Comprehensive Manga: The Master is not here today

Chapter 157: Strategy meeting, is BB a good person?

Chapter 157: Strategy meeting, is BB a good person?
"You guys are really amazing!"

Argo, who hurried to meet them after getting the news, couldn't help but exclaimed:

"Currently, most of the troops are still wandering around the [-]th level. I didn't expect you to have even found the BOSS room. It's really terrifying efficiency."

"As expected of Ritsuka and Asuna, the light of female gamers!"

Kirito said speechlessly:
"Hey, are you going to ignore me completely?"

"Oh, if Tongzai also wants to become the light of female gamers, he has to change from Tongzai to Tongzi first, right?"

“It’s not about that aspect, is it?!”

"OK OK."

Fujimaru Ritsuka stopped the two people from bickering and smiled at Argo:
"Anyway, we would like to ask you to inform other players to hold a BOSS strategy meeting."

"As for the time and place of the meeting, can I choose 10 o'clock tomorrow morning in the central square of the town?"

"No problem, I will notify you as soon as possible!"

Argo made an "OK" gesture, responded positively, and then couldn't help but sigh:

"The BOSS strategy meeting, I didn't expect this day to come. As long as you successfully conquer the first level, it will surely be a great encouragement to ordinary players."

"It can be said to be a very crucial first step."

Not only Argo, but everyone present is very aware of the importance of this strategic battle, so they have to summon all the players on the front line to try to pass the level with everyone alive.

At this time, Asuna suddenly thought of something and said curiously:
"Speaking of which, I don't know what is happening to the players who initially chose to stay in the Beginning Town."

"Oh, Asuna is interested in this information?"

Argo suddenly narrowed his eyes and said with a smile as if he was on business:

"I can give you a friendly price. It only costs 500 Coles. It's a very good deal, right?"

"Yes you can."

"Thank you for your patronage!"

After Asuna happily paid the information fee, Argo smiled and said:

"Actually, it's not bad."

"Didn't that guy named BB stipulate that 'if you don't engage in game behavior for a week, your blood will be deducted until you die'?"

"So after the sixth day of the game, many guys who stayed in the city finally couldn't sit still and began to think of ways to avoid death."

"Then they discovered that the definition of 'game behavior' is actually not strict. Even hunting the initial wild boars outside the city is considered to be engaging in 'game behavior.'"

"Even if you really don't want to fight, it seems to be no problem if you choose life skills such as forging and refining medicine to play."

"Overall, the number of players who actually died because of this rule seems to be zero."

Having said this, Argo paused for a moment, then said with a smile:

“Not only did no one die because of this rule, but on the contrary, after this, a considerable number of players emerged who were willing to try playing the game and walked out of the initial town.”

"You on the front line may not feel it, but the first half of the first floor is quite lively at this time~!"

"Although most of these players currently cannot keep up with the pace of the front line, so they have not made any waves yet, but as time goes by, there should be many people who will continue to join the front line of conquering SAO."


People couldn't help but feel a little surprised by the situation Argo described. The three of them looked at each other and did not expect that things would develop in this direction.

Moreover, as far as the situation described by Argo is concerned, that guy BB looks like...
"Just from the sound of it, the guy named BB seems to be helping players actively promote the strategy of the game. It's really hard not to think so, right?"

Argo smiled and pointed out the thoughts in the three people's minds, and then said:
"However, I have another piece of data here for your reference. There is no charge for this."

"So far, the number of dead players recorded on the Monument of Life in the Black Iron Palace has exceeded two thousand."


Hearing this astonishing number, Kirito's pupils shrank in shock, a little unbelievable.

You must know that the first batch of players participating in the SAO open beta only numbered 1, and the number of [-] sacrificed players was already one-fifth of the total number of players.

This is only on the first level, and more than one-fifth of the players have been sacrificed. This is definitely heavy news that cannot make people optimistic.

"A considerable part of the number of people who died must be due to that guy's 'contribution' to strengthening the monster AI." Argo continued to smile without changing his expression:

"So far, I believe that guy may really be a genuine AI."

"While intentionally or unintentionally giving players hope, they also deliberately put the players to death, as if they just want to see the players die in the battle with monsters, playing with life simply and ruthlessly."

"I'm afraid only AI can achieve such cruel and evil taste, right?"

"But speaking of which, it seems that a lunatic like Kayaba Akihiko is not too generous."


After listening to Argo's story, everyone fell into a brief silence.

"So, what is her purpose in doing this?"

At this time, Asuna's confused murmur reached everyone's ears, but no one could answer.

In such an atmosphere, no one noticed the bitter smile flashing across Fujimaru Ritsuka's face.

Although she couldn't explain it to outsiders, this was indeed the style of BB that she was familiar with.

BB never considered herself to be a 'tool that saves mankind'. She positioned herself as a 'demon who sometimes confuses mankind and sometimes saves mankind'.

Most of the time, she does behave like this.

In short, in this slightly heavy atmosphere, Argo said goodbye to them and left, preparing to inform other players about the BOSS strategy meeting.

After Argo left, they sorted out their emotions a little and began to discuss the next thing——

Since they held the strategy meeting, they were naturally responsible for hosting and explaining the meeting.

But how to do it and who will do it?
"Let me state in advance that I can't do it."

Kirito was the first to refuse, shaking his head like a rattle, his expression full of resistance.

"I'm not good at speaking. If I have to face so many players, I'm afraid I'll be so nervous that I can't even utter a word, right?"

The most important thing is that he doesn't want anyone to know that he teamed up with Fujimaru Ritsuka and the others.

If the news leaks out, he will definitely die, right?
"As for speaking and hosting, I have no problem."

Asuna raised her hands.

Her father is a company CEO, her mother is a university professor, and her brother also holds important positions in her father's company and often gives speeches.

Having received an elite upbringing since she was a child, she has been influenced by what she hears and sees, and speaking of love is a common thing for her.

"But Ritsuka, as the captain, no matter what, you have to say a few words when the time comes, right?"

Asuna looked at Fujimaru Ritsuka and smiled:

"After all, you definitely need a commander-in-chief when defeating the BOSS. I think you, Ritsuka, are definitely the best choice for this important position."

"In that case, we must first let everyone know you, right?"

Kirito also nodded. After spending this time together, he sincerely recognized Fujimaru Ritsuka's commanding ability.

"In that case, I have no problem."

Hearing Asuna's words, Fujimaru Ritsuka nodded and said, although she is not good at speaking, but as Asuna said, she must be recognized by everyone first.

Because she has additional tasks.

So the matter was decided like this.

But at this moment, Kirito suddenly remembered something.

The maximum number of players who can attack the BOSS together is 48, and a team can accommodate up to six members, which means a total of eight teams.

Their current team members only have three members, which means that if there are enough players, their team will have to recruit three more temporary members.

But in this case, wouldn't his situation in Fujimaru Ritsuka and Asuna's team be exposed? !

Suddenly, he seemed to see the Death Star twinkling above his head.

 It's recovered to three-quarters, probably
  Also, it’s the end of the month, please vote for me, brother!

(End of this chapter)
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