Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 181: The War of the Supervisory Army

Chapter 181: The War of the Supervisory Army
Wang Quanbin, the commander-in-chief of the Conquest of Shu, actually kills at will. How can he die for such a great achievement?
Suddenly, all the officers, big and small, in the army were scared out of their wits.

Over the past five generations, soldiers have become so domineering that many things are no longer unspoken rules but explicit rules. For example, the victors can take whatever they want from the defeated. For example, those who have achieved military merit are not guilty of treason and will never Discuss death.

In fact, since the Five Dynasties, meritorious officers and soldiers have always been treated lightly, let alone the defeated enemy countries during the war. Among the generals at this time in the history of the early Song Dynasty, some were cannibals, raped women, and plundered people's wealth. , extortion, as long as it is not a rebellion, no general has been really dealt with.

I spent half my life fighting for the sake of the country and the court, and why can’t I enjoy it anymore?
This is the mainstream value of martial arts in this era. They do not think they have done anything wrong.

Even though Wang Quanbin had caused such a big disaster, he was actually not panicking at all before Zhao Guangmei came. Wasn't he just greedy for some money, didn't he just kill some surrendered soldiers, wasn't he just plundered some people?

What a big deal.

So until Wang Quanbin's head was chopped off, everyone still had the feeling that this must be a dream.

Although there was fear for a while, more confusion followed. After not understanding, there was anger, especially those direct descendants of Wang Quanbin’s Shatuo people:
To kill our boss without saying a word, is it too disrespectful of us?

"Wang Quanbin's head and body were pickled with lime and displayed outside the city for the people of Sichuan and Sichuan to see. They were shown to the public for three days, and then they were taken down and transported back to Kaifeng, where they were buried in the Imperial Ancestral Temple."

When Cao Bin heard this, he couldn't help but open his mouth and wanted to say something. This guy was both showing off to the public and worthy of enjoying the Ancestral Temple. The so-called merits were clearly divided, wasn't it too clear?

Furthermore, Wang Quanbin is not from the Zhao and Song Dynasties, and he is not even from the Later Zhou Dynasty. As a Shatuo person, he and Liu Zhiyuan are actually on the same side. After all, there is an ethnic issue here, and the feudal lords in the Forbidden Army Soldiers and Han soldiers are still different after all. No matter how they are exchanged, those Shatuo soldiers have a certain sense of identification with Wang Quanbin, the highest-ranking Shatuo general currently serving in the imperial court.

How about you show off to the public as soon as you arrive?With so many Shatuo soldiers panicking and angry, are they really not afraid of a mutiny?

But just as he was about to say it, Zhao Guangmei turned around and glared at him fiercely, her eyes like knives, which made him quickly swallow the rest of his words.

Then he looked at the group of Shatuo soldiers who were filled with righteous indignation and said, "What? Is there anyone who wants to mutiny or avenge Wang Quanbin? If so, please stand up now, right?"

Of course no one dared to stand up.

"If not, then go back to the city. I remember I promised you in advance that when you come to Shu this time, you will pay for the things you like, and the merchant bank will reimburse you afterwards, Yang Ye."

"The end is here."

"You and Xin Zhongfu will organize this matter. Set up a shed in the city and hire more clerks. Any soldiers who have taken something will be reimbursed one by one. You will never break your promise. You must still give the money to the soldiers."


Xin Zhongfu is Guo Chong's secretary-general and a scholar in the army. To put it bluntly, at Guo Chong's age, he can't control it if he annexes Wang Quanbin's military power. This opportunity must be given to Yang Ye, one of his own. At the same time, Sending Xin Zhongfu to assist him can be regarded as giving an explanation to Guo Chong's old troops.

It has to be said that although Zhao Guangmei did not give Yang Ye a good look, she was still facing him in the end.

As for the soldiers, when they heard that their belongings would be reimbursed soon, they were naturally elated. For a while, many people really forgot about Wang Quanbin.

The Shatuo soldiers who wanted to get together to do something to intimidate Zhao Guangmei looked at it and said, "Huh, we won't cause trouble again until you finish dividing the money."

As for those soldiers who had nothing to do with Wang Quanbin and other factions, they were already cheering and shouting "Long live His Highness."

Zhao Guangmei walked slowly through the military formation, and the ranks of soldiers were all excited and split on both sides, welcoming each other warmly. Except for Wang Quanbin's direct descendants, almost everyone looked at him with blazing eyes.

The Trading Bank is a super organization that has completely changed the relationship between soldiers and the imperial court. The emergence of the Trading Bank allows every soldier of the Forbidden Army to live a better life easily. Every year, the Trading Bank provides benefits to the Forbidden Army and earns real money. Spending a lot of money.

