Chapter 192
In fact, the current security situation in Kaifeng City is very poor, at least much worse than before.

As the saying goes, if you gain something, you will lose something. Open the windows and let the spring breeze from outside blow in, and the flies and mosquitoes will naturally follow.

What about urbanization? The pace of development is so fast. It would be crazy if there were no social conflicts. What’s more, the efficiency of the administrative system is simply not good. No matter how much the patrol in Kaifeng City is expanded, it can’t control the city’s current population of more than 200. The population of [-] people is still a foreign population.

Relaxing the management of urban household registration and allowing the free circulation of urban and rural people will inevitably lead to a sharp increase in the workload of public security management. Although there are patrol camps, there is no need to fear large-scale gang conflagrations, but things like petty theft, fights, etc. For things like fights, it can only be said that Kaifeng Mansion's security management capabilities need to be strengthened.

What's more, Zhao Guangmei also deliberately relaxed the weapons control in Kaifeng City, because Kaifeng City really had no danger to defend. He deliberately used the hundreds of thousands of workers in Kaifeng City as a reserve force of hundreds of thousands.

Therefore, the public security in Kaifeng would be a bit chaotic. This was actually something he had expected, but he really didn't expect that it would be so chaotic and that a so-called gang would actually emerge and start to rob the imperial court. Take control of the city?

The reason why I engage in urbanization is because the feudal court had limited administrative capabilities and was unable to manage villages or even counties well. But how could such a large city not be managed well?
What's more, Kaifeng is the capital!

This is simply looking down on me.

"How many people are there in this beggar gang, who is the leader, and who is probably their backer? Do you know?"

"It is said that the leader's surname is Hong, and they are said to be a beggar gang, but in fact they do not make a living by begging. They are accustomed to extortion. The original size was only more than 140 people. Some people also photographed children, sold girls, engaged in secret prostitution, etc. That surname Hong's family even had a big house early, and its backbone was composed of darling wives and concubines. Since the implementation of the New Deal, their number has expanded a lot. Now, I'm afraid there are at least more than 1000 people, and not all of them are In Kaifeng."

"What do you mean it's not all in Kaifeng? Is it a chain operation?"

"That's not true. Most of the current employment in Kaifeng still follows the farming season. When the farming is busy, many people will go back to the countryside to farm. During the slack farming, or when they are not so busy, they will come back to work when they can leave it to their mother-in-law. Naturally, , some people only become members of the beggar gang during the off-season, and their gang leader Hong is not in Kaifeng at all on weekdays, and I can't find him."

"I see. Is the scale already so big? How many members of the Jingyi Sect can you be sure of? Some of them have property in Kaifeng."

"About a hundred people."

"The biggest gang in the world, it really lives up to its reputation."

Of course, the Beggar Clan is divided into the Dirty Clothes Sect and the Pure Clothes Sect. People from the Dirty Clothes Sect really beg for food, and their main job is extortion.

As for the Jingyi Sect, they usually run industries, such as casinos and brothels. These two businesses are prohibited by the Song Dynasty. Big brothers with status like the Sky Rat must not touch them. This gap is naturally there. It was filled by them.

After thinking about it, Zhao Guangmei frowned and said: "They are just a bunch of clowns. If you are ruthless, it is not difficult to deal with them. After all, our Song Dynasty is not really a society ruled by law, but... I am afraid that there are people behind them. .”

In fact, of course Zhao Guangmei is not afraid of anyone, but what if this bunch of stinky shit is related to his sister-in-law?
Then we have to think about it in the long term. He is not afraid of offending. In fact, they were already enemies when her brother died, but he has to consider his eldest brother and the face of the royal family.

And he had a vague premonition that there might be some conspiracy behind this matter. After all, his sister-in-law was also a tough girl, so she shouldn't be so stupid.

Are you stupid for believing in Buddhism?
I have never heard that belief in Buddhism can lower IQ.

Is it possible that the sister-in-law is hoping that through the Sky Rat and the Beggar Gang, she will instigate herself and her second brother to fight each other, and eventually die together? Then Zhao Dezhao will become addicted to gunpowder and be unable to extricate himself, and finally turn around in a big circle and lose the position of Crown Prince to In the hands of his adopted son Zhao Defang, who was only five years old?
How much denatured alcohol do you have to drink to have such a brain circuit?

"This matter should be discussed in the long term. Let's put it aside for now and let me think about it further."


On the other side, Zhao Kuangyin was also furious.

"This is unreasonable. Who is making lies to confuse the public? Where is Cao Bin? Where is Zhang Ai? Let them investigate for me. Whoever spreads such nonsense again will be killed without mercy, without mercy!!"

In the harem, Zhao Kuangyin suddenly became angry.

Because just two days after Zhao Guangmei came back, a very outrageous rumor suddenly appeared on the market: His Highness King Qin is now an enemy of Buddha. The incident of burning Buddhist temples in Tubo during the Qing and Tang Dynasties angered Buddha.

Since ancient times, all human emperors who were called enemies of Buddha died within a year without exception.

