Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 145 In Handerang’s corner, digging and digging

Chapter 145 In Handerang’s corner, digging and digging

"Tell me, why does Zhao Guangmei reserve a large number of places in the development zone for ordinary landowners? He can obviously let the commercial banks make this money."

At night, Xiao Chuo did not avoid suspicion and went directly to Handerang's room. While working overtime to complete the official document writing task assigned to him by Zhao Guangmei, he couldn't help but ask Handerang for his opinion.

Han Derang was slightly unhappy, frowned and thought for a while before saying: "It must be because of limited energy and not wanting to do everything. In fact, trading houses are not completely new. They existed as early as the Western Han Dynasty. The strategy of specializing in salt and iron, what Zhao Guangmei is doing now, is not much different in essence from Sang Hongyang, it is just that the execution is much smarter."

Hearing this, Xiao Chuo looked at Han Derang with admiration and said: "You know so much. The history of you Han people is indeed a treasure. You can understand most of it by looking at the history books, but most of the literati in the Song Dynasty were You idiot, there is clearly everything in the history books, but all I saw was nonsense. I held a copy of Spring and Autumn as a treasure. To be honest, I didn’t see anything extraordinary about that book. In comparison, Han Lang You are much stronger than them."

When Han Derang heard this, he couldn't help but feel proud. At this time, he was actually about the same age as Zhao Guangyi. He was very proud of his horseshoe disease and was the most frivolous in his youth. He was indeed talented. Naturally, he was far from being a sophisticated person. He was beaten by Xiao Chuo. After a few words, I felt a little swaying.

Said: "Actually, since Zhao Guangmei set up this business, I have been paying close attention to this business. I have also carefully re-read the Theory of Salt and Iron, as well as some national policies and edicts of the Western Han Dynasty. To be honest, the Western Han Dynasty in the past is different from today's The Song Dynasty is indeed quite similar."

Xiao Chuo immediately reacted after hearing this: "So, Daliao is the Huns?"

"No, the strength of our country, the Liao, cannot be compared to that of the Huns and barbarians in the past. But in my opinion, whether it is Sang Hongyang or Zhao Guangmei, their strategy is basically to impoverish their people. To enrich the country, that’s all.”

“Poverty its people and enrich its country?”

"Yes, I think that although the Western Han Dynasty deposed hundreds of schools of thought and only respected Confucianism since Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, in fact the policies adopted by Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty were clearly Legalist techniques. In the past, the Huns were tyrannical, and Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty had to absorb the wealth of the people. For national use, so when the Han Dynasty was fighting on the front lines, petitions for the death of Sang Hongyang were constantly heard from the people and from the rear. You see, is this very similar to the Song Dynasty at this time?"

"Ah~, so it turns out that Zhao Guangmei is Sang Hongyang of the Song Dynasty? Indeed, the situation of the Song Dynasty today is far worse than that of the Han Dynasty. Although the Huns are powerful, they are uncivilized barbarians and are far from being as big as me. Compared with the Liao Dynasty, not to mention that there are Later Shu, Tang, Southern Han, Wu Yue and several Jiedu envoys in the south. Not to mention, the Tubo Uighurs in the west have returned to the rebel army. So what you are saying is that Zhao Guangmei set up this development zone to control the common people. By defrauding the country into using money to fight the war, are you amassing people’s wealth?”

Han Derang said: "I can't say this. In short, I just think that Zhao Guangmei and Sang Hongyang are quite similar. They are both smart people. At least they are much better than those ministers in the past dynasties who only know how to increase taxes. They all chose the strategy of government-run workshops, but Sang Hongyang specialized in salt and iron, and nationalized all the mountains, forests, and seas, and simply refused to let the common people do it. Zhao Guangmei was smarter, only doing the big ones, and not the small ones. The things were set aside and a mouthful of soup was left for the people to drink."

"However, no matter how fancy the method is, the essence is the same. It is just plundering people's wealth. Didn't tens of thousands of people in the Huainan area submit a petition a few days ago? Guess, if Zhao Guangmei was not the biological brother of the Song Emperor, they would Wouldn’t you also say please kill Zhao Guangmei?”

