Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 234 Questioning Brother 2’s understanding of Brother 2 becoming Brother 2

Chapter 234 Questioning Second Brother’s Understanding of Second Brother Becoming Second Brother
On the first day of the Lunar New Year, the bright fireworks lit up the city of Kaifeng as bright as day. This year's Spring Festival, the people were having an extraordinarily lively time.

In fact, this is the first Spring Festival celebrated by wealthy people. The local tycoons have made a fortune by taking advantage of the reform of commercial banks. They do have some retaliatory needs, and various consumption levels have also risen because of this. In an area where rich people live, ordinary people can naturally join in the fun.

Of course, the most important thing is that this year, Zhao Guangmei took over the operation of Kaifeng Mansion. During the entire half month of the New Year, Kaifeng Mansion directly allocated a full 30 yuan to organize the work, which greatly made the people of Kaifeng feel happy.

Of course, this itself also drives the economy.

However, it is precisely because Zhao Guangmei is now the governor of Kaifeng, it is really difficult when he wants to do something. With the number and scale of subordinate officials in Kaifeng Prefecture, he can barely maintain the operation of the city without making any major mistakes. This is the limit. Almost everything can be dealt with as much as possible. The entire municipal government does not have any government affairs that are convenient or beneficial to the people. Even the issue of criminal names is huge.

For example, the security incident he encountered this time.

In fact, the essence is that there are not enough government officials. If he could set up an independent police station and have [-] or [-] police officers, it would not be such a troublesome thing.

Of course, this is unlikely.

Although private commerce was developed and prosperous, the imperial management was seriously lacking, and the various industries in history became half-owners of Kaifeng City.

The so-called outfit is a unique social organization in the Northern Song Dynasty. After a group of people occupies a business, they will try every means to monopolize a business and prevent outsiders from entering. They will raise a group of guys with tattoos and formulate business rules. In almost every business firm, there is no such thing. The fields touched, especially the light industry and service industry, are now included in Kaifeng Prefecture.

These people may simply be members of the Yizi Sect, or they may be the bosses behind various small groups. Zhao Guangmei also became the governor of Kaifeng and learned about some things during the special period of the New Year.

No one in the entire Kaifeng Mansion, or even the imperial court, felt there was anything wrong with this.

After all, Kaifeng Mansion is indeed very prosperous now. The people are not hungry and cannot afford to eat, and there are no civil wars. Kaifeng can still pay so much tax to the court every year. Isn't this already great?

As for the business environment and business fairness, that’s what they are. The yamen should be in charge of big things. Who has the heart to take care of such small things?Is this something that the court and the government should take care of?

Of course, the current situation in Kaifeng and even the entire Song Dynasty is indeed not particularly serious. Although the public security problem is serious, it is not serious.

Because at least so far, the bloody spirit of the citizens of Kaifeng is still there. To put it bluntly, I will fight anyone who dares to bully me. In addition, Zhao Guangmei deliberately allows the proliferation of weapons. Civil duels are still the most important way for civilians to resolve disputes and conflicts. .

It is no exaggeration to say that in the early years of the Northern Song Dynasty, the people of Kaifeng, who had just emerged from the troubled times of the Five Dynasties, had no problem saying that they were full of martial virtue and strong in style.

During the Chinese New Year, there is still more good news. For example, Zhao Dezhao said in a book that Chengdu has now been electrified. Not only has he made simple electric reeling and weaving equipment through motors, but the National Textile Center will definitely not be gone in the future, and Zhao Dezhao also On a whim, he used electricity to remove nitric acid, and he actually produced some nitric acid that was not of high purity.

He said that this thing is very powerful for making gunpowder, and compared with boiling saltpeter, large-scale production is particularly convenient. Anyway, the terrain in Chengdu is very different, and electricity is much easier to obtain than in Kaifeng. He gave it to Zhao Guangmei. A plan calls for building [-] power stations in Chengdu at one go.

Then use this electric energy to produce nitric acid, nitric acid to produce gunpowder, and then use gunpowder to blow up the passage into Shu and pave it with cement. At the same time, we must make steel in Chengdu, and let Zhao Guangmei shut down all the steel plants in Kaifeng. , he even wanted to build the cement plant himself, and asked Zhao Guangmei to give him 2000 million to build the city.

As for Luoyang, he has no interest in Luoyang and doesn't care about it. He only cares about money.

He also said that he planned to go to Dali after the Chinese New Year.

When she heard that he had tinkered with nitric acid, Zhao Guangmei was also confused. She debated for a long time whether to tell him whether the nitric acid was pure enough and dipped in cotton would be nitric acid cotton, which could be used as explosives.

Of course, it goes without saying that the purity of the nitric acid he proposed is definitely not enough, and the cost of producing nitric acid by electrolysis cannot be controlled at all, but in any case, this is an excellent start. This thing can be said to be the beginning of modern chemistry. It's the mother of all, and it's indispensable for making fertilizers, but he is not a science student after all, so he has no idea how to make it.

