Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 235 The Yizi Sect is reorganized

Chapter 235 The Yizi Sect is reorganized

Zhao Guangmei agreed to the retirement of the Sky Squirrel. After the Sky Squirrel retires, the entire Yizi Sect will naturally affect the prosperity and stability of Kaifeng. As the new Kaifeng Prefect, Zhao Guangmei is extremely dissatisfied with the current government's control over the city. .

The first step is to establish a police station to supplement the shortage of government officials and arrests. There is nothing to say about this. However, it treats the symptoms rather than the root cause, because no matter how much it is expanded, it is impossible to raise tens of thousands of police officers to maintain law and order.

The level of productivity has not yet reached the level, and the court also lacks sufficient tax sources. Kaifeng is a model for the world. Once Kaifeng has tens of thousands of police officers, other state capitals will have to have at least a few thousand more. By then, the country will spend more money raising police than raising the army. It was so damn expensive that it was equivalent to the Song Dynasty raising two imperial armies. No matter how healthy the financial situation was, it would have to be dragged down.

So secondly, each enterprise under the commercial bank has formally established a security department and security team, allowing the security guards of each enterprise to wear armor, hold crossbows, and even use gunpowder weapons on a daily basis.

The wages of these security guards are paid by each enterprise and factory. As for how much or how little they will pay, what conditions, how many people, and what they are responsible for, are all decided by the shareholders and leadership of each factory.

That is to say, power has been delegated, but it seems that power has not been delegated.

Because the commercial bank itself is also owned by Zhao Guangmei, after the reform, the commercial bank only does not have absolute control over the following enterprises, but it still has relative control.

Of course, this article is actually a bit sensitive, but fortunately, the imperial court is about to move now, and Kaifeng will completely become a commercial city. Having its own army will save the city from raising imperial troops.

Except for Luoyang, which will definitely be regarded as the capital in the future, the imperial court does not need to be too wary of civilian armed forces. Anyway, no matter how strong it is, it cannot beat the imperial army. The imperial court can increase its control over various cities by adding subordinate officials. In the final analysis, managing the city It is a completely different concept from managing the countryside. The old methods gradually no longer work.

It has always been farmers who rebel, and there is no reason for workers to rebel, because workers are difficult to be used and incited by careerists. There is no personal dependence between workers and capitalists. Generally speaking, the way they resist is through strikes.

At that time, it would be nice to allocate security and public order tasks directly to each factory area and their residential area.

The courtiers will definitely be opposed to this, but it doesn't matter. Zhao Guangmei has always been dissatisfied with courtiers, especially those civil servants.

The military generals must support him, because this will undoubtedly provide a good place for a large number of retired Imperial Guards. It can even shorten the service age of the Imperial Guards, keep the army young, and at the same time greatly increase their influence in the commercial field.

To be honest, when they want to be corrupt, they can be more greedy because of this.

To hell with those civil servants.

And even if these two items are guaranteed, there will still be a lot of hidden corners in Kaifeng, which means people like Skyrat and Yizimen are still indispensable to help manage them.

"Do you think the Yi Zi Sect will split after you retire?"

"'s not easy to say."

"Can your son succeed you?"

Hearing this, the Flying Sky Rat shook his head repeatedly, saying that his son couldn't hold up the wall with mud, was useless at all, and couldn't shake people at all. Anyway, he said a lot and refused to let his son come to take over his class. .

Zhao Guangmei was still kind-hearted, sighed, and stopped forcing him, saying: "After retirement, take out 100 million yuan to set up a fund to support the lonely elderly."

Hearing this, the Flying Rat felt as if he had been granted amnesty, and nodded repeatedly to express that he could come up with 100 million, not to mention 200 million.

If nothing else happens, the Skyshu family, and even his direct brothers, will become representatives of the folk capital of the Song Dynasty in the near future, the real richest man among the people, and capital legends, and this period of establishing the Yizi Sect Experience will be washed away into... a little darkness that capital has to have in the stage of primitive accumulation.

"As far as I know, the current business of Yizimen should be divided into three. The main business is your car and boat shop, which is still from your direct lineage, especially the dock warehousing business. To put it bluntly, you are all in Kaifeng People from the government."

