Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 146 As long as the hoe swings well, there is no corner to dig

Chapter 146 As long as the hoe swings well, there is no corner to dig

When talking about butt, you have to touch butt. What stands out is frankness.

Xiao Chuo was embarrassed and annoyed by his provocation. However, there was something in his mind that he really couldn't grasp. He didn't dodge at all. Instead, he rushed forward with a red face and kept saying: "Then hurry up and follow me." Tell me, how can we, the ruling class, put our butts in order?”

After saying that, he sat down directly on Zhao Guangmei's lap, and the meaning of seduction was self-evident.

When Zhao Guangmei saw this, she instinctively glanced at Xiao Chuo's chest. She really wasn't very interested.
After all, Xiao Chuo is the same age as him.
Sometimes it's really hard for him to understand,

Of course, it has to be said that Zhao Guangmei suddenly felt a sense of conquest when he considered Xiao Chuo's special status and his initiative. This was Zhao Guangmei's public house again, and people were coming and going outside. Even Handerang's office was not far away from him, and this hand really made him feel extremely stimulated.

He simply hugged his waist, touched his legs and said: "Generally speaking, there are three types of people in this world, one is the one who makes the rules, the other is the one who abides by the rules, and the third type is the one who can break the rules. , but someone who doesn’t have to pay the price.”

"The ruling class, of course, are the ones who make the rules. However, any rule, when it is first formulated, often means that it can bring huge benefits to break the rules, so the third type of people, as time goes by, It will definitely grow stronger, gradually cannibalizing the second type of people, until it finally shakes the interests of those of us who make the rules."

"I see. People in the world say that you are more interested in law than Confucianism. Now it seems that it is indeed the case."

Zhao Guangmei was noncommittal and said: "I always thought that people in the world would regard me as a Mohist, but in the end I became a Legalist out of nowhere. It can be regarded as a coincidence."

Xiao Chuo did not comment on this, but secretly made up his mind to read a few books on Mohist thought after returning.

But he was extremely clever and said: "The power of the imperial court is much stronger when exercised in cities than in villages. Therefore, you leave a mouthful of soup through the development zone for the people all over the world to drink, hoping to lure them from the countryside to In towns, let them change from being unruly to being obedient. If abiding by the rules can bring greater benefits than when they were in the countryside, naturally, they will not be unruly."

"Yes, that's it. Yan Yanqian is really smart. If you were a man, you would be the prime minister of Daliao."

Zhao Guangmei gave Xiao Chuo a thumbs up.

This is the guiding direction Zhao Guangmei designed for the Liao Kingdom. If the Liao Kingdom really follows this direction in the future, he will be very pleased.

Is this inference wrong?Of course, it is true that promoting urbanization is indeed the core of his New Deal. The so-called New Deal is basically promoting urbanization.

What he is teaching Xiao Chuo now is political and economic principles. Even if he is from Song Dynasty, if there is no special relationship, Zhao Guangmei may still hide it a little and not really teach him.

However, as the saying goes, once the direction is wrong, the more knowledge you have, the more reactionary you will become. If the Liao Kingdom really copied the Song Dynasty Commercial Bank's methods, and if it really launched a large-scale urbanization in the future, then Zhao Guangmei could have opened the champagne in advance to celebrate.

Because the national conditions of the two countries are completely different, the economic development of the Song Dynasty has reached this threshold. The citizen economy was originally the biggest social feature of the Northern Song Dynasty. In the entire official history of China, the Northern Song Dynasty had the smallest territory, but its population was over one million. There are a total of twelve megacities on the left and right.

There was no such thing as Wang Anshi's reform in the Northern Song Dynasty in history. It was carried out vigorously and intermittently for decades. Although it failed, this kind of reform that directly targeted the core interests of the landlord class was not beaten to death when it was first proposed. This can be seen The Song Dynasty itself is special.

You must know that in the Ming Dynasty, Zhang Juzheng couldn't figure out a whipping method, and Yongzheng in the Qing Dynasty couldn't figure out how to make officials and gentry pay grain as one.

So originally, the citizens were about to step onto the historical stage and become the protagonists of the Northern Song Dynasty. Zhao Guangmei just pushed him. On the contrary, the landlord class was naturally backward and a decadent force. Zhao Guangmei naturally had to suppress it. What he did was more It was just a matter of bringing order to the chaos and preventing those backward landlord forces from making a comeback like they did in the early Song Dynasty in history.

