Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 233 The filth under the prosperity of Kaifeng

Chapter 233 The filth under the prosperity of Kaifeng

The matter itself is not complicated. Any city that develops rapidly, especially when the foreign population flows very frequently, is prone to some public security problems. In particular, Kaifeng's urban planning obviously cannot keep up with the speed of development. This This situation is getting more and more serious.

Outsourcing public security is almost an inevitable choice for Kaifeng City. Otherwise, it can only expand the patrol camp and the power of Kaifeng inspections, and engage in dual-use military and civilian use. However, if this is done, the hidden dangers are actually greater. Although the soldiers of the Northern Song Dynasty, after Zhao Guangmei's efforts to vigorously reform military discipline are indeed a bit stronger, but pointing them to serve the people and create conflicts between the military and civilians is definitely overthinking.

Moreover, the excessive military power and overlapping of political power were too risky for the Northern Song Dynasty, which had just experienced the troubled times of the Five Dynasties. Of course it didn't matter to him when he was the governor of Kaifeng, but it would definitely leave a mess for future generations.

Outsourcing public security will naturally cause big problems. It is not taboo to say that in fact, for a long time, many aspects of public security in modern society have been outsourced, and a large number of temporary workers have been hired. The quality of these temporary workers, The sources are all problematic.

Therefore, Zhao Guangmei is actually completely able to accept a slight flaw in the security issue, and is mentally prepared for the inevitable price of development.

But what is the situation now?Is it too exaggerated?Even if you charge a small amount of protection money from the merchant, he will turn a blind eye and let him pass, but he will directly rob the diners and show off a knives-to-the-knife attitude, saying that even if the King of Qin comes, he will also rip off the skin. This is really a bit baffling.

How were these temporary workers selected?

Then his promoters all said that the temporary workers here were all recommended by the Sky Squirrel. After all, all of them had just taken over the business of Kaifeng Mansion and were really not familiar with the ups and downs of Kaifeng Mansion, so they did not To be able to investigate in detail is really a crime of oversight.

To put it bluntly, this is pure blame-shifting.

The Flying Sky Rat has a very special status in Kaifeng Mansion now. If you say he is an official, he is definitely not, but he does have a government background, and he can even directly interact with Zhao Guangmei. To put it bluntly, he is the chamber pot of the government. Even Zhao Guangmei is I can't think of him, but if there was no chamber pot at the critical moment, the city of Kaifeng would be filled with the stench of feces and urine.

Seeing this, Zhao Guangmei waved to him, and the Flying Sky Rat also knelt down with a mournful face and kowtowed repeatedly.

"You're celebrating the New Year. I won't let you be embarrassed. Get up and answer the question."

"Yes, thank you Your Highness."

Hearing this, the Flying Sky Rat breathed a sigh of relief and asked him to stand and reply. This at least showed that King Qin did not directly abandon his idea and was still concerned about his face. Naturally, it was even less likely to kill him.

"Is this person from the Qiyi sect?"

He replied: "Yes, but also no."

"Huh? What do you mean yes and no?"

The Flying Sky Rat could only say: "In name, this person is indeed a member of my Yizi Sect. The entire Kaifeng, large and small... clubs, are all from my Yizi Sect, and naturally they are all my people, but in reality Come on, the common people... I can't control them. To be honest, if you hadn't used it, Your Highness, I would have wanted to disband this Yi Zi Sect. It's not the villain who is shirking responsibility, but now Kaifeng City and Yi Zimen Zimen, the villain is really... really willing but powerless."

Seeing Zhao Guangmei frowning, the Flying Sky Rat quickly explained: "Let's talk about this person. This person is nicknamed Big Scar. He brought his brothers to Kaifeng about four months ago to make a living. Some people say that they are from Guide Mansion. Some people say they are from Jinan Prefecture, others say they are from Yangzhou Prefecture, you name it, but it is certain that they must have made a living in the past by licking blood with the tip of a knife and cutting paths and blocking roads. When they came to Kaifeng City, In the beginning, I made a living by collecting debts. I cut my hands and stamped my feet at every turn, and even killed my whole family. I had several fights with villains, and even killed one of my brothers."

Zhao Guangmei said in surprise: "I killed one of your brothers, how can you still tolerate them?"

"Your Highness, they... they are madmen. As for the murder of the whole family, they randomly arranged for one person to take the blame, and the others fled the city and hid in the countryside. They came back when the news calmed down. Some of them were simply wanted criminals. No. There’s a way.”

"The villain has also thought about fighting them and suppressing them, but Your Highness, they are barefoot, and the villain wears shoes. They dare to kill people, set fires, and even make explosive bags. The villain... the villain dare not Ah, besides, there are not just one or two groups of people like them in Kaifeng City, but dozens of them. If the villain is too tough and forces them to fight the villain to the death, this... Kaifeng's security will probably be compromised. At once……"

"I understand, so why don't you just recruit them?"

