the monster standing still.


At the moment when its blood volume was completely emptied, the monster seemed to have come back to its senses. After letting out a scream, it turned into shining fragments.


Seeing the monster's fragments completely dissipated, Kirito's tense nerves finally relaxed and he couldn't help but breathe a sigh of relief.

"Ritsuka, are you okay?!"

On the other side, Asuna quickly ran to Fujimaru Ritsuka and hugged her tightly, her expression and tone full of worry and self-blame.

Fujimaru Ritsuka could feel that the other person's body that was close to hers was trembling slightly, and she was obviously still a little scared about the situation just now.

"I'm sorry, it's all my fault for not blocking that monster!"

When she heard the other person's guilt-filled words, she couldn't help but caress the other person's back to comfort her, and said with a relaxed smile:

"Okay, okay, obviously I wasn't even hurt at all, why did it make me feel like I almost died?"

"And it's obviously not Asuna's problem just now, right?"


Kirito also nodded in agreement, and then said with some solemnity:
"The question that needs to be clarified now is what happened just now."

"Let's review it first."

(End of this chapter)
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