Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 147 What it’s like to be the strongest woman in history

Chapter 147 What it’s like to be the strongest woman in history
There are many legends about the legendary trading company's shareholders' meeting in the market.

Due to its special nature of being above the power of the monarch, and the fact that everyone here is qualified to sit here for the meeting, the people voting are indeed the top figures in the military, almost all of them are military governors. If you are a defender You don't even dare to say hello to anyone when you enter the house, and you have to sit in the child's room to eat.

The common people, especially the people of Kaifeng, do have a lot of imagination about them.

Xiao Chuo also had a lot of imagination about this. In a sense, the importance of this shareholders' meeting really exceeded that of the court meeting, so much so that she spent more than an hour doing various preparations before going to the banquet today. Because she didn't sleep all night yesterday, her face looked a little haggard, and she even rubbed her face with Xuedan, which she would never use normally.

Then, he was shocked, shocked in every sense of the word.

It was not what she thought at all. A group of loyal ministers were chatting and laughing, or they were quarreling over a certain business matter. Even in such a high-end meeting, she was not the only outsider.

Surprisingly, every shareholder went to the banquet with a girl in his arms!And at first glance, they all look like promiscuous women.

Especially the eldest Fu Yanqing, who was so old and dishonest that he hugged both of them.

Does he really still have the ability to do things?

Then Zhao Guangmei actually led her. Without an introduction, everyone would have thought she was a fellow traveler.

Especially since she rubbed her face with snow pill today.

Xiao Chuo glared at him fiercely, feeling really angry, so he directly pinched Zhao Guangmei's waist with his fingers.

"What are you doing?"

"Didn't you say it's a shareholders' meeting?"

"Yes, this is the shareholders' meeting. We have agreed in advance that anything that happens at today's meeting and anything that is said are major state secrets of our country. Not a word of it is allowed to be revealed."

"Huh? Is this... really a shareholders' meeting?"

"It's absolutely true."

Xiao Chuo was confused when he heard this.

As for the secrets of the Song Dynasty, only those who are short-sighted would believe them. If they were really secrets, how could they take her with them?

He had no choice but to be carried into the private room by Zhao Guangmei with his arms around his waist in confusion.

Without even talking about anything, all kinds of good wine and food were served.

I heard Zhao Guangmei pick up the wine glass, drink a glass of wine with everyone first, and then solemnly introduce: "Everyone shareholders, come on, let me introduce you in a grand way. The woman next to me is Xiao Chuo, Liao Prime Minister Xiao Siwenzhi The woman is Liao Envoy, Han Derang’s fiancée, and at the same time, she also has the identity of being the secretary of the board of directors of our firm, everyone welcomes her."

Then, a group of retired veterans cheered and cheered unceremoniously. They looked at her without any warning, and their hair was full of ambiguity and meaning.

'Hmph, you said you don't like wives! '

"Everyone, have you calculated last year's accounts? Although most of these profits were invested in reproduction and no dividends were withdrawn, I still want to announce this figure. Throughout last year, our Da Song Royal Commercial Bank gained The profit is 780 million yuan! Make a fortune~!"

One sentence shocked Xiao Chuo to the point of grinning from ear to ear.

Two thousand and seventy-eight million dollars!

Although he knew that the business bank was very profitable, who would have thought that he would actually be so profitable?
Their Daliao company may not even have an annual income of 200 million yuan!
Of course, the Liao imperial court and the people did not necessarily need to spend money to buy things. The actual tax accounted for the bulk, but this number was really too scary, and it made her heart skip a beat.

This is too rich. How did you earn this money?
Is it really plundering people’s wealth and money?

Where did so much people's fat and anointing come from?

As soon as this number was exported, a group of shareholders followed suit and screamed with excitement.

Xiao Chuo was also infected by this atmosphere and couldn't help clenching his fists. Although there was a smile on his face, he was already worried in his heart.

With so much money, if all of it was used to expand armaments and reward soldiers, how many soldiers could the Song Dynasty maintain?As the legitimate daughter of the Xiao family, she had no concept of so much money and couldn't figure out how to spend it.

I heard that when Zhou Shizong and Chai Rong were here, the military expenditure of the Forbidden Army was only more than 400 million.

This amount of money is seven times the military expenditure during Chai Rong’s period!
Chai Rong's Northern Expedition had already made her father Xiao Siwen too timid to fight, and he had recovered the three states in Guannan, seven times!

As for saying that the money must be taxed, benefits must be paid, and dividends must be distributed to shareholders, Xiao Chuoxin's words were in vain.

Whether it is given to the treasury or given to the Privy Council, in the final analysis, isn’t it still money from the Song Dynasty?It’s nothing more than a left pocket or a pocket. As for shareholder dividends, besides the royal family, they are soldiers. Isn’t this purely military spending?
With so much money, you said you didn't want to take Yanyun back and fool a fool?

However, just when he was anxious and wanted to listen to what they were going to say next.

But he was stunned to find that there was no more content.

A group of shareholders had a wild time and then started drinking.

"Um...this, with so much money, shouldn't there be detailed rules? is this earned?"

Although he knew it was inappropriate, Xiao Chuo couldn't help but ask.

She was really curious, and this number was beyond her imagination.

"Huh? Are you interested in this?"

Xiao Chuo nodded repeatedly, and then took the initiative to step forward and hold Zhao Guangmei's hand, showing an impatient and trembling look.

Men are all about saving face, especially in front of women during banquets like this.

In his mind, Xiao Chuo was already competing with Zhao Guangmei in a battle of wits and courage.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Guangmei didn't even hesitate and said: "You want to see the details? OK, now the accounts are out, but they haven't been sorted out yet. If you want to make the financial report, you will definitely need some modifications. Yanyan, please work hard later. , working overtime, with some points, sorting out the financial report, with multiple charts, do you know how to make charts?"

