Chapter 190
A few days later, Zhao Guangmei returned to the DPRK in triumph.

Things in Shu are simple to say the least. With the death of Quan Shixiong and the defection and surrender of a full [-] soldiers under his command, the Sichuan-Sichuan rebel army has basically collapsed.

Although Lu Han still had 8000 men left in his hands, his morale was still low. No one had such a strong will to rebel. Those who know the current affairs are heroes, so he naturally surrendered. In order to express his open-mindedness, Zhao Guangmei With his attitude, Lu Hanwei would naturally put Lu Hanwei in high regard, and even directly appointed him as the prefect of Chengdu.

The core principle is that this time the rebellion of the Shu people is all Wang Quanbin's fault. You Shu soldiers and generals are all justified in rebelling. He almost took the word comfort to the extreme.

Of course, Xin Zhongfu and even Zhao Dezhao stayed in Chengdu City. He was the prefect in small matters. If there were any major matters, he must not be allowed to have the final say.

In fact, if this were the case, the Sichuan-Shu Rebellion would have been put down, and there would be a high probability that there would not be another Shu Rebellion like in history. Zhao Guangmei almost spent a lot of money in the Sichuan-Shu region. With the combination of yin and yang, Sichuan-Shu Rebellion The people of Shu, or at least the people on the Chengdu Plain, almost all identified with the Song Dynasty within three months.

Sichuan men don't care who rules them. As long as they are not pushed into a hurry, Sichuan people are still very gentle.

But after Lu Han surrendered, Zhao Guangmei still felt that something was wrong. Although Sichuan and Shu were returned to the Song Dynasty, they were still separated from the Song Dynasty. A large number of local officials had not been abolished and could not be abolished. He also always felt that it was right. The rule of Sichuan and Shu was somewhat inconsistent.

One last slap on the thigh, let’s fight Qing Tang and Tubo.

According to Lu Han, the Qingtang and Tibetans really wanted to get involved this time. There were even scattered killings and looting in the border areas, and there were indeed Khitans behind them.

With the support of the Khitans and the pressure of the Song Dynasty, the Qingtang Tubo and the Liugu Tubo gradually merged to restore the glory of the Tubo Empire in the past.

If you don't hit him, who will?

These Shu people will join us in the imperial army to fight against these sons of bitches, and they will naturally become friendly from now on.

For this, we might as well fight this battle.

The result is, naturally, devastation.

When Yang Ye took office as a new official, he was thinking about making great contributions and serving the public.His Shatuo army leaders, big and small, naturally want to perform well now that they have changed their bosses. The Tubo people, whether they are with the Han people or the Shatuo people, they are all blood feuds. This blood feud has only been full for about fifty years. How can it be so easy to forget the time.

Moreover, Zhao Guangmei also raised her hand and made it clear that for a regime like Tubo, there is no need to pay attention to military ethics. Whenever slaves are encountered, they should be liberated as much as possible. It does not matter which tribe they are from. If they encounter rich slave owners or monks, they should be killed. Killing, this is pure class conflict. The cruelty of the Tubo nobles to the slaves and the exploitation of the common people by Tantric Buddhism have reached an outrageous level.

The scattered Tubo people were naturally no match for Yang Ye and the most elite Shatuo regiment of the Song Dynasty. Encouraged by burning, killing and looting, the Song army targeted Buddhist temples and local tyrants along the way. Of course, they did a lot of immoral things.

Who allowed them to conspire with the Liao Kingdom and dare to take advantage of the fire?

Zhao Guangmei was completely representing the Song Dynasty in the war against the Qing Tang and Tubo. Yang Ye also led Shatuo soldiers and Shu soldiers to fight all the way to Qinghai Lake. They took away more than 5 good horses and more than 2000 beauties.

Later, we really couldn’t fight anymore, the logistics couldn’t keep up, and we more or less had altitude sickness after going to the plateau. This generation of Shatuo people no longer have the physical conditions to fight on the plateau. The most important thing is that Qingtang Tubo was not originally a unified political power. They were more fragmented than the Liugu Tubo. Yang Ye fought like a headless fly in this battle, not knowing who to fight at all.

It makes sense.

Before leaving, the people who took them along burned all the Buddhist temples in sight. Tantric Buddhism in the Song Dynasty was still different from Tantric Buddhism in later generations. It was essentially a religion that completely served the slave-owning class.

Naturally, after the burning, killing and looting, a large number of ownerless slaves were left behind.

In line with the principle of fighting for every opportunity, when Zhao Guangmei retreated, he threw all the armor and weapons of the disbanded Shu army, capable of arming at least 3 people, to the liberated slaves.

Among these liberated slaves, there were Tubo, Uighur, Xianbei, Dangxiang, and Han. Zhao Guangmei and Yang Ye didn’t have that much time and energy to distinguish them one by one. They didn’t even bother to understand their political leanings. Anyway, they gave them That's it, don't worry about it after giving the weapon.