"Yes, the villain brought them all into the Yi Zi Sect, but... But actually, the villain can't control them."

After thinking about it, Zhao Guangmei smiled and pinched the fabric of the Sky Rat's body, and even pulled off a mutton-fat jade pendant hanging from his waist and played with it for a while.

"It's you and the brothers under you. Now that they are wearing silk and satin, they are less and less willing to get their hands dirty."

Hearing this, the Flying Sky Rat acquiesced.

But when he saw Zhao Guangmei, he threw the jade pendant and cursed: "If you can't control people, then what use do I have to you?"

Upon hearing this, the Flying Sky Rat quickly knelt down again, but did not explain, but acquiesced, which made Zhao Guangmei grit his teeth.

In fact, to put it bluntly, the current situation of the Sky Rat in Kaifeng Mansion is particularly similar to a character that existed in real history: Hong Qi Lao Wu.

That is, the ruthless man who once unified the triads in Hong Kong Island.

However, to put it bluntly, Hongqi Laowu relied on his Hongmen identity from the mainland and used the local prefixes to give him face. This boss is actually more of a boss in name only.

Kaifeng City does not check road signs now. It is too easy for ordinary people from all over the country to enter and leave the city. It is too difficult for the government to catch such a hard-core ruthless person who enters the city and kills two people before escaping. We don't even necessarily know who committed the murder.

To put it bluntly, except for the main city of Kaifeng, the imperial court's control over other areas was average, and its control over rural areas was almost half-abandoned.

The governance ability is not good at all.

Then we can only rely on the likes of the Sky Rat and use black to control black. This dilemma is actually very similar to Hong Kong Island at a certain period in history.And to be honest, under the background of too many outsiders and high mobility, it is indeed easier for workers at the bottom to form groups and form independent small groups. In essence, social organizations are indeed labor organizations, and labor organizations are bound to It is from the bottom up, and with the addition of these hard-core ruthless people who come and go at any time, the government, with insufficient governance capabilities, can only make certain compromises and increasingly rely on people like the Sky Rat. He was a human, but the Sky Rat couldn't stand it.

As far as the current situation in Kaifeng City is concerned, the Yi Zi Sect of the Sky Squirrel is not much different from the 14K in Hong Kong Island. On the surface, there is a boss, but in fact, all the subordinate bosses have become princes. The boss I can't control it at all.

And the Skyscraper doesn't want to care.

Even in the face of such a severe accusation from Zhao Guangmei, who even threw off his jade pendant, this guy still knelt on the ground without saying a word, but the power of the hob was used on him.

"Do you really think I'm reluctant to kill you?"

In fact, the Flying Rat really thought so, but he definitely couldn't say that. He just said: "Your Highness, I mean... I really have limited abilities! Moreover, I'm not afraid of Your Highness's jokes. I will tell the truth. The villain now has no one to use. Those brothers who followed the villain from life to death in the past have now turned to legitimate businesses, either owning shops or houses to collect rent, or someone has taken the money. They simply went to invest in other places, and even some people are now setting up joint ventures with shareholders of commercial banks. The city of Kaifeng is developing too fast. Our direct descendants...all our direct descendants are now like your highness, you said. In that way, we are all wearing silk and satin, we...we are fifty-four this year. In fact, we are also old. Relying on our seniority and face, it may be useful to be the nominal boss and make peace when things happen, but When it comes to fighting and killing, that's really not possible, the villain...The villain can't suppress the newcomers who are getting more and more and more ruthless in Kaifeng City."

Zhao Guangmei didn't know whether to laugh or cry: "You're fucking trying to mess with me, aren't you?"

You must know that this is in public. On this occasion, he, the Flying Sky Rat, personally admitted to His Highness the King of Qin that he was no longer alive and could not fight and kill. By this time tomorrow, this matter would probably be true.

As far as Zhao Guangmei knows, today's Skyward Rat is indeed no longer what he used to be. He was actually one of the richest people in Kaifeng City, with countless assets under his name. However, the previous business banks were reduced in burden and restructured, and a large number of ’s business began to sell off, and he stepped on such a big trend.

He was involved in almost all the cement plants, steel plants, and red brick factories that were purchased by several major shareholders. This kid was also a genius. He used almost all of his family property to obtain loans to buy the original shares of the company.

For example, a factory that was originally 100% controlled by a commercial bank has now become 40% controlled by the commercial bank. Shi Shouxin and Gao Huaide hold 40% of their individual shares. Of the remaining 20%, he, the Flying Sky Rat, holds 10% of it. %.

And he is not the only one with such a factory.