"Second-level businesses are various social and union organizations, such as construction workers, cement plant workers, steel plant workers unions, etc. To put it bluntly, it is a kind of grouping among workers to keep warm. Except for the dock workers who are relatively superior, other They are all roughly the same, and then there are mutual aid organizations organized with fellow villagers as a link, and I support these. Of course, most public security issues are related to them."

The Flying Sky Rat also said: "Your Highness is right, they are all poor people who come from other places to make a living. In essence, everyone sticks together to keep warm. Only in this way can we not be bullied. After all, the government can handle important matters."

Zhao Guangmei did not deny it and continued: "As for the third category, they are the real scum, who are engaged in deception, abduction, and casino and brothel business. To be honest, some people are already blatant, for example, That Scarface who offended me before, isn’t he the kind of person who collects protection money and also robs and extorts on the side?”

"The first category, needless to say, to be honest, you can be regarded as the cornerstone of Kaifeng Mansion. It is no exaggeration to say that even if Kaifeng City can live without me, Zhao Guangmei, it cannot live without the car and boat shop. Yizi Sect as a whole At least you still have a certain credibility, otherwise, the outsiders may be deceived, and the government has nothing to do, so I support your development."

"Needless to say, the third category must be fought resolutely. Although I also know that it is impossible to fight cleanly, I must keep fighting."

"The real key is the second category. Its existence is reasonable. In a city dominated by foreigners, it is impossible to prevent the people at the bottom from forming groups based on region and type of work. However, after forming groups, they will inevitably fight, and when they fight, they will exert power. , it is actually inevitable to engage in things like protection fees and opening casinos. After thinking about it, I still feel that they should be allowed to survive, but at least they cannot be relegated to the third category."

"If you retire and your son refuses to take over, in order to prevent the second category from slipping into the third category, there is no other way but an election."


The Skyrat's instinct was to be confused. He couldn't understand Zhao Guangmei's brain circuit.

"What is an election?"

"You and your direct descendants will retire, form a group of elders, and establish various large and small halls at the grassroots level. Set up a red stick and a paper fan. Each hall will be responsible for selecting candidates. Each hall leader will select the primary election. In the end, it will be up to you. These elders come to vote to determine a sect leader and a deputy sect leader. The sect leader is chosen by a red stick, and the deputy sect leader comes out of a paper fan. You understand what I mean."

"Um... I probably understand." In fact, his mind was completely confused, and he didn't even know what His Highness was thinking.

But Zhao Guangmei continued: "The profits from the car and boat shop, especially the dock warehousing, are the public property of the society, and the money earned is distributed to the entire society. In addition, the various halls below do their own accounting and enjoy a high degree of Autonomy, but substitution must be confirmed by the sect owner and the Elders Council.”

"Finally, the sect leader and deputy sect leader can only serve for two years. When they reach the limit, they must retire, join the senior group, and become a member of the senior group. They cannot go back to serve as the leader. In other words, they must clean themselves up and become rich. Weng."

"In short, if there are any problems in the entire Kaifeng City, I will go directly to your group of elders and the principal and deputy sect leaders. The mission of the principal and deputy sect leaders is to unite all the clans and ensure that you don't have large-scale fights within you, let alone bully the market. In principle, Each church is relatively independent, so if someone commits the third category, such as murder, I will hold the entire church accountable."

"I hope that the sect master and deputy sect master of your Yizi Sect can become very good friends with me, what do you think?"

The Flying Sky Rat was in a state of confusion, and then nodded again and again.

Zhao Guangmei's gameplay is basically to change 14K into Heshenghe.

Since he couldn't eliminate the club organization and even had to rely on it, he naturally had to choose an obedient way to transform it. As we all know, Hutchison was much more obedient than 14K.

The Flying Rat quickly grasped the key, which was retirement.

As long as the sect leader can hold on for two years, he can retire and become a rich man. You must know that for many Jianghu people, the word "retirement" is simply a luxury. And since His Highness the King of Qin said so, there is a high probability that he will retire after retirement. You should still be able to live a peaceful old age.

Moreover, in this way, those who are prominent among the hall leaders will soon be promoted to be the sect leader. After serving as sect leader for two years, he will join the Elders Association to take care of himself. Therefore, it is impossible for the entire society to be dominated by one person. The elders The group will instinctively maintain the stability of the society out of profit considerations. Even for the sect leader, isn't the so-called sect leader just for maintaining stability? To ensure that the various clans below do not interfere with each other and affect the stability of Kaifeng City. Unity is the core task during the two-year period.