Even if these slaves who have been divided into weapons will go to Shu in groups to rob, there is nothing wrong with it. Having a nasty enough external enemy has always been a weapon for internal unity.

As for whether a talented person like Zhang Yichao will emerge from this, and use the initial funds given by Zhao Guangmei to establish a miraculous regime like the Guiyi Army.

Can you at least look forward to it a little bit?

The entire conquest process was very fast, and it was equivalent to Zhao Guangmei giving the Qing Tang and Tubo a hard kick before leaving. Of course, when he left, he also left behind a total of 3 foreign forbidden troops, which were nominally handed over to Guo Chong. , but anyone with a discerning eye can see that Xin Zhongfu is actually in charge of these 3 people.

Zhao Dezhao also stayed in Chengdu on the pretext of exploring and refining saltpeter, hanging out with the [-] forbidden troops all day long. Zhao Guangmei could see through the young man's frivolity at a glance.

Does this guy just want to secretly get his hands on Xin Zhongfu's military power, and then take the opportunity to stay here to fight against Tubo and cause trouble, and then send troops to attack Dali when the time is about right?

With Zhao Dezhao's domineering strength, it is not impossible to do things like killing first and then attacking, attacking first and asking for instructions later, and there is a high probability that this is what he intends to do.

After completing this series of things and finally turning the Sichuan-Sichuan region into a sacred and inseparable part of the entire Song Dynasty, Zhao Guangmei returned to the court.

The pacification of Shu and the beating of Tubo only took a little more than three months in total, which could be regarded as fulfilling the promise he made to Zhao Kuangyin before leaving.

"You've been away for three months without you in Beijing, and I feel a little uneasy. It would be nice to come back."

Outside the city gate, Zhao Kuangyin went out of the city to pick up Zhao Guangmei in person. The two brothers didn't pay much attention to it, so Zhao Guangmei got into Zhao Kuangyin's car directly.

"What happened in the capital in the past three months?"

"Haha, there is indeed something, but it's not a big thing. It's just such a mess of little things. There are really a lot of them. Of course, I can handle them all, but I haven't boasted about them yet. This trip to Sichuan and Sichuan can be said to be a meritorious deed. It’s perfect, but it’s not a waste of money. I heard that many of the shareholders of the commercial bank have objections to your spending such a large amount of money on Sichuan and Shu. Can the commercial bank still make a profit this year?”

"Profits will definitely not be made, and if nothing else happens, I will have a lot of debt, but it doesn't matter, the asset-liability ratio is still super healthy, and all my overdrafts are money from the money bank."

"Why do you have to beat the Qingtang and Tibetans? The scattered Tibetans are weak persimmons. If they bully them into uniting, they will be just a bunch of hungry wolves. Are you not afraid that they will have another outstanding figure like Songtsen Gampo? Are you born? You put too much pressure on them."

"It doesn't matter. If Songtsen Gampo really comes out, I think this is a good thing. If they really become strong and unified, the northwest countries will definitely come crying and hugging our Song Dynasty. Now, Tubo has been completely involved in the dispute between Song and Liao, and a unified Tubo must be an extremely bad ally for the Liao Kingdom."

"What you said makes sense, but... there have been a lot of accidents in the northwest recently. You don't know it yet."

"Oh, okay, brother, your brother and I have been working hard outside for three or four months. It's been really hard. If it's not a big deal, I'd better wait and see. I'll go and say hello to my mother first, and then I have to hurry up. Go home and have a wife. How can this state affairs have its end?" Zhao Kuangyin heard this and also laughed loudly and said: "That's okay. Sometimes I really envy you, you are so big-hearted, but this is right, okay, then That’s it for today, and we’ll talk about it tomorrow if there’s anything else.”


Silent all night.

Early the next morning, the first thing Zhao Guangmei did was to convene the company's shareholders' meeting. Although he still had the final say in the shareholders' meeting now, it was not his decision after all.

Therefore, I naturally had to make a report to all the shareholder representatives immediately, and finally concluded: "This time I went to Chengdu, I did spend a lot of money. Of course, all I spent was flying tickets. I personally think that in five years, Within the country, Feipiao has the function of banknotes in at least a few major cities.”

"I did spend a lot of money. To be precise, the profit of the commercial bank this year is actually very high, but because I spent too much, there must be no dividends. Not only that, the commercial bank also borrowed almost 400 million yuan from the money bank. Of course, at the same time, we also acquired a large amount of assets and real estate. For example, I acquired 20 acres of tea gardens and 40 acres of mulberry gardens around Chengdu. I also obtained 200 million acres of wasteland from the imperial court. , ready for development within three years.”

"To put it simply, everyone will not receive dividends this year, and everyone needs to tighten their belts a little. That's it. Does anyone have any questions?"

No one spoke.

