Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 182 Losing Money

Chapter 182 Losing Money
Faced with Wang Renfan's irresponsible attitude, Zhao Guangmei was obviously stunned for a moment, and then she couldn't help but reflect on it, but she felt that what he said seemed to be... right.

The Song Dynasty's military supervision system did have a big problem. The military supervisors, as well as all the military supervisory officials, such as camp supervisors, inspections, etc., were all converted into military positions in a confused manner.

For example, if the two most powerful generals in the early Song Dynasty, Cao Bin and Pan Mei, had not met him, they would actually have been supervisors of the army.

In terms of performance, none of the supervisors of the Song Dynasty looked like supervisors. Of course, this also included Wang Rengan and Li Chuyun before him. Although these two people may have had more faults than merit, they were indeed brave and diligent, and they showed no signs of failure. Unlike civil servants, the general generals are not as good as these two, at least they are completely different from the supervisors of other dynasties.

The reason why this is so is inseparable from Zhao Kuangyin's system and habits of employing men and troops, as well as the special culture of the Five Dynasties.

Because only this kind of brave and diligent supervisors can be recognized by the Yabing class. Only with the recognition of the Yabing class can the orders of the supervisors be carried out, because Zhao Kuangyin himself did not dare to really offend the Yabing class. The supervisory role is only for generals, not soldiers.

But the problem is that the generals in the early Song Dynasty were also controlled by the Ya soldiers. The generals who offended Zhao Kuangyin could at most retire and live in old age, and even get a small vassal to enjoy the people's wealth. But if they offended the Ya soldiers, it would be really difficult. I don’t even know how I will die.

In the Fifth Generation, the fan soldiers dared to kill their superiors even just because they were in a bad mood. Since there is no restriction on the class of fan soldiers, how can the supervising army really perform its duties?
Naturally, in front of the supervisor, he was no different from an ordinary general.

Similar to what Zhao Guangmei had thought before, the Sichuan-Sichuan Massacre was by no means just a matter of a certain general or a few generals being lax in their control. In fact, no general dared to control them strictly under the legacy of the Five Dynasties. This is The common consciousness of all tooth soldiers.

The Yabing class was too strong, which was the source of almost all problems in the early Song Dynasty.

In the original history, Zhao Kuangyin actually had certain restrictions on the Yabing class. Many measures of military reform were directly aimed at the Yabing leaders. This also made the combat effectiveness of the Forbidden Army in the early Song Dynasty slightly lower than that in the Five Dynasties period. A bit weaker, but also easier to master.

It just so happens that there is Zhao Guangmei in this time and space.

The psychological shadow that Da Ting gave him was so great that he would be very cautious about anything that might affect the combat effectiveness of the Forbidden Army, and would even go against Zhao Kuangyin.

He believes that there is no moderation in things in this world, and there is no so-called political balance at all. Either the east wind prevails over the west wind, or the west wind overpowers the east wind. Either the opening of advocating civility and suppressing military power should be closed. If it is opened, it cannot be closed. Living.

Zhao Guangmei's idea was to strengthen the role of commercial banks in the military. In a sense, it was indeed successful. The power of commercial banks was from the bottom up. Although it affected the authority of the imperial court, the Ya soldiers were controlled by the commercial banks after all. Yes, it can be considered that the meat is rotten in the pot.

But he, Wang Rengan, cannot represent the trading company!

He is a member of the Privy Council and a close confidant of Zhao Kuangyin, but as for the imperial army of the Song Dynasty, the Privy Council is indeed right in some respects and may not be able to use it with commercial banks.

It was not until this moment that Zhao Guangmei suddenly realized that what Wang Renfan said was indeed reasonable. This was indeed the biggest loophole of the Song Army at present.

The current Song Army can really perform the duties of supervising the army and is responsible for restraining the soldiers. However, when the merchants are not fighting, the merchants can control them, but when there is a war, the merchants cannot control them. , we can only let these soldiers rely on their own consciousness.

To put it bluntly, even though he is a dignified deputy privy envoy, if Cao Bin were to serve as the supervisor, he would probably be much more effective than him, the deputy privy envoy.Then Zhao Guangmei's headache became more and more severe.

It is both easy and difficult to solve this problem. To put it bluntly, if the supervisory army were directly appointed by the board of directors of the commercial bank, or in other words, by Zhao Guangmei, perhaps such a problem would not arise. But in this way, Come on, where does this leave eldest brother?
Of course, if the eldest brother inherits his position a hundred years later, this problem will naturally be solved, but what about himself after that?After all, rule of man cannot replace the rule of law.

So he thought about it and thought about it, and it seemed that there was only one way to solve the problem, and that was to continue to promote the New Deal reforms.

The trading house has now annexed the Third Division, focusing on customers. If... the Privy Council can also be annexed, will these problems be solved?

But in this way, the power of this trading company is too great. Now he only grasps the financial power of the country, which may be okay, but if he also grasps the financial power and military power, even if he is his biological brother, isn't it... not too bad? good?
It seems that for the time being, there is no good solution.

"I understand, what you said... OK, merit is merit, fault is fault, no matter what, as a supervisor, you have supervised the army like this. If my elder brother wants to let you go, I will not do it anyway. Agreed, you will die today, but I will count your contribution to your child. You... you are also the Privy Councilor after all, so give yourself some dignity."

"Yes, Your Highness, I understand."

As he spoke, he cupped his fists towards Zhao Guangmei and kowtowed in the direction of Kaifeng. Then, he laughed loudly, recited a poem, jumped off the city wall of Chengdu, and landed on his head, falling to his death.

Then he looked back at Cui Yanjin.

" you need to die too?"

Zhao Guangmei shook her head and said: "Wang Quanbin had to die because he was the coach. I want to use his life to give an explanation to the people of Sichuan. Wang Rengan had to die because he was the supervisor of the army. He was punished for his crime of deceiving the emperor." , depends on your destiny."

good fortune?

Cui Yanjin was a little confused, and he didn't know what this creation meant or what it meant.

On the second day, Zhao Guangmei neither reorganized his army nor pursued the rebels of Quan Shixiong. Instead, he worshiped Wuhou Temple with great fanfare as a mid-level or above officer.

After returning to Chengdu, he sat in the court in person and handled the case in a grand manner. He announced that he would accept the petitions from the people of Chengdu and welcome them to sue the army officers and soldiers. Whether it is robbery, murder, or forced sex, as long as you file a complaint, His Highness will do it. Find someone for you. As long as we can find someone and have evidence, we will give you justice.

At the same time, the people of Chengdu are welcome to come to him for compensation. Anyone whose family property was robbed by the Imperial Army will be compensated by Zhao Guangmei without saying a word.

(End of this chapter)

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