Because he couldn't do anything else in two years.

"The villain already understands what His Highness means."

"It's best to understand. You know, I'm very busy. I definitely can't handle this matter personally. So, this is your last task. Once you've done it, I'm satisfied. Not only can you become a rich man, but when the court moves, After you leave, if you don't buy one of the few palaces in the palace, how can it match your status? But if you don't do it well or I'm not satisfied..."

"Understood. Don't worry, Your Highness. Give me two months to ensure that the power of the Yizi Sect is stabilized and balanced."

"Very good, I will tell you everything. Within half a month, Kaifeng Mansion will launch a rectification and anti-criminal campaign. In short, it will be a severe crackdown."

"Huh? Ah... I understand."


Of course, Zhao Kuangyin was not just talking, he was deliberately cracking down on them during the election. Naturally, the Flying Squirrel also figured out what Zhao Guangmei meant.

However, although the Sky Squirrel thought clearly, other people in the Yizi Sect, and even most people did not think so clearly.

In other words, most of them can't understand it. This thing actually does not depend on IQ, but on position and vision.

"Brother, we really have to retreat now. However, Kaifeng Mansion is now conducting strict investigations and crackdowns. Many brothers are not even tried. They are immediately dispatched after arrest. Our brothers know that you want to retire, but...but now? Brothers There are a lot of rumors now, and when choosing a sect leader at this time,...many of the people below have already started working on it."

In the teahouse, the close aide of Skyscraper couldn't help but murmured his objections.

This teahouse is the property of Skyscraper, and is actually the real headquarters of Yizi Sect. The powerful old brothers sitting in the hall drinking tea today who have been with him since before the founding of the Song Dynasty are almost all his direct descendants.

The Kaifeng Mansion has been cracking down hard after the Chinese New Year. It is said that His Highness the King of Qin was blackmailed by gangsters on the New Year's Day and became angry. However, this year's intensity is really frightening. It is not even as big as the King of Qin. His Royal Highness's traditional style.

His Highness the King of Qin has always been very reasonable and process-oriented. He is kind and virtuous in handling domestic affairs and sympathizes with the people at the bottom.

As a result, this time's anti-crime campaign was completely based on a report system. It did not focus on evidence or law at all. It directly investigated public grievances. As long as those with a bad reputation were arrested immediately, especially when they started to receive reports from the masses, it was almost within three days. , more than [-]% of all casinos and brothels were wiped out.

It is no exaggeration to say that this time, Yizi Sect suffered unprecedented heavy losses.

To put it bluntly, this severe crackdown is actually aimed at Yizimen.

Seeing this, the Flying Sky Rat could only sigh and said: "There are some things that are difficult for me to explain to you. This is my only chance. If I don't retreat now, I won't have to retreat in the future. As for those who were severely beaten, Brother, do you think I can protect them even if I don't retreat? This is Kaifeng after all, why do you think His Highness the King of Qin wants our Yizi Sect's change of leadership to be carried out at the same time as the Kaifeng Mansion's severe crackdown?"

"I don't care whether you understand it or not, just think that this is the condition for our brothers to retreat. Let me remind you that the Yi Zi Sect has been roasted on the fire by His Highness, as if A jar filled with gunpowder can explode at any time. With this election change and the establishment of a court, all of us will enter the Senate. Whether it is a severe crackdown or not, you should not get involved. From now on, we will wash our hands in a golden basin, except for everyone. During the two-year election, no one should touch anything in the door. If you don’t admit it and die, don’t blame me as the big brother for not wanting to catch you.”

After thinking for a while, he added: "The development of Kaifeng City has been so fast in the past few years. It is no exaggeration to say that if you follow me, you are definitely the luckiest group of people in the world. The brothers behind us are not. You may be so lucky, but up to now, none of you have a net worth of one hundred thousand dollars, or even more? You already have this net worth, why don’t you run away as soon as you can? I will go to the palace to buy a house in the future .”

", if we all retreat at this time, and His Highness is going to crack down hard, no matter how we choose this election, I'm afraid there will be a fight."

The Flying Sky Rat sneered when he heard this: "Why do you think His Highness is doing so many things? He just wants to see us fight! Why, do you think we can go against His Highness's will?"

(End of this chapter)

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