"So I said that the reason why Zhao Guangmei left behind these supporting facilities is to use both soft and hard tactics to force good families around Kaifeng to give up their land, or sell their land to commercial banks cheaply, in order to plunder people's wealth, and then Let these kind people use their own money to produce ordnance and equipment for the Song army. He said it was for civilian use. How could it be possible? It is impossible for the Song Dynasty to abandon Yanyun. There must be a battle between Song and Liao. This equipment is Used to deal with our Daliao."

As he spoke, he sighed again and said: "It's the same for us in Daliao. Legalism, although it ruined the people, can indeed enrich the country and strengthen the army. If the Han Dynasty had not reused Sang Hongyang, it might not have been possible. That Huo Qubing sealed the wolf to live in Xu, we, the Liao, are so powerful, if we want to regain the three continents of Guannan, naturally we can only accompany him to practice this Legalist way."

"So that's it. It turns out that what Zhao Guangmei did in the Song Dynasty was the art of Legalism."

"All the scholars in Kaifeng say so."

"Oh~, Han Lang, you are awesome."

After saying that, Xiao Chuo hugged his neck and kissed him stupidly, and then he started writing quickly again. After finishing the notes and regulations that Zhao Guangmei asked for, he and Han Derang were tender for a while, hugging and kissing. After a long time, I returned to my room, but the sky was completely dark.

However, there was no curfew in the Song Dynasty after all, and there was still limited excitement on the streets. Xiao Chuo simply went to the snack street and bought a lot of random things that he had never seen before and ate them to satisfy his cravings.

Because the Liao Dynasty followed the Tang Dynasty system, the political structure, economic model, and social customs of the Liao Dynasty were almost copied exactly from the Tang Dynasty model, so much so that in the Song Dynasty, there was even such a thing as nightlife I feel curious and fresh instinctively.

He could feel that compared to the northern and southern capitals of the Liao Kingdom, there were clearly more soldiers in Kaifeng of the Song Dynasty. Even more than half of the city was composed of soldiers and military dependents, but walking on the troubled streets, he couldn't feel it at all. Without too many restrictions and rules, people living in this city are obviously freer, happier, and how should I say, more... commercialized?

It's hard to say which model is better. Kaifeng seems to be a bit more noisy than the northern and southern capitals of Daliao. I heard that there are a lot of public security incidents, and there are often fights. Even the emperor is under the rule of the emperor, but there are gangs. East and west, sometimes private gangs and groups would fight for business. These were almost non-existent in the northern and southern capitals of the Liao Kingdom.

In the past, Xiao Chuo thought that this was just because the system was different and the culture was different, which meant nothing. However, after following Zhao Guangmei these days, listening to him all day long and watching him handle some business matters seriously, he naturally learned more about business. understanding.

Some things cannot be distinguished without careful consideration. For example, Xiao Chuo had never noticed before that any house in Kaifeng facing the street would have a window open for business. Basically all residential houses facing the street would have a window open for business. It has been converted into a shop.

It is said that the lifting of the curfew and the encouragement of residential buildings to be converted into shops started during Chai Rong's administration and have nothing to do with the Song Dynasty and Zhao Guangmei.

Why did Chai Rong do this?Is it really just to make it easier for citizens to buy things?Why didn’t Daliao do this?

Why did the Central Plains Dynasty gradually change many of the rules of the Tang Dynasty?Are the rules of the Tang Dynasty bad?But if it was not good, how could the Tang Dynasty flourish?Moreover, the Liao Kingdom has always practiced the Tang system, so I didn't realize there was anything wrong with it. The political power was much more stable than the Central Plains Dynasty.


Vaguely, Xiao Chuo seemed to have thought of something, but he couldn't think clearly. He felt that the answer to this question might be hidden in the homework that Zhao Guangmei left for him, but he couldn't think clearly.

Is Zhao Guangmei’s New Deal and trading firm really just to be the Song Dynasty version of Sang Hongyang?
While eating snacks, Xiao Chuo asked with a smile: "Boss, I heard that the development zone that His Highness King Qin is going to build is going to do something soon... attract investment? Have you ever thought about moving to the development zone?"

While the boss was busy making food, he said without raising his head: "Why haven't you thought about it? I heard that the houses over there will be very cheap, and businesses can be built and rented to you, even if you are short of money. If so, the commercial bank can still lend you money. I have long wanted to have a larger shop of my own, but I heard that opening a shop in a development zone requires a large deposit. I don’t know about this deposit. How much will it be? I don’t know if I can go.”