Could it be that this kid Zhao Dezhao still has some talent in chemistry?
Tens of millions of guan must not be given easily. After discussing with the elder brother, we agreed to give him 1000 million guan for one phase in the name of the trading company and let him practice the first phase of construction first. If the effect is good, then proceed. cast.

In addition, Xiao Chuo's racecourse has begun to take shape. During the Chinese New Year, several polo matches were organized. The overall organization was difficult to describe and it was a mess, but everyone watched it as a lively event.

They played a total of eight friendly matches with the Liao Kingdom, and lost seven of them. The only one they won was probably a deliberate attempt to "spare the defeat", which made the people of Kaifeng all filled with indignation. Zhao Kuangyin was even more so while watching the game. He was so angry that he kept smashing the table. On the contrary, the Liao Dynasty was obviously very happy after winning the Song Dynasty.

Later, those friendly matches that were officially competitive were still played by the Shulu and Diela tribes, which was equivalent to the "civil war" of the Liao Kingdom. It is said that it got a little angry at the end, and two players died on the court, and four were maimed after falling. .

But there is nothing to say. Xiao Chuo may be afraid of being true to the facts. The referees are all Song people. To put it bluntly, the overall cultural customs of the Khitan people are still based on those of the Tang Dynasty. Nobles have always played polo. Traditionally, due to the lack of horses in the Song Dynasty, the army's entertainment had long been switched to Cuju. Zhao Kuangyin himself was a master of Cuju.

It is normal for polo to be unable to beat the Liao Kingdom, but it is nonsense to beat them. On the contrary, if they got off their horses and played Cuju, the Song Dynasty would definitely beat the Liao Kingdom bald.

But the problem is that whether polo or Cuju, this game is not purely for physical fitness. If someone plays polo better than you, it means that their cavalry knows better than you, and their riding skills are better than yours. He is superior to your Song Dynasty. Are you angry?

Besides, polo is very entertaining. It is normal for several people to be injured or even one or two players to die during a game. Naturally, the audience likes to watch polo more. This thing is much more interesting than Cuju.

And regardless of those objective issues, the people happily went out of the city to Yingchuan to watch the polo match. As a result, the Song polo team was so beaten up by the Khitan people that they even shouted for refund of their tickets.

As a result, the cavalry of the Song Dynasty also officially started to form a polo team during the Chinese New Year, and formal training will begin after they officially move to Luoyang next year.

Zhao Guangmei also formally advised Zhao Kuangyin, hoping that in the future, polo matches could be held for half a month and once a year, and that the Song Dynasty could have a first-class league within the Song Dynasty, and divide the front department and the bodyguard department into ten. Two teams fight against each other.

And every year during the big event, the Liao Kingdom, as well as the Song cavalry in Hexi, Hebei, and Hedong, are required to organize a big event called the World Cup. The Song Dynasty Commercial Bank and the Daliao Commercial Bank can jointly sponsor and give the winner of the World Cup a full The bonus of 200 million yuan is all distributed to the team members.

Finally, I hope Zhao Kuangyin can allow him and Xiao Chuo to jointly establish a golf association to promote the better development of the polo project, and at the same time establish a football lottery as a profit-making project for the golf association.

Zhao Kuangyin also agreed.

He even made harsh words, saying that if he continues to be so bad when playing with Liao next year, he will kill someone.

Interestingly, just a few days after this, the Wugu, Dilie, Zubu and other tribes happened to send envoys to visit the Song Dynasty. They decided to break away from the Liao Dynasty and establish themselves on their own, and jointly created a covenantal regime called Shiwei. The Khan of Heaven conferred titles on them.To put it bluntly, they rebelled against the Liao Kingdom again and came to seek the support of the Song Dynasty. The seeds Zhao Guangmei had planted through various means finally blossomed and even bore fruit.

As soon as he heard that a football match was going to be held here, he immediately said that Shi Wei would also get involved and participate. Zhao Kuangyin naturally followed suit and expressed his willingness to be the khan of the three of them, and also rewarded them with many good things. .

I heard that they fought fiercely with the Khitans after they returned, but the Liao Kingdom, at least the Shulu Department, and the Song Dynasty's business were not affected at all. What is certain is that this time Shi Wei In order to rebel, the Shulu Department did not exert any effort at all.

They even had the leisure to send troops to Goryeo to beat Goryeo, using this as an excuse to refuse to get involved in the war between the Khitans and the Shiwei people.

Gao Li didn't even know why he was beaten so well.

All in all, Zhao Guangmei had a very fulfilling life this year.

It was not until the fifteenth day that everything was on the right track, and Zhao Guangmei finally officially sat down in court and began to serve as Kaifeng Prefecture Yin. Then he focused his energy on Kaifeng Prefecture again and made an appointment with the Sky Rat to communicate.

Zhao Guangmei still respected this now-de facto shareholder of the commercial bank. Even in the Kaifeng government office, she reserved a seat for him and made tea for him.

"What is the current situation of Yizi Sect? What kind of business is it doing? Is there anything illegal?"