Although Zhao Guangmei did not have any actual contact with these soldiers on weekdays, as the founder and real backbone of the trading company, her prestige in the military was not low.

In this attack on Shu, the imperial court hardly used the Imperial Guards stationed in Beijing, but used a large number of Imperial Guards stationed abroad. Therefore, these soldiers had heard about Zhao Guangmei's reputation for a long time, but had never seen him. Although they had known him before. They were all frightened by the idea of ​​killing the coach, but after all, they made up for it with a sweet date. Out of curiosity, everyone couldn't help but push forward in order to see clearly what his Highness, the King of Qin, looked like.

Zhao Guangmei stretched out her hand to signal and paraded with a smile, and cheers rang out everywhere she passed.

Wang Rengan and Cui Yanjin looked at each other, and they both saw great fear and uneasiness in each other's eyes.

He was cruel and ruthless towards him, but he had a great reputation towards him. The most important thing was that he was extremely willing to spend money. As the general, Wang Quanbin killed them as soon as they met, so could he really let them go?
Everyone returned to the city and asked Yang Ye to follow Guo Chong to reimburse and recruit Wang Quanbin's Shatuo army. He himself started walking around along the city wall of Chengdu with the Qianlong Sword, overlooking the entire Chengdu city from top to bottom.

Cui Yanjin and Wang Renfan followed him all the way, fearing that they would follow in Wang Quanbin's footsteps.

"It is said that Yang Yi Yi Yi Er has long been heard that Chengdu is prosperous. Although Meng Chang was not a heroic leader and was extremely incompetent, he still managed to maintain peace here for more than forty years. Businessmen coming and going said that Chengdu is prosperous. , especially above Jinling, and far beyond Kaifeng, Old Wang, why didn’t I see it?” Under the huge psychological pressure, Wang Renfan couldn’t help but sweated profusely, but he still smiled bitterly and said: “Your Highness, you Just kidding, this is all the past events of the previous dynasty. Since this dynasty, the officials have worked hard to govern, and the trading company founded by your highness has hidden wealth among the people. Today's Kaifeng is already different from what it was in the Zhou Dynasty. What else can be done to improve one thing and benefit two? Even Chang'an in the prosperous Tang Dynasty was far inferior to Kaifeng."

Zhao Guangmei glanced at him sideways, and then said with a smile: "You can't say that. After all, Kaifeng has experienced wars for a long time, and its foundation is too weak. Nowadays, because of the trading houses, Kaifeng's population has indeed increased, but if there is It may be rich, but it may not be so. At least my eldest brother's life is far from comparable to Meng Chang's. But I don't see any prosperity in this city. There are also treasures in the treasury of Hou Shu. It's quite a lot, but the money and food are much less. Lao Wang, tell me, what's going on?"

"Yes... it's Wang Quanbin. He allowed his soldiers to plunder. Yes, his soldiers were many Shatuo people. They were barbarians who didn't know etiquette and... also didn't obey the king. So, that's why..."

However, Zhao Guangmei slammed the Hidden Dragon Sword on the ground: "They don't know etiquette. What do you, a supervisor, do for food?! It's just burning, killing and looting. Why do you have to wait for Quan Shixiong to rebel? They all surrounded Chengdu, and the imperial court only received the news?"

"Chen, I'm guilty."

"Of course you are guilty! Although I am angry about Wang Quanbin's indulgence in military discipline, it is not incomprehensible. Although I killed him, I also know that his achievements in defeating Shu are indeed rare among his predecessors. To put it bluntly, I hate him for not living up to expectations, and I feel sorry for him. Unfortunately, he was killed to give an explanation to the millions of people in Sichuan and Sichuan, but what about you? You are the fucking military supervisor! What do you think the imperial court did to establish the position of military supervisor?"

Saying that, Zhao Guangmei was really upset and kicked Wang Renfan hard, knocking him down and then punched him.

To be honest, Wang Quanbin indulged military discipline and even caused Cui Yanjin to kill innocent people indiscriminately. Although he was angry, he was far from angry, but Wang Rengan's concealment of information really made him angry and broke his guard.

Wang Renfan smiled bitterly and said: "Who wants to get those Shu people, why do they have to be so good at beating them? Your Highness, I'm afraid they will kill me, right?"

Zhao Guangmei did not deny it and said: "Cui Yanjin may still have a way to live, but you, I will definitely kill you. You are not a pure military commander at all. You are a civil servant after so many years." Deputy Privy Councilor, do you need me to tell you what the hell the supervisor does? You have failed this time, of course I will kill you, you must die!"