Moreover, all this is not without cost. In the Song Dynasty, due to the prosperity of the citizen economy, the gap between urban and rural areas was too large. There were many clothes in the market. They really knew what the difference between industry and agriculture was. Therefore, many people in later generations regarded the Song Dynasty as having A paradise for literati and a hell for peasants.

Although it is an exaggeration, it has to be said that there is a certain truth to it. The New Deal implemented by Zhao Guangmei will not actually solve this problem, and will even further widen the gap. This is why he has always said that he is not a good person, but The main reason is very cruel. (Villages in other dynasties were also hells, and no one was better than anyone else. In the Song Dynasty, there were more than a dozen big cities that really lived well)
There was nothing he could do about it. Even modern experts couldn't solve it, and he, a restaurant owner, didn't understand it. He could only choose to ignore it and regard it as the price and pain of development.

The national conditions of the Liao Kingdom were completely different from those of the Song Dynasty. In the Liao Kingdom, the landlord class was a progressive force!
To be honest, if the Liao Kingdom could be filled with big landowners and the entire economic and social model completely replicated the Tang Dynasty, it would have been a huge victory for them, and such an opponent would also be very difficult for the Song Dynasty. Trouble, very difficult.

Nomadism or farming, centralization or decentralization, tribe or feudalism, the Liao Kingdom has not yet figured it out. In essence, it is still in the transition stage from a tribal authoritarian state to an institutional feudal state. If it really wants to suppress the landlord class, go directly Supporting the citizen class cannot be said to be counterproductive. It is simply like asking Wu Song for the second marriage of Jin Lian, asking for money rather than life.

The pits here are huge and densely packed. It is guaranteed that once you fall in, it will be difficult to climb out. It is as outrageous as the modern poor African countries trying to learn the separation of powers. It is difficult not to die.

But it turns out that such words are indeed correct at first glance. In addition, the Song Dynasty did do this, and the trading houses will indeed become stronger because of it. It is very confusing, and ordinary people will not be able to detect the trap hidden here.

Xiao Chuo was ashamed and didn't think much about it, but he couldn't help asking: "I see that in your Song Dynasty, there is no curfew even in capitals like Kaifeng, and all the houses facing the streets are open. We built shops, but we in Daliao are different. They are still made in the Tang Dynasty. As for the market, there are only two cities in the east and west. The city is divided into squares one by one. Shops are not allowed to open on the street. The people are much more disciplined than you in Kaifeng. But why? As the rulers of the Song Dynasty, don’t you think this is very chaotic? Since you respect the rules, why did you deliberately break the rules in Kaifeng? "

When Zhao Guangmei heard this, her expression changed uncontrollably.

This question may seem inconspicuous, but it points directly to the biggest difference between Song and Liao. It even points to the real source of the problem. Once she understands this question, if she tries to fool her later, she will be fooled. Difficult.

However, after changing her face, Zhao Guangmei immediately pretended to be careless but lustful, and said with a smile: "What else could it be? After all, Chai Rong was born in a wealthy merchant family, so he naturally Merchants have a good impression, and they value merchants. By relying on merchants, they have indeed reaped a lot of benefits. Every time Chai Rong went on an expedition, merchants were present. In the Song Dynasty, when we established tea and salt factories, merchants often helped the country to share its worries, so I, the Song Dynasty, inherited the mandate of Zhou Dynasty, so this set of policies will naturally be inherited."

After saying that, he directly put his hand into Xiao Chuo's collar. His temples were half slanted, his phoenix eyes were shyly displayed, his jade body was spread across his arms, and his lips were holding cardamom and spitting cloves.

Xiao Chuo was so embarrassed that he forgot to think for a moment, and refused again and again.

"Oh, no, I'm still young."

"I, I, can't do this. The slave family has already made an engagement with Han Lang, so we can't do such an immoral thing." "Oh no, no, no, I'm not a casual person. It's too fast, too fast. I'm not ready yet." Woolen cloth."

After saying that, he really pushed Zhao Guangmei away, stood up and put on his clothes, while giving him a resentful look, which was quite charming for a moment.

"Ignore you, I, I'm leaving, hum."