The Flying Sky Rat had more than half a month to make buffers, so he was naturally much better prepared. He said: "My old brothers and I still control the cars, boats, shops, feet, and teeth of Kaifeng Mansion." Business, these five major businesses are still the main business of Yizimen. In recent years, most of my brothers have their own dental shops, car dealerships, etc. This business is also the one I can best control. of."

Zhao Guangmei nodded when she heard this. In fact, Yizimen also performed the responsibilities of urban management to a certain extent in Kaifeng, and the taxes of Kaifeng government offices had to be paid to the third division. She couldn't keep any of it, so she could really keep the money she spent. , most of which are the dock money earned by other people through the car and boat shop.

For example, sanitation fees, storage fees, and parking fees are all collected by Yizimen.

In fact, the income from land sales should have been withheld, but considering that nowadays all commercial banks are responsible for buying land, Zhao Guangmei is really fighting each other, so after thinking about it, he still kept the money for acquiring the land as low as possible, and As an example, in order to prevent the local government's fiscal revenue from relying too much on real estate income, which means that after becoming addicted to selling land and doing nothing but shit, he simply turned over this part of the income from land sales.

The prefects in various places did not have much reaction. After all, the strong branches and weak branches have been the mainstream rhythm since the Five Dynasties. The local governments in the Northern Song Dynasty had the weakest bargaining power against the central court in all dynasties. No one felt that there was any Something is wrong.

Then we can only rely on others.

So in fact, the Sky Squirrel's status in the entire Kaifeng Mansion is very good, and this was the hole he dug for Zhao Guangyi with his own hands.

This also made him realize more and more that he must open up a new source of income for Kaifeng Mansion.

"In Kaifeng, the low-rent housing project that was launched before should be completed by now. This project was started by my second brother. I think the project is very good. It needs to be carried out in large quantities. It will directly use bamboo reinforced concrete to build tube buildings without water or electricity. , but the rent is cheap, and those who meet the conditions can apply, what do you think?"

The Flying Sky Rat heard the words and said with a smile: "I think it's very good. If the government has any needs for demolition, I guarantee that Yizi Sect will fully cooperate."

Zhao Guangyi had been pushing this matter before, but Zhao Guangmei didn't care much about it. There were many obstacles within the business bank.

The reason is very simple. Although the current business houses do a lot of business, the most profitable thing is undoubtedly real estate. It is no exaggeration to say that it is super profitable. It takes one year to build a six-story tube building, and the cost does not exceed For 10 guan, at least 100 million guan will be sold. That’s it. People who can buy a house have to bear a 30-year loan to thank them.

Developers with private backgrounds other than those from commercial banks have not appeared so far. First, it is not easy for social capital to obtain land, and second, because commercial banks still almost completely monopolize the cement and power industries. Without the support of these two things, it is not possible to talk about development. Dreaming?

Therefore, the commercial banks naturally have the incentive to obtain land at low prices. If the land income is turned over to the Third Division, Kaifeng Prefecture has no interest in raising land prices. At the same time, of course, it is openly or covertly obstructing the construction of low-rent housing in Kaifeng Prefecture.

Once this thing is built and the number increases, it will inevitably greatly lower the price of commercial real estate. This is equivalent to robbing money from commercial banks.

So, Zhao Guangyi has always been pushing hard for this matter, and it was very painful. Zhao Guangmei pretended not to know and didn't get involved. Now the position on the butt has been changed. Hey, he has become the governor of Kaifeng.

"Local and state governments must have certain financial autonomy! Low-rent housing must be built!"

Well, because the rental income from low-rent housing belongs to the state government.

Block the second brother, question the second brother, understand the second brother, and become the second brother.

There must be a lot of resistance to this matter, and the resistance also comes from the trading houses. Zhao Guangmei also made the trading companies as if they were enfeoffed. Now in essence, he is not so centralized, and it all relies on that little prestige. Holding on.

As the governor of Kaifeng, I have to snatch food from the merchant houses, fight with each other, and beat myself up. He really can't guarantee that he will handle this matter much more smoothly than his second brother.

So for this matter, he really had to get the support of Yizimen, because even if he had prestige, he could only handle the decision-making level. The execution level ultimately relied on people to execute it. Who should he rely on?Only the Sky Rat.

Because Yizimen not only manages demolition, but as far as he knows, the six or seven construction workers' associations in Kaifeng are all Yizimen in name only, and many of the engineering teams that actually do the projects are also Sky Rats.

The second brother has not been doing well in low-rent housing. A large part of the reason is that the Sky Rat does not support him, and behind the Wing Rat there are the shareholders of the commercial bank who support him. Even if the decision-making is passed smoothly, the construction It can also give constant troubles.

No, asking him to strongly support him in building low-rent housing is the condition Zhao Guangmei set for him. If you do this well, you will be allowed to retire and leave your job. Otherwise, we will settle the old and new debts together.

As for the Flying Rat, he was indeed an old ghost. As soon as Zhao Guangmei opened his mouth, he understood immediately, agreed without saying a word, and even took the initiative to stop the troublesome work of demolition.

Otherwise, they are smart.

(End of this chapter)

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