Others may be far away, but Chai Rong is close. Chai Rong died the second year after the Buddha was exterminated. He was in his prime when he died, only in his 30s. Do you think this is a coincidence?

All the officials in the court said that His Highness King Qin looked like Chai Rong.

This rumor was so cruel that it really looked like that, and the reason why Zhao Kuangyin suddenly became furious was because this rumor really had a nose and eyes, and he could clearly see what Chai Rong had learned from the past.

Zhao Kuangyin himself was the one who most felt that Zhao Guangmei looked like Chai Rong. The so-called jealousy of talents made Zhao Kuangyin himself so idle that he was originally worried that Zhao Guangmei would die in front of him. When he heard this rumor, it suddenly hit his lungs. tube. "Guan Jia, why are you so angry?"

While he was talking, he saw Mrs. Huarui actually walking over with a bowl of something, as if she had come specifically to deliver soup to him. Zhao Kuangyin couldn't help but feel a little unhappy, and couldn't help but frown.

He has always been very wary of concubines in the harem interfering in politics. It is taboo for women from the harem to come to the front hall.

However, he frowned and did not have any trouble. He just said: "Some secular affairs are not taken seriously. As soon as I see my beloved concubine, I immediately stop taking them seriously. What is this?"

"It's the hibiscus soup I made. I added sour plums and ice cubes to it. It tastes most refreshing. I came here to drink it for you."

Zhao Kuangyin frowned: "You came to me specifically just to give me soup?"

"Is this...well, there is indeed something going on. The officials and servants want to leave the palace tomorrow."

"Leaving the palace? What are you doing?"

"Master Mingyang said that our first Great Guangming Temple outside Kaifeng City will be completed tomorrow, so I want to pay a visit and pray for your good health."

"Da Guangming Temple? A Mingjiao temple?"

Zhao Kuangyin couldn't help but think.

Mrs. Huarui believed in this Ming religion. Of course he knew about it and didn't take it seriously.

The Mingjiao sect was a cult and demon sect in the Tang Dynasty. It has been suppressed since Xuanzong, because this religion born in the Middle East has strong political demands in its teachings, which is naturally the case in the Central Plains. heresy.

However, during the Five Dynasties, they flourished everywhere among the people, and their influence was quite impressive. The most important thing was that they were constantly changing their teachings in order to survive. Nowadays, they are actually no longer political. In Zhao Kuangyin’s understanding, in fact, this Mingjiao is similar to Buddhism, Taoism and so on.

It's just a weird thing.

The reason why Mingjiao started to be indulged was actually to recover the Ganzhou Uighurs and even prepare for the future domination of the Western Regions by the Song Dynasty. The specific form of the war in the northwest was religious wars, Buddhism and Manichaeism, fighting each other. , Buddhism is currently the most powerful, and Manichaeism is the weakest.

Therefore, it is the basic national policy established by Yamato Zhao Guangmei long ago to support the Mingjiao in the Central Plains, transform the Mingjiao in the Central Plains, and then reversely influence the situation in the northwest as a suzerain state to inhibit the development and encroachment of Buddhism.

Once Buddhism is really allowed to dominate the northwest, it will be really troublesome, and this unhealthy trend will inevitably blow from the northwest to the Central Plains. Zhao Kuangyin is very serious about this Buddhism that cursed Chai Rong to death. Fearful.

As for Zhao Kuangyin, he didn't know much about it, but he knew that Zhao Guangmei was extremely afraid of this new religion, even far above Buddhism.

Was it the feudal era? Even Zhao Kuangyin was inevitably a little suspicious and couldn't help but ask: "I heard that the relationship between Mingjiao and Buddhism is extremely bad?"

"I don't understand this very well. I only know that Buddhism has always called Mingjiao the Demonic Sect. But when I look at the teachings of Mingjiao, I feel that this teaching also leads people to do good, and even has many similarities. I don’t understand why those who believe in Sakyamuni want to kill all of us who believe in Mani Guangming Buddha.”

"Haha, those bald donkeys, what can't they dare to do? They even dared to curse Emperor Shizong to death, and even cursed... Humph, they are a bunch of bald thieves."

After thinking about it, Zhao Kuangyin said: "Will it be completed tomorrow? I'll go with you."

"Really? Guanjia, you treat me so well."

After that, Mrs. Huarui kissed Zhao Kuangyin on the face and left happily.

And Zhao Kuangyin's face actually had a bit more smile.

I thought to myself: If you are not afraid of things like monstrous power and chaos, you are afraid of just what if. What if they really cursed Chai Rong to death, and now they want to curse the third brother?This Mingjiao has been opposing Buddhism for hundreds of years, so it must have real abilities.

If there really are powers of gods and ghosts in this world, then if Buddhism curses them and Mingjiao protects them, maybe they can be offset by two?

I would rather believe that it is nothing.

Anyway, the Song Dynasty was originally going to support Mingjiao, and worshiping it would require two ounces of meat.

(End of this chapter)

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