Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 183 Listening to Thunder in a Silent Place

Chapter 183 Listening to Thunder in a Silent Place

There are only so many things that come and go. Zhao Guangmei had already reported them once when they were in the hands of Song Jun. Now that people from Shu came to complain, he actually wanted to sell them again.

Moreover, the so-called evidence is simply unreliable. Many times it is just empty talk. With this order, Chengdu, which was originally quite bleak, immediately became lively. There are always some brave Sichuan residents who will really try to talk empty talk. Bai Ya said that someone had robbed something and he wanted Zhao Guangmei to reimburse him. As long as it wasn't too outrageous and there were some witnesses, Zhao Guangmei would choose to believe it and pay the full amount of money.

He even compensates for the money for the house. As long as your house catches fire during this period, you can say that it was burned by Song Jun. Then Zhao Guangmei will send someone to investigate and really compensate.

The brave people make a show, and the mediocre people will naturally follow the trend, and then get the reimbursement happily. No one knows how many of the people who come to reimburse are real and how many are fake. Anyway, Soon Chengdu became lively.

Zhao Guangmei now has an attitude of exchanging money for time. As long as he can quickly solve the Sichuan Rebellion, money will be treated like a bastard. After all, Sichuan Rebellion has happened one after another in history, until the Taizong Dynasty and even the Zhenzong Dynasty. It is still causing trouble, and the whole of Sichuan and Shu has become a trauma in the Northern Song Dynasty that will never be healed. This is terrible.

Besides, after all, Sichuan and Sichuan were already the territory of the Song Dynasty. There was no reason to treat the Sichuan people as foreign barbarians. His own people had suffered great losses, and it was only natural for the court to offer them some compensation. What?

But in fact, he didn't bring so much money, and he was leaving in such a hurry, so all the money he sent out were large-value flying tickets from the money bank, which are currently single-use banknotes that can only be used in Kaifeng.

Fortunately, at least this thing does have purchasing power in Kaifeng. Soon, another currency exchange market opened in Chengdu, and people began to exchange tickets on a large scale from those Sichuan people, using copper coins and iron coins to set the tickets. Some people have some brains. Keen businessmen have already begun to engage in this financial exchange business.

Then many people here in Sichuan and Sichuan saw that this thing could really be exchanged for money, but some people simply stopped changing it. After all, Sichuan and Shu are now part of the Song Dynasty. Since it can be used in Kaifeng, it seems to be no different from that in Chengdu, and It is indeed much easier to do business with banknotes.

As for the punishment, it is really more brutal. Song Jun, it was really slapped by a passing dog, the egg in his hand was shaken to yellow, earthworms were split in half, and the feathers of birds and animals were plucked. His crimes are naturally too numerous to describe. Ever since the news was released, the grievances in Chengdu have never stopped.

Of course, most of the time, no one can be found at all, and Zhao Guangmei’s attitude is very simple: give money.

You say your father is dead, your wife was kidnapped, or your child was thrown into a well. As long as there are enough witnesses to tell the truth, there is nothing wrong with a simple verification. , Zhao Guangmei immediately threw a stack of flying tickets over.

Then Cao Bin will be asked to help you find the relevant troops at the time as much as possible to see if the relevant person responsible can be found.

A small number of those who are really found will start a confrontation. Of course, this involves human lives and criminal liability. Zhao Guangmei must not be hasty, let alone chill the hearts of the soldiers. Generally, there is no evidence in this kind of situation. , just ask a question: "You said you have a blood feud with him, and now I will kill him for you, will you die together? If you want to accompany him, I will give you such an ending of dying together."

Then most of these people just forget about it, and for the few who are really willing to die, Zhao Guangmei will naturally not be reluctant to kill them. Those who want to drag people into trouble even if they die, once they really find the person, Zhao Guangmei will kill them. He is also merciless when it comes to raising people.

Of course, at the same time, rewards based on merit are also indispensable. All meritorious soldiers must be given the rewards they deserve. Those with short service years will be given money directly, those with long service years will be given shares, or their family members may be arranged to work in a business firm. A job with a good salary will do.

Merit is merit, fault is fault. To put it bluntly, Zhao Guangmei is actually trying his best to give an explanation to the people of Sichuan and Sichuan as much as possible without rebounding in the army.

If it is really useful, it is nonsense. After all, the people who can be found are all from around Chengdu. He can't control those who are far away. Moreover, even if he has set the conditions so loosely, he really dares to come. There are only a few people who are in trouble, and there are even fewer people who can find people.

As for high-end words like fairness and justice, they are all nonsense to him, and he cannot give these things at all.

All the efforts he made were just to express an attitude as much as possible, to tell the people of Sichuan: Although these soldiers are doing some things that are not good, at least the imperial court really treats you as its subjects. Yes, we have tried our best to save and make up for it.