Wang Renfan smiled bitterly, and then kowtowed first to Zhao Guangmei, then in the direction of Kaifeng, then stood up and said: "Since His Highness has spoken so clearly, but did not kill me immediately, could it be that he wanted to Want to talk to me?"

"Yes, as the saying goes, people speak well when they are about to die. I hope you can tell me the truth before you die. I... don't understand, how did it all come to this? Lao Wang, I After all, I also worked in the Privy Council for a period of time. Until now, I still have the title of Bachelor of the Privy Council. I want to know why, as a supervisor, you ended up sitting with those generals on the front line. What on earth are you doing? Which end is it from?"

Unexpectedly, Wang Rengan laughed when he heard this. He was the supervisor who had the least ability to resist among the few people. It was true that the king wanted his ministers to die, and the ministers had to die. But when he was about to die, he became bolder and actually They laughed wildly on the top of the city.

"Why are you laughing? Am I right?"

"Yes, that's right. Since ancient times, those who monitor the army are the eyes and ears of the emperor. I should be a pair of eyes sent by the officials. But in our Song Dynasty, Your Highness, you are the most intelligent person in the world. Why don't you come here? Tell me, which end should I be on?"

"Huh? I'm asking you, you're asking me?"

As he spoke, Wang Rengan took off all his armor one by one on top of the city, then took off his trousers, and finally stood naked in front of Zhao Guangmei. .

Pointing to his chest, he said: "The arrow wounds here were left when I attacked the Big and Small Mantian Strongholds. Your Highness only knows that we can defeat Shu quickly, but did this victory fall from the sky? One hundred and eight Big and small Mantian Village! It’s me. As a supervisor, I personally wear a sharp sword and rush to the front. I am burned by the bullets of the Shu army. I have a total of 46 arrows on my body, and three armor-piercing ones! Here, here , and here are all arrow wounds from that time!"

"And this, this was hit by mud balls when we were building the plank road. When we entered Shu, the Shu army burned down the plank road. It was me. I personally led the soldiers to brave the rain of arrows from the sky and climbed an inch above the cliff. The road to Shu is paved back inch by inch, enter Shu! How many years did Jiang Wei and Deng Ai fight here in the past? It’s not that easy to get in!"

Zhao Guangmei frowned and said, "Are you asking for credit from me? Why, do you think I have never been to the front line personally, so I am not qualified to kill you, and I don't understand the pain of battle?"

Wang Renfan smiled bitterly: "No, I just want to tell His Highness, when did our Song Dynasty's supervisory army become a supervisory army? In all the things I have done, where did I not regard myself as a vanguard? If His Highness hadn't reminded me, I almost forgot that I was originally a civil servant. Anyway, I was once a prefect before. Who do you think I am from? I share the joys and sorrows with the soldiers on the front line. I also rely on the soldiers for life and death. Only we can survive the fighting, but after the battle, I become the supervisor again?

Your Highness, what on earth do we, the Military and Horse Supervisors of the Song Dynasty, do? I really don’t know. Do you think I really have authority in the army?Wang Quanbin and I, who listens to whom?He has direct descendants and personal soldiers in his hands. He himself has deep roots and seniority. What about me?If I, the supervisor, cannot suppress him, the governor, what else can I do? "

"What? Is Wang Quanbin so domineering that you, as the Deputy Privy Envoy, can't suppress him at all? Do you mean that he has always used you as a vanguard, even a death squad? Isn't this nonsense?"

Wang Renfan smiled bitterly: "In the past, when Li Chuyun was the supervisor of the army, he was also the deputy privy envoy. He also used the power of the supervisor to suppress Murong Yanzhao, but in the end, didn't he still have his head in a different place?"

Zhao Guangmei said angrily: "Li Chuyun died because he was a cannibal!"

"Your Highness, why did you deceive me into a dying man? Li Xiang wanted to die just because of cannibalism. After all, everything happened for a reason. Now I am also the deputy privy envoy. I was also sent to supervise the army. He, Murong Yanzhao, is not in good health. When I was arguing with Li Xiang, I made Murong Dianshuai angry to death, but is Wang Quanbin, an old man in his seventies, in better health than Murong Dianshuai? I have no choice!"


"Your Highness, most of our military supervisors are generals. Although they have the name of supervisors, they do not have the actual status of supervisors. Either they forcefully suppress or even expel their commanders, or they are naturally suppressed by the commander-in-chief of the army, even if they are military commanders. Even if you want to be the emperor's eyes and ears, you can't deliver the news. Your Highness is also to blame for this."

"What's my business here?"

"Yes, trading company! Veterans Committee! Don't you realize, Your Highness, that your trading company has greatly squeezed out my authority as the military supervisor!"

(End of this chapter)

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