Although nominally he has nothing to do with the commercial bank, in fact, he is not much different from the actual shareholder of the commercial bank. As a result, his social circle has greatly improved to a higher level. It is said that some time ago, Tian also went to drink flower wine with his father-in-law Zhang Lingduo.

To put it bluntly, with his current worth and status, he wants to be Lord Mouse. Apart from Mouse members, the people he talks and laughs with are at the level of military governors. I really don’t want to be the boss anymore. You let him go at this time. If you lead your younger brother to kill people again, they won't be happy.

He would not be happy even if the Kaifeng governor was backing him up.

With that kind of money, he would be happy to do charity.

He said in public today that he was no longer able to fight, and could not even fight. In fact, his intention to give up the fight was already obvious.

The porcelain should not touch the tiles. This principle is the same at all times and in all countries. After making sure that he was not really angry and had no intention of killing him or bringing him to death, B actually wanted to take this opportunity to retire directly?
As for saying that his old brothers are now wearing silk and are no longer able to fight, I can only say maybe, but people are old and ghosts, so this can only be believed by [-]% at most.

Seeing that Zhao Guangmei was angry, the Flying Sky Rat simply kowtowed and said, "I am also begging for mercy from Your Highness. I beg Your Highness to spare my life and let this villain... escape with my life intact."

Hearing this, Zhao Guangmei also fell silent and began to drink in silence.

The Flying Rat didn't say anything more, just knelt and kowtowed.

They are all smart people, and they are actually playing cards at this point. Now it depends on Zhao Guangmei's choice.

The prosperity and stability of Kaifeng is inseparable from people like Channeling Sky Rat, but if the Channeling Rat is forced too hard, it might even destroy Kaifeng's prosperity and stability.

After a while, Zhao Guangmei said: "Currently, there are a total of 310 officials and officials in Kaifeng Prefecture. Compared with the past and other prefectures, this is an astronomical number. These subordinate officials But they all eat imperial food. No other state capital in the country except Kaifeng can afford to support so many people. In fact, there has been a voice in the court saying that the structure of Kaifeng Prefecture is too bloated and the burden is too heavy. You need to know about the yamen personnel. It has always been easier to expand than to lay off employees. We, the founding generation, already have so many people. In the future, future generations may have to support a huge team."

"But, the current resident population of Kaifeng City is over 270 million. If you include the floating population that comes and goes, especially the migrant workers who come to the city to work every year during the slack season, the number should be more than 400 million. The population is about the same as The ratio of subordinates to subordinates is huge, close to four thousand to one!"

"The citizen economy is different from the traditional city-state economy in the past, especially in a city like Kaifeng with free entry and exit and high mobility of people. If you really want the people to live and work in peace and contentment and maintain good public security, the proportion of subordinate staff must exceed 100. :1, that is to say, the number of subordinate staff in my Kaifeng government office will be expanded forty times, which is simply impossible. Even if it is expanded, I cannot afford it."

"So, sometimes I have to entrust you with administration. I always instinctively choose the method that is easiest for me, but I can cope with it. For this kind of thing, I believe that my second brother is the governor of Kaifeng. You must have a tacit understanding when doing this, right? How to deal with these big and small thorns? "

"This...actually according to the method that has been used all along, as long as there is no trouble within Yizimen, no large-scale conflict breaks out, and it doesn't get too big, then..."

"That is to say, keep the surface peace and cleanliness, and let the corner details and some minor injustices and public order be left alone?"

"This is."

"Hey~, sure enough, the New Deal has equally outstanding advantages and disadvantages. Even in Kaifeng, if you open it and look inside, it is full of filth."

After that, he looked at the students and said: "Look, what you said makes sense. Everything has a Yin and Yang side. You are scholars and will be officials in the future. You can see the dark side of the New Deal. In fact, there is nothing wrong with it." Okay, we have to debate when there is a debate, but besides the debate, the more important thing is not to find the problem, but to solve the problem. For example, now, the prosperity of Kaifeng City is quite prosperous, but these dark sides are indeed disgusting, at least with the current system , the court has almost nothing to do about it. It relies on him, but he still fails, so what should we do? It’s rare that we all know each other today, can I leave you an homework? Just use this as the topic, you go and write a policy paper. Students who study in Kaifeng can write. After the fifteenth day, I will send people to Taixue to collect suggestions. If you really have insights and strategies that can be used, how can I be stingy about employing talents in one way or another? This is the only way. It’s a really effective debate.”

After saying that, he rushed to the Sky Rat and said, "I understand, that's it for today. You can go home to celebrate the New Year. I'll find you again after the fifteenth. As for whether your life can be stable, you can stay in retirement and enjoy happiness... …Let’s talk about it then, you will definitely have to do something more for me.”

(End of this chapter)

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