After a few days, Zhao Guangmei once again ordered people from the trading company to put up a sign here: Recruiting workers.

The distribution of land is too slow. Any common people who do not have land in their name, regardless of their status, can come to Chengdu as a white-collar worker and pay five guans as settlement expenses. After receiving the money, they can choose to go to Hunan to open up wasteland, or they can choose to go to Jinan Prefecture. , Kaifeng Mansion built official roads.

They are working in Kaifeng. After all, they Sichuan people have never seen the development of Kaifeng and they don't understand. But as long as they are willing to leave, they will be given five-guan money immediately. They will be given land allotment in Hunan and they can also work as military households. It will be more tiring and more miserable. But if you are allowed to keep the knife in your hand, you can also have a guarantee.

And the most amazing thing is that Zhao Guangmei not only gives you money first, but he doesn't even control whether you develop it in the end.

If you can't trust the Song Dynasty court, then you can collect the money first and then run away. The court won't even bother to catch you, as if the money was given to you on purpose.

Of course, what Zhao Guangmei gave out was not cash but five-guan flying tickets, and after all, they didn’t really give it out to anyone. You have to take out your previous household registration in Houshu, register, and change it to the Song Dynasty. This money can only be given to you after you have obtained your household registration. In this case, your household registration in Houshu will be invalidated.

Then the people in Sichuan and Sichuan will naturally spread the word: His Highness King Qin of the Song Dynasty is stupid. He gives you money for free. Everyone go and gather wool.

As a result, more and more people from Sichuan and Sichuan lined up to ask for money from him. Zhao Guangmei also refused to accept anyone who came, throwing money wildly, and then arranged ships to send them to Hunan. Those who wanted to go could go and those who didn't wanted to go could go. He won't chase me.

As a result, after he showed such an attitude, many people boarded the ship in Hunan without hesitation.

The Song Dynasty now provides very good treatment to military households who open up wasteland. In Hunan, at least in this era, there is really too much uncultivated land. Zhao Guangmei also specially arranged for people to tell them that they Everyone can get at least a few hundred acres or as many as a thousand acres of land. Of course, it is impossible to grow food on such a large amount of land. You don't have the energy. The main ones are sugar cane, rape, palm, banana, etc. Cash crops and even large-scale pig farming.

There is enough land and the climate is hot, so you can just sow the seeds and forget about it, and then sell everything that grows on the ground to the merchants for money.

In fact, the land there is indeed not suitable for growing food now. Growing food on the undeveloped southern land is very disadvantageous because the rainfall is too heavy, and the large amount of rain washes away the trace elements in the soil all year round. As a result, there is no fertilizer in the soil at all. Many soils in Hunan are simply red soil that only contains iron elements. This kind of red soil cannot be grown.

It would take generations, or even more than a dozen generations, to work tirelessly to cultivate the land and build simple water conservancy facilities, in order to restore the fertility of these poor-quality soils bit by bit.Therefore, it is really suitable to grow cash crops, especially some tropical fruits, and the land is really vast and sparsely populated. It is no exaggeration to say that as long as that place develops and this time the land reclamation is completed, let alone They are landless and land-poor farmers, even homesteaders with some land. I am afraid that their lives will be better after they get there, and they will get better and better. .

There is a large amount of sugar cane and a large amount of fruit. When the time comes, the sugar can be directly made into canned fruit and transported to the north. Water transportation is still convenient. As long as we spend more money to build the canal, the entire Hunan economy can be revitalized. In a few years, etc. After the Song Dynasty destroyed the Southern Han Dynasty, it could also rely on Hunan to carry out large-scale development of areas further south.

Of course, Zhao Guangmei arranged for people from the business firm to give speeches in the open air in various places every day, broke up the information, crushed it, and poured it into their heads. He even specially transported the first batch of canned fruits from Hunan. In Chengdu, they sold it to the soldiers and common people at a loss.

In fact, for the Shu people, there is no so-called suitability for such superior conditions. There is only a question of whether to believe it or not. However, Zhao Guangmei acted too rich and arrogant. In this way, No matter how much hatred the people of Sichuan and Sichuan have against the Song Army, they can't help but feel suspicious in their hearts at this moment.

In addition, Wang Quanbin's body was hung outside the city for three days, so that most people in Sichuan and Shu now think: In fact, the Song Dynasty's court was quite good, and it was really much better than the Later Shu court. , it’s just that the military discipline is not very good.

After all, Meng Chang was always arrogant and extravagant, and his extravagant life made Zhao Kuangyin stunned. Moreover, he was so lustful that he robbed all the beautiful Sichuan girls from his own home. Although the overall situation was peaceful under his rule, he really cared about the people. Extremely exploitative.

The reason why military discipline is not good is because of Wang Quanbin, because he is a Shatuo man.

You see, now that Wang Quanbin has been executed by the court, military discipline will be improved immediately, right?