After a while, Fu Yanqing asked again: "Are all girls from Sichuan and Sichuan really very beautiful?"

Then, the topic quickly went sideways.

Who knows why, headed by Fu Yanqing, a group of veterans over 50 years old who should have lost all their functions, could still talk to the girl for three words, and started to brag each other while chatting, and finally ended up holding a good shareholders meeting. , held a "kidney-tonifying and health-preserving exchange meeting"

As the saying goes, what is good at the top must be bad at the bottom. Because of the weird hobbies of these shareholders, the most popular exotic plant in Kaifeng City is a Xiazhou specialty called Cynomorium Cynomorium. It is said that this plant was given by Xue Rengui, a general of the Tang Dynasty. It is named after its aphrodisiac effect and grows deep in the deserts of Lingzhou, Wuzhou, Yinzhou and other places.

There are also wolfberry, which has become a major item of party trade.

It's like a man from Kaifeng who spends a lot of money just for trivial things.

Can't everyone pursue something elegant?Several Dangxiang prefectures are almost running into trade deficits with Kaifeng due to their wolfberry and Cynomorium cynomorium. On the contrary, the cotton textile and wine industries, which he had high hopes for in advance, are not so fast!

After taking a sip of wolfberry tea, Zhao Guangmei glared at Fu Yanqing with dissatisfaction.

Then he glanced at Zhao Guangyi, who was silent and worried, and couldn't help but said: "Second brother, don't you have anything to ask?"


"The commercial bank has lost money, this year's dividends are gone, and there are still debts, and you don't ask?"

Zhao Guangyi thought for a while and said: "Since the Ministry of Household Affairs was merged into the commercial bank, the response has been really good. At least the food prices in major cities are indeed under control. I am thinking that although the implementation of the new policy can be postponed, it will be implemented bit by bit. , but at least on this one, can we move forward faster? Shouldn’t this large Changping warehouse be built only in Kaifeng? I suggest that we build more, and the grain reserve rate may be increased. The infrastructure construction in the counties below can be more radical. I propose that next year our commercial bank, that is, half of the fiscal and tax revenue of the entire Song Dynasty, be used for the construction of Changpingcang and road construction. What do you think, third brother?"


Zhao Guangmei looked confused.

Zhao Guangyi didn't question him on such an occasion today, which was really beyond his expectation.

This time Pingshu spent so much money, Zhao Guangmei knew that the shareholders would definitely be dissatisfied. Even the people at the shareholders' meeting might be dissatisfied. It was hard to say who was dissatisfied among the retail investors who really made up the majority. There will be complaints.

There is always a need for someone to speak out these complaints. The commercial bank is too big now. Even if the objections are not big or small, they are still necessary. In fact, the vast majority of the shareholders of the commercial bank will never do it in this life. It has nothing to do with the shareholders' meeting, but there must be one of their mouthpieces at the shareholders' meeting.

There is no doubt that Zhao Guangyi is their mouthpiece. His duty is to express some doubts, dissatisfaction, and different opinions during the shareholders' meeting. Although it cannot affect the overall situation, at least Zhao Guangmei must explain it. , and then this explanation will be spread throughout the three armies, letting every shareholder and even ordinary soldiers who have not received the shares know.

This is not a bad thing, so much so that although he and Zhao Guangyi always quarrel when they are working on fortifications, they are still true and false, half true and half false, and they have a tacit understanding between each other.

When Zhao Guangmei thought about such a big thing as not paying dividends and even having to pay debts, he himself wanted to sing a double act to oppose himself. However, Zhao Guangyi actually ignored him and even took the lead in proposing to expand the area where the New Deal was implemented. .

This is very strange.

He tilted his head and asked softly: "Second brother, did you take the wrong medicine today?"

Zhao Guangyi tilted his head and whispered: "Recently, someone in the capital has been instigating conflicts between you and me. Someone is trying to cause trouble."

"Huh? Who is it?"

"I don't know, this person called Sky Rat is yours, right?"

"It's...our people."

"He has gotten into some trouble recently, but this matter has nothing to do with me. In addition, there are some rumors promoting me in the market, saying that I am the real mainstay of this new deal, the anchor of the sea, and the person who did this is not a big deal. A master, just a little clever, but I am puzzled, I really can’t figure out who this person is."

"Are you looking for a breakthrough from the Sky Squirrel? It's accurate enough."

"In addition, recently, there have been more and more voices in the market saying that you are an enemy of the Buddha."

"It's probably because I attacked Qinghai Lake and burned some temples."

"Yes, and no, there should be someone behind the scenes who is adding fuel to the fire. By the way, Cao Yuanzhong came to Kaifeng. This matter made him very passive, and the Mingjiao also became particularly active during this period. This is not necessarily true. coincide."

"Thank you, second brother"

"Thank you, your second brother, although I am not a smart person, I still know where to turn my elbow."

(End of this chapter)

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