"But I heard that after moving to the development zone, Kaifeng Prefecture's tax inspection will be stricter. There is currently a saying in the market that like commercial banks, they have to pay [-]% of their income. Are you willing to do so?"

"Then I must be willing. If I move there, there will be commercial banks to support me. I only need to pay the [-]% tax. Who dares to bully me? I have not moved to the development zone now. This The total of all the taxes and duties, big and small, is more than [-]%. The reputation of the trading company has always been very good, we can trust it, and the trading company has always encouraged its craftsmen to go out and open their own factories to make money."

Xiao Chuo was shocked when he heard this: "Really? Why? Why would a commercial bank allow or even encourage its workers to go out and open workshops? How can workers have money to open workshops?"

"If you don't have the money, the trading company will lend it to you. Do you want to inquire? In Kaifeng City, most of the newly built workshops are from trading companies. Not only will your highness not stop him, but he will also take the initiative to lend it to you." Capital, our Highness, has a pattern, you don’t even know this, are you from out of town?”

The guard on the side said proudly: "My master is the daughter of the Xiao family of Liao Dynasty, and she is an honored guest of your Song Dynasty."

"Ah? Khitan?"

Upon hearing this, the vendor immediately changed his face, and then didn't say a word.

When Xiao Chuo turned around, he glared at the guard fiercely, feeling annoyed, and stepped forward and kicked him hard: "Are you sick? Why are you talking about this? Do you think the people of Song Dynasty welcome us? "

When the guard heard this, he quickly lowered his head and admitted his mistake.

"Go and buy me a book on Salt and Iron. I want to read it. No matter what you do, don't come back if you can't buy it."

"Now? All this..." "Get out! Buy me a book!"

"Yes Yes Yes Yes."

Then, this guy really went to buy books for Xiao Chuo.

However, although the Song Dynasty did not have a curfew and had nightlife, which normal person would go to bookstores and buy books during the nightlife? All bookstores in the city had been closed long ago, so the guard had to knock on the door of each house and apologize to wake them up. Fortunately, most of Da Song's stores are in the front store and then added later model, otherwise he would really have no idea.

However, the book "On Salt and Iron" was quite niche in the Song Dynasty. It was neither a popular storybook, a novel, a poem, nor a Confucian classic or a historical work. In essence, it was a meeting of the Salt and Iron Conference. Just a record.

After the death of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty, Sang Hongyang, as a remnant of the post-Han Dynasty era, debated with the virtuous literature specially brought from various places. Sang Hongyang believed that it was good for the state to monopolize salt and iron, and that it was unnecessary for the state to make profits by monopolizing industry and commerce. Go and exploit the people's taxes. This means that the people have no tax but the country has enough.

Virtuous literature believes that the country should let go and benefit the people, and also hide wealth from the people. The essence of obtaining profits through monopoly is to suppress social vitality. Moreover, all kinds of corruption and bureaucracy in state-owned factories emerge in an endless stream, which in turn leads to people's livelihood being deprived. You might as well collect taxes.

In the end, Sang Hongyang lost the debate, and the most important salt and iron monopoly policy during Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty was completely abolished, and some good people recorded the debate process in detail.

Who would look at this!

It really took me half a night to find a book on salt and iron. Xiao Chuo didn't sleep even after giving it to Xiao Chuo. He just read it with gusto, and then he saw that it was already dawn. , but simply stopped sleeping.

Then he sighed and said: "There is so much wisdom in the Han family. This is the book that monarchs and ministers should read. All the ways to govern a country and make money are in this book. However, the Han people cannot use it. Read more about etiquette and music." The way is really ridiculous."

After that, Xiao Chuo carefully prepared the bookmarks, marked the places he saw, and then went to find Zhao Guangmei to go to work despite the haggard dark circles under his eyes after staying up all night.

In contrast, Han Lang is much more pragmatic. If it weren't for Han Lang, I really don't know that the Han family would have such a masterpiece.


Is Sang Hongyang really just harming the people and enriching the country? Is he really just practicing Legalist techniques?
Zhao he really just learning from Sang Hongyang?
It feels...but it's different.