As for charity such as tax exemption, rent exemption, amnesty for the world, and opening warehouses to release grain, Zhao Guangmei started doing these things as soon as he arrived. He even asked Cao Bin to conduct a large-scale investigation of middle and senior military officers. .

They just wanted to find out how much money they and their soldiers had robbed and how much they had embezzled during the attack on Shu. They also asked the soldiers to hold a public trial together, and then selected the one with the most money among the first-level officers to be executed. .

By the way, we should replace the backbone of these Forbidden Forces that have been stationed abroad all year round, and replace them with the backbones that Wang Quanbin has trained for decades. We should try our best to use Yang Ye's people to replace them, and try to completely master this Forbidden Army that is stationed abroad all year round.

Naturally, the people of Sichuan and Shu did not understand what was right and wrong. It was enough for them to know that the person killed was an officer of the Song Army. As long as the person killed had a higher official status than them, they would be happy.

In addition, Zhao Dezhao also became busy and began to establish the Gunpowder Department in Chengdu. He employed a large number of officials from Shu and local powerful people, and organized large-scale manpower to go into the mountains to find saltpeter.

As long as anyone can discover saltpeter ore and report it, the Gunpowder Department will not only give them money, but also give them an official title. They will really give them titles and shares, and then they will pour in real money to build roads and pavements. Bridge, opened furnaces to make saltpetre, and then hired a large number of local people.

Saltpeter refining is really a labor-intensive industry, and the wages paid by Zhao Dezhao are really not low.

In addition to these, Zhao Guangmei actually did nothing after arriving in Sichuan. She stayed in Chengdu every day and did not go to other places, and she was too lazy to send troops.

But it had only been more than a month since this series of combination punches were fired, but Quan Shixiong was already one step ahead of him and couldn't sit still.

"Your Majesty, I have received a letter from General Lu, wishing to make an appointment with you to attack Mianzhu and cut off the Song army's return path."

In a bamboo house in the mountains, Quan Shixiong took the letter and read it from beginning to end with a heavy face. Then he couldn't help shaking his head and laughing bitterly.

The so-called king naturally has to be the hero of the whole army. He is now called the King of Xingshu. However, such a low king title is naturally not given to himself by himself, but by the soldiers of Later Shu. As for this General Lu refers to Lu Han, the former commander of Hujie in Hou Shu. He was also an anti-Song warlord, and for the time being he was considered an ally.

"General Lu, he didn't think too much. However, if we want to attack Mianzhu, we must win a decisive battle with the Song army in the field. Now that His Highness King Qin of the Song Dynasty has come from afar, the morale of the Song army must be high and the morale is like a rainbow. On the contrary, we are all These are remnants of defeated generals, so I’m afraid… they have little chance of winning.”

"General Lu said...he has reinforcements."

"Huh? Reinforcements? The Kingdom of Shu has been destroyed, and the master Meng Chang has been escorted to Kaifeng. I heard that Mrs. Huarui has been taken as a concubine by the Song Dynasty officials, so there will be no reinforcements."

"Yes, there are definitely no more in Shu territory, but... Qingtang and Tubo, they will help us."

Quan Shixiong was silent after hearing this, and then said after a while: "We, do you want to cooperate with the Tibetan barbarians? Behind them, there should be Khitans."

"Yes, he said he wanted saltpeter."


Quan Shixiong smiled disdainfully, and then actually took out a piece of saltpeter and played with it disdainfully: "I heard that except for some in Guanzhong, only Bashu and Dali have the most of them, but Gaochang has the most. There are many, but Gaochang has been fighting for years and there is no environment for mining. They dare not let the Uighurs master this technology. Although there are some in the Northeast, the climate, race and other conditions are restrictive, and the Khitans do not dare to go there. Mining, so are they planning on our country of Shu? However, no one knows better than us Sichuan people who the Tubo people are. If they really let them live in Sichuan and Shu, I am afraid that their cruelty and cunning are far away. On top of the Song army, if I use this strategy to drive away wolves and devour tigers, doesn't this make me a traitor?"

"Your Majesty, you are right, but General Lu said... If you continue to hesitate like this, I am afraid that in a few months, we can surrender directly without fighting. Since Zhao Guangmei entered Sichuan, the Song Army has been hypocritical and spends money. Like running water, the military discipline of the Song Army has also been greatly improved. Wang Quanbin, Wang Rengan and other pillars and important ministers, the King of Qin, actually killed them at his request. Now, many of the rebel soldiers have been shaken and went to collect the flying tickets from the trading company. Okay, if things go on like this, we will have no chance of becoming traitors, but how can we not avenge the hatred of our country and our family? To avenge this, we have no choice but to become traitors temporarily."

"The hatred of the country and the family... Let me think about this again, think about it."

(End of this chapter)

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