Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 191 Isn’t she really the sister-in-law?

Chapter 191 Isn’t she really the sister-in-law?
Someone is driving a wedge between himself and his second brother?And it’s actually reached the point where even the second brother needs to be vigilant?
Zhao Guangmei was a little confused for a moment. The person behind it was not very clever, but he was really brave. Moreover, no matter how much he and Zhao Guangyi thought about it, they couldn't guess who the person behind it was. .

Among the ministers in the court, who has such courage?
Is this for Zhao Guangmei or Zhao Guangyi?
Zhao Pu?But what does Zhao Pu want?

On a dirty thought, could it be Zhao Dezhao?That guy is still in Chengdu, and his mind is full of Dali.

"Second brother, are you too sensitive?"

"Maybe, now that you're back, check it out yourself."

"it is good."

In just two sentences, the two brothers finished talking about the matter, and then started talking about business again with the shareholders.

Then, within a few words, they both started to join in the topic of strengthening yang and nourishing kidneys.

After the meeting, Zhao Guangmei found the Sky Squirrel and asked him in detail about what had happened in the past few months.

"Queen? My sister-in-law? Does she have trouble with you? Why are you two still related?"

The Flying Sky Rat smiled bitterly: "Yes, I don't know where the queen heard about my drinking with officials before, so she specially ordered someone to beat me. At the same time, I have been unlucky recently, and many shit basins have been hit on my head. On top of that, people from the Beggar Clan come to make trouble for me almost every day. In recent months, the sanitation fee collection has been only half of what it used to be. In addition, there have been more and more cuckolds in Kaifeng in the past few months. There are people in the market. They say I did it, but in fact it was all done by the beggars."

"A gang of beggars? That's stupid."

But even Zhao Guangmei couldn't help but want to cover her head.

Using the Sky Squirrel as a breakthrough point, the person behind the scenes was at least quite accurate in finding this angle. He was now fortunate that his second brother had finally experienced it and did not fall into the trap.

When he left Kaifeng three months ago, he had thought about whether Zhao Guangyi would take the opportunity to suppress the Sky Rat. It was just the lesser of two evils, so Zhao Guangmei gave up on the Sky Rat.

In fact, Zhao Guangyi did have certain thoughts about the Sky Rat. Starting from Yaxing, he made a series of laws to restrict the development of the Sky Rat and squeeze his balls.

There are so many talented people in Kaifeng Mansion, and without Zhao Guangmei blocking them, it would be easy for them to take advantage of the Sky Rat. Of course, Zhao Guangyi’s original intention was not to kill the Sky Rat directly. Although such people are not popular, they can still play tricks. It is true that he, the governor of Kaifeng, can drink a pot of money by being generous with his mischief. All he wants to do is bully and bully him, putting this wandering rat in a dilemma. It will be difficult for the two wives to be a daughter-in-law. In the future, Kaifeng mansion will treat them Officials, big and small, should be more polite.

To put it bluntly, Zhao Guangyi's purpose is just to prevent Zhao Guangmei from using his hand to empty Kaifeng Mansion. Although the entire Kaifeng Mansion is supported by you, we must understand who is whose father.

As a result, things immediately went wrong.

Zhao Guangyi soon realized that for more than a month, there were still people who were involved in the Sky Rat operation, and they were doing it to death. The most important thing was that the Beggar Gang also got involved.

Out of fear of being covered in stinky dog ​​shit, Zhao Guangyi simply chose to ignore it and handed over all the general affairs of Kaifeng Mansion to Shi Xizai.

"Beggars' gang? How is this possible? Is someone supporting them?'s impossible. No matter how stupid my sister-in-law is, she can't possibly have anything to do with these stinky bitches. Who is trying to mess with you? "

This is a real headache.

During the Song Dynasty, the Beggar Gang was undoubtedly the largest gang in the world. He didn't know if they had the Eighteen Dragon Subduing Palms, but what was certain was that there were no heroes in this gang who served the country and the people. On the contrary, most of them were They are scum, scum, everyone is like stinky shit, and when people see them, they just want to stay away.

When listening to the previous story, he really wondered if this was caused by his sister-in-law. She is a woman. Sometimes she has no political aspirations. She killed her brother. Over the years, she would bite him a few times whenever she had the chance. This younger brother had nothing to do with her, and even Zhao Kuangyin had to accommodate her.

Thinking of her pain of losing her brother.