Xiao Chuo nodded repeatedly. This was also the new knowledge he had learned from Zhao Guangmei in the past few days.

But it feels incredible.

"You just... showed it to me?" Zhao Guangmei said with a half-smile: "You have to work overtime voluntarily, how can I stop you? Come back, this financial report must be better-looking. After all, this is for All shareholders see it.

"Yes, yes, your highness, don't worry, after all, it is for everyone... Your highness, how many shareholders do our firm have in total?"

"More than twelve thousand."

"Then... how can we keep this thing secret?"

"It's not a secret. When the time comes, it will be sold for [-] cents each, and any citizen of Kaifeng can buy it. In fact, if you are running a small business now, you should really look at the financial reports of the trading companies, so that you can find business opportunities there."

"Fifty cents a share?"

Xiao Chuo was depressed.

Are you really using me as your free lord?
"Then if you don't want to do this job, forget it."

"Do it, why not do it? First-hand information is better than others chewing it, but this... is it appropriate to just send it out directly? Don't you need to keep it a little more confidential?"

When Zhao Guangmei heard this, she said matter-of-factly: "I dare to show it to you, who else deserves to be kept more secret than you?"


Makes sense.

But the more this happened, the more Xiao Chuo couldn't figure it out.

Isn't this thing not important at all?

Unexpectedly, Zhao Guangmei said: "Even if you know everything, what can you do? This amount is enough for you to earn for ten years, and I will only earn more year by year in the future. What am I hiding from you?" What can I keep from you?"

Xiao Chuo said seriously: "But I know how you make money, and our trading firms in Daliao can naturally learn from it. Doesn't it matter?"

"Learn? What's the point? You can't copy everything anyway. Besides, your Liao trading firm is just learning from last year's trading firm. Next year, I will earn more, year by year. There are many, so why should I be afraid of you learning it? Besides, this thing can’t be kept secret in the first place. It’s useless no matter how you learn it, because the Song Dynasty has me.”

Saying that, Zhao Guangmei took two wine glasses and gave one to Xiao Chuo, who was confused and shocked. Then she touched them gently and said, "Cheers, for the everlasting friendship between Song and Liao."

Xiao Chuo was stunned when he heard this.

Then she quickly adjusted herself, only to find that the so-called shareholders' meeting seemed to have already concluded all the business matters.

After everyone knew how much money they had earned and how much they could share, they all went to eat, drink and have fun. After a while, they were all drunk, and then they hugged the singer and started to change the music and dance to the music. Spin.

Is this the legendary board of directors of the Song Dynasty Royal Commercial Bank?

After three rounds of wine, Xiao Chuo gradually got a taste of it.

Where is the shareholders meeting?

These retired veterans have absolute trust in Zhao Guangmei. To put it bluntly, the entire business is completely decided by Zhao Guangmei alone. How these veterans work is how they are arranged.

What Zhao Guangmei said is the decision of the board of directors.

No matter who gives any advice, it is impossible to think better than Zhao Guangmei. There is no one in the whole Song Dynasty who is better at making money than him. In this case, he would just mess with it blindly.

A young man who is not yet 16 years old actually manages so many Jiedu envoys who have made great achievements on the battlefield so obediently.

The Song Dynasty actually had such a monster, and he was still a dear relative.

It is definitely not a blessing for Daliao.

Thinking about it, Zhao Guangmei couldn't help but be greedy and drank a little more. Xiao Chuo also put down his thoughts, raised his head on his wrist, looked at Zhao Guangmei sideways, and found that he was quite good-looking.

I used to think that he was not as handsome as Han Lang, but now that I look at him, I feel that they are almost the same in terms of appearance, temperament...

To be honest, Zhao Guangmei's extremely confident and domineering aura is really attractive to women. He has only seen a similar temperament in Emperor Liao.

Just looking at it, looking at it, I was fascinated for a moment.

But during the banquet, there was already a crowd of demons dancing wildly, almost everyone was spinning in circles, and Zhao Guangmei was obviously drunk.

She once heard someone say that His Highness the King of Qin has a great weakness: he is greedy for drinking, but he has a poor drinking tolerance and will get drunk whenever he drinks. Now it seems that this is indeed the case. He has already kicked out the musicians in the restaurant, holding drums. Hammer, he was beating the drum randomly and singing a very weird tune that he had never heard before:

"Counting heroes, discussing success or failure, who can explain it clearly in ancient and modern times? The merits and deeds of thousands of years can be commented on, and the sea, rain, and wind can come and go alone. If you are determined to rule the country and go down in history, it is hard to say that the infamy is rolling in behind you. Youdao is the most miserable person in the world, and in the end Don’t regret nine deaths and fall into the dust~”

The melody was very new, but it was quite pleasant and interesting. The artistic conception of the words was quite profound, and she couldn't help but make her eyes light up.

"If you are determined to govern the country and make history, it's hard to say that the infamy is rolling in behind you. Haha, your singing is really good. Aren't we all like this?"

After saying that, Xiao Chuo suddenly stood up, stood abruptly in front of Zhao Guangmei, and forcibly dragged him up.




"I want to dance, dance with me."

After saying that, he threw away his coat due to his drunkenness, and a slender hand wrapped around Zhao Guangmei's neck and began to dance.

At this moment, it was impossible to tell whether it was confusion and infatuation, playfulness, or a combination of both. The two of them hugged each other tightly.

Hand in hand, we enter the orchid room, take off the red makeup, get on the jade bed, cuddle our bellies, legs touch each other, enjoy the beautiful scenery, and be a romantic man for one night.

(End of this chapter)

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