With that said, Xiao Chuo walked away.

Then after going out, I couldn't help but fell into deep thought. For a while, I felt as if I had touched something, but it was still hazy.

"There is something wrong with Zhao Guangmei's behavior just now. Although he has been taking advantage of her these days, he is not in such a hurry. After all, he is also the crown prince of the Song Dynasty. Don't you think that he looks like this and loses his grace?"But where does this problem lie? '

'This enemy is very open-minded. He was in the public house, and he can do such a thing. He is even more shameless than me, a Hu girl. '

Zhao Guangmei quickly regained her composure and even frowned in thought.

'Just now... I'm afraid Xiao Chuo saw the flaw. This little girl, not to mention compared to women, how many ordinary courtiers are as sharp as her? '

'Hey, she is indeed the Empress Dowager Chengtian of Daliao. She is indeed completely different from ordinary women.

However, after Xiao Chuo left Sansi, he strolled to the development zone that was still under construction with his guards. At the same time, he closed his eyes and recalled the planning map of the development zone that he had seen. However, he was surprised to find that this The development zone is not in the traditional sense, piece by piece, piece by piece. Although it is also divided into various areas, the graphics that make up the city are not squares, but circles. Is there any profound meaning in this?

What surprised her even more was that the steel plant was the first to be completed in the entire development zone, even earlier than the district government in the new area. The so-called regional county government was really just a lonely county government. There is nothing around yet.

Well, there is an extra Liao embassy built nearby, but it is perfunctory. As far as she knows, Sun Liancheng now lives and eats almost every day in the steel factory, and the county government office is almost empty.

'This is a city built entirely to serve the factories. It seems that the government... has become a foil to the factories? '

Soon, he found Han Derang, who was supervising the construction of the embassy. He smiled and greeted him like a normal person, and chatted with him about Daliao Commercial Bank.

After chatting for a while, Xiao Chuo asked: "What do Han Lang think, why did Kaifeng in the Song Dynasty not implement a curfew, but let the people open shops in all the houses facing the street?"

Han Derang didn't think so much and said: "Is this what Chai Rong gave him? After all, his biological father is a merchant, so he has a good impression of merchants. Didn't he even let merchants help him raise and transport food for his army? ? This is normal."

"That's all?"

"Well... maybe it's because the people are poor that he allows them to open private shops so that they can make more money. Why, why are you asking this? Is it another assignment that His Highness King Qin left for you?"

"No, I asked just for fun."

But I couldn't help but think: 'This wording is the same as that of Zhao Guangmei. When Han Lang said this, it was obvious that he really thought so. At present, it seems that this is indeed the most direct reason, but Zhao Guangmei really only Have you thought about this level?How do you feel...does he just want himself to know this level? '

Han Derang said again: "But Yanyan, you have to know that the so-called peace between Song and Liao is nothing more than the fact that both countries currently feel that it is not appropriate to start a war. Sooner or later, the two countries will have a war. Zhao Guangmei will never really do it for us." The Liao Kingdom makes suggestions, and all the words about peace in his mouth are just hypocritical words, or even boring deception. It is natural to follow him to learn and make money, but you must also beware of him, he cannot have any good intentions. "

"Ah, don't worry, how can I not know this?"

As he spoke, he couldn't help but look at the Daliao embassy and muttered: "You said, is it really impossible to have peace between Song and Liao? How great would it be if the world was really peaceful? .”

"What are you thinking? That's impossible."

"Yeah, I know."

Just as I was thinking about it, I saw an old soldier from the battalion came over happily and said, "Are you Miss Xiao? My Royal Highness has a destiny. Tonight, the company will hold this year's year-end shareholders' meeting in Fanlou, and you must attend and accompany me." .”

"Year-end shareholders meeting?"

When Xiao Chuo heard this, his breathing froze and he forgot everything. He nodded quickly and said: "Okay, okay, I will definitely go when the time comes. I will definitely go."

The general meeting of shareholders is said to be the highest power meeting of a commercial bank. It is said that the matters decided at the meeting cannot be changed even by the Emperor of the Song Dynasty. It is said that everything discussed at the meeting is a well-deserved top secret of the country.

Zhao Guangmei actually took her to such a meeting?

'Isn't he really fascinated by my beauty? '

(End of this chapter)

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