As a woman, what are you doing with him?
This queen is as stable as a mountain. She has been a general for generations, and marrying into the palace represents the general's reputation. Although she is not as good as Queen Dugu of the Sui Dynasty, there are indeed similarities in some places. When Zhao Kuangyin married her again, At that time, the two of them had a purely political marriage, and they would not behave like they were submissive, obedient, and sensible in front of Zhao Kuangyin.If the sister-in-law wants to have sex with her, there is nothing to say. If the sister-in-law wants to do it, let her do it. It’s not a big deal if she does it twice. Zhao Guangmei just pinches her nose and admits it.

But there is no reason for the sister-in-law to use the beggar gang to mess with her?
Sister-in-law, doesn’t he think it’s dirty?
"Be specific, how did it happen."

"The Queen used the hand of Kaifeng Mansion to put pressure on me at first, but to be honest, the Queen is only the master of the harem after all, and her ability in the outer court is limited. His Highness Prince Qi hid and did not reach out. In fact, I am not afraid of him. Kaifeng Mansion's Everyone at the top and bottom pointed at me to earn their administrative budget, how could they really do this to me, but then the beggar gang suddenly became active."

"They come in groups to blackmail merchants in the city. The protection fees they charge are almost the same as the health fees I charge."

"That's unreasonable! Do they deserve it?"

Although the Sky Squirrel also charges protection fees, ah, it’s health fees. This money is really given to Kaifeng Mansion. At least Kaifeng Mansion is really responsible for sanitation.

Beggars, why?
Moreover, this sanitation fee is not low, it is almost half of the current rent of various stores in Kaifeng Prefecture. In fact, this is the replacement of the previous commercial tax!

The Sky Squirrel came forward to collect the money. Although his method of doing things was not very good, it actually greatly alleviated the problem of corruption among subordinate subordinates at the grassroots level. His efficiency was much higher than that of subordinate subordinates in Kaifeng Mansion.

As a result, the beggar gang actually dared to do this now.

This is grabbing money from Kaifeng Mansion!
The Flying Sky Rat said: "The money that merchants, especially small merchants who open shops, can earn is limited. For some small businesses, the remaining money after paying the health fee and rent is just enough to live on for a family of three. Nowadays, these beggar gangs also collect this money. If you pay this amount twice, many merchants who could still make money will not be able to make any money. Some of them really don't have any, so naturally they can only pay one amount and give it to them. You can’t leave it to us.”

"To be honest, I am the money grabber of Kaifeng Mansion after all. To say it a bit arrogantly, I am actually a respectable person in Kaifeng Mansion. I can't force people to death just for some health money, right? And those scoundrels Although we know how to use these methods, we must use them with caution, and I also have to think about my reputation. After all, I am wearing a long gown now."

"But those people don't know what decency is. They block your door and sing Lotus Falls, which is just an appetizer. They throw dog feces into your shop, tie up your children and shave their heads, and even do more shameless things. If you offend them, at least the business will definitely not be able to continue.”

Zhao Guangmei touched the stubble that had just grown on her chin: "Then, doesn't Kaifeng Mansion care? They won't give any of the money to Kaifeng Mansion? This is not robbing you of money, this is robbing Kaifeng Mansion's money. .”

"Guan, how could you ignore it, but it's of no use. The money we collected was for the entire Kaifeng Mansion. The money they collected was specifically used for bribes. Besides, after all, they didn't kill anyone or hurt anyone, it was just disgusting. It's just a human being, even if he is caught quickly, he will be released sooner or later. The disciples of this beggar gang are endless."

"So, you guys must have been fighting with them a lot recently."

"Fight, of course. In this month, we have killed more than 300 of them, and they have killed more than 100 of us, and there are countless more injured. I am not afraid of fighting them all the time, but Shi Xizai found it in person I said, this battle can no longer be fought. If we fight again, the security of Kaifeng Mansion will be unnecessary, and... Your Highness, my recent reputation has taken a turn for the worse. Some people are deliberately spreading rumors that are not good for me. Officer, you have been treating me like shit lately. I am just a piece of porcelain. If you touch it with a tile, you will lose money no matter how you touch it."

When Zhao Guangmei heard this, she couldn't help but think hard.

"My sister-in-law, after I hit you on the front foot, people like the Beggar Gang and the back foot started to cause trouble for you?"


"Is your reputation related to my sister-in-law?"

"Young man, you don't dare to speculate or say anything, and you really don't know anything."

"Hey~, go back and prepare a generous gift, go to my second brother and thank him properly. If he hadn't protected you this time, you might have died before I came back."

"Yes, the villain understands."

"Damn, who is causing trouble? Could it really be my sister-in-law?"

(End of this chapter)

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