Then, Xiao Chuo waited and waited in Zhao Guangmei's office, and finally waited until Zhao Guangmei came belatedly, carrying a food box. After opening it, he took out one after another of the same exquisite snacks and ate them, all fancy and colorful. There were many novelties that she had never seen before.

I couldn't help complaining: "Your Highness, since you are already late for work, why don't you just have breakfast at home before coming back? No one can care about you anyway. If you are in a hurry to come to the office to run errands, why do you have such a rich breakfast?" "

Zhao Guangmei handed over a chopstick nonchalantly and said, "Have you eaten? Eat some together or not. It's delicious."

Then Xiao Chuo took the chopsticks and sat opposite Zhao Guangmei, and started eating again.

"With my status, if I eat breakfast too casually, wouldn't it be a waste of my life to be born in this powerful family? As for eating at home, you don't understand. Breakfast time is such a precious fishing time. I always feel like I'm at a loss if I eat at home. .”

Xiao Chuo rolled his eyes at him: "That's ridiculous."

"Have you understood the homework assigned to you yesterday?"

"This... I heard people say that the fertility of the land in different places is different, and some are soft and some are hard. Different regions use different farming methods, and naturally they will put forward different requirements for agricultural tools. And if the imperial court Monopolizing the production of farm tools, and ultimately trying to save trouble, the farm tools produced will lose their subtle differences, and the products cannot be improved according to the actual needs of farmers, resulting in unsuitable farm tools. I think this time it is your firm that insists on not making them. Specific products, but the reason for using investment promotion?”

Zhao Guangmei was really stunned for a moment and said, "Have you read The Theory of Salt and Iron? When did you read it?"

"Just yesterday."

After hearing this, Zhao Guangmei looked at her carefully and asked for a long time: "How long did you read yesterday? Reading so fast?"

"I'm almost halfway through the book. It's a really good book. As soon as I read it, I couldn't stop reading it."

"You mean, you haven't slept all night? You're awesome. I've only heard of reading novels to the point where you forget to sleep and eat. This is the first time I've seen someone who can learn and forget to sleep and eat."

"No way, that book is very interesting. Han Lang recommended it to me."

"Oh, he thinks I am Sang Hongyang."

Xiao Chuo smiled when he heard this and said: "I think so too. Your Highness and Sang Hongyang are both great and capable ministers. On the contrary, those so-called virtuous literatures are full of etiquette and morality, but in fact what they say is false and false. Empty, as if as long as you leave everything to morality, everything will be solved."

Then, bang, hit Xiao Chuo hard on the butt again.

" I wrong?"

Xiao Chuo's face couldn't help but turn red, but he didn't dodge. Instead, he looked back at him charmingly.

"It's so wrong. Tsk, I looked up to him. I thought he could come up with some new tricks, but in the end he still failed to break out of his own class."


Zhao Guangmei saw that Xiao Chuo seemed to be refusing to welcome him, so he simply put his hand on it, drew circles on it, and then said casually: "Human, after all, it is difficult to escape from yourself. In terms of class, the Han family used to be the home of the county magistrate before entering the Liao Dynasty. In fact, the head of their family is also the magistrate of Changli County now and claims to be a descendant of Han Yu."

"As for their family, no matter how glamorous it is, they are essentially a landlord class. Han Derang, Han Kuangsi and his son, and even all the Han people in your Liao Kingdom are also landlords, so the butt determines the head, and his Since the bottom is sitting with the landlord, it is naturally difficult to escape from the class he belongs to. As long as the interests of the landlord class are harmed, he will instinctively think of Legalism, and think of strengthening the country at the expense of the people, and then think of Han Fei, Shang Yang, etc. Sang Hongyang, how should I put it, is similar to our request for favor in the Song Dynasty, so it is reasonable, but I thought that the famous Han Derang would be something special, so I am disappointed."

"But Yanyan, you have to know that we are not in the same class as them. Their butts are sitting on the side of the landlords, so they think so. However, we are different. We are a serious ruling class. You Ass, you must find the right place."

As he said that, his hand was placed where it shouldn't be and never left, causing Xiao Chuo's face to turn as red as a big lump of red sand.

(End of this chapter)

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