Chapter 144
From that day on, Zhao Guangmei had a little follower by his side.

This future woman, the most powerful woman in history, followed him like a piece of brown sugar. She couldn't get rid of him. She blocked him in every office of his office almost every day, and then followed him to work. , will not go back to their respective homes until he gets off work.

In her own words: "We really don't know how to deal with this business. Why don't we learn from your highness? Now that we have rarely established peace and strategic mutual trust between Song and Liao, why can't you be more generous and generous?" A little?"

You say you should expel someone, but if they come up to you shamelessly, you will pretend that she doesn’t understand what you say. With their status, you can’t really use force to expel them, right?The hard-won friendship between Song and Liao cannot be destroyed.

Other courtiers and even Zhao Kuangyin were quite sensitive to this, but Zhao Guangmei himself didn't care much. After all, there were so many secrets about the trading company. The secrets were all in the Gunpowder Department, and Zhao Dezhao was in charge.

In fact, he wished that the commercial banks of the Liao Kingdom could become more prosperous. Due to the size of the economy, the commercial banks of the Liao Kingdom would inevitably become the compradors of his Song Dynasty commercial bank.

Then, Xiao Chuo became Zhao Guangmei's full-time secretary.

"Go and get me a cup of tea."

"Hey, good."

"Go to Fanlou and buy me a takeaway. I want to eat braised lion's head."

"Okay, Your Highness."

Every day, Zhao Guangmei summoned Xiao Chuo in various ways, and Xiao Chuo never tired of it. Man, when he thought that the woman he commanded was the future Empress Dowager Chengtian of Daliao, the most powerful woman in the 5000-year history of China, You will feel very happy.

Of course, Xiao Chuo also got what she wanted. She would definitely learn a lot from being with Zhao Guangmei. The two of them could each get what they needed.

"Xiao Chuo, go to the development zone, find the district chief Sun Liancheng, and give him this document. Construction will begin there today, including the independent headquarters courtyard of the commercial bank and the center including your Liao Embassy. Areas will break ground. Oh, Handerang should also go. You go to supervise, attend, cut the ribbon, and then go to the steel plant. There is a little problem with this part of their accounts last month. You go Check with them, how are your arithmetic skills? It should be fine. Finally, you can directly write a report for me, a financial disclosure statement. This disclosure statement is for the shareholders of the company. You should know Format, right? After you finish writing it, just bring it to me for approval. Go ahead, this is your task today, come on, if you can't finish it, stay up late at night and work overtime. I'm very optimistic about you, you really have potential."

I have to say that Xiao Chuo is indeed exceptionally good as a female secretary. Although she is a Khitan, she has a deep understanding of Sinology. It can be said that she was inspired by Xiao Siwen since she was a child. She is proficient in almost everything, including chess, calligraphy and painting, and has dabbled in the Six Classics. He also has good copywriting skills, plus he is good at singing and dancing, and he can even write a Khitan-style Yuefu novel.

Such a talented woman, in the Song Dynasty... well, you can only go to the dance pavilion and song stage, or simply the land of fireworks. Anyway, ordinary powerful women do not have so many talents.

Many of the powerful women in the Song Dynasty were like Zhao Guanglan.

It is no exaggeration to say that ordinary scribes are not as good as Xiao Chuo. Such a good secretary must be fully utilized. As the saying goes, the secretary can do it when there is something to do, and when there is nothing to do... No, no, she is a wife after all. His boyfriend Han Derang It's right next door to me, so it seems...even more exciting!

Xiao Chuo accepted the task with a smile and had no objections. Instead, he smiled and asked seemingly casually: "Why is Your Highness so concerned about this development zone? So far, this seems to be just an open space. ? Furthermore, your second brother is the governor of Kaifeng, right? Since this area was built by you, why not just establish a new county? I heard that in your Central Plains dynasty, Prince Yin Jing is the crown prince of the country. Compared with It seems that you can only be the second reserve?"

After saying that, there was a loud bang, and Zhao Guangmei slapped Xiao Chuo hard on the buttocks. Xiao Chuo was stunned and stunned, and then his little face suddenly became angry. Red, and at a loss.

Zhao Guangmei laughed and scolded: "Stop sowing discord. My second brother and I are competing for the throne. Everyone in the official circles of the Song Dynasty is aware of this matter. However, who am I? Do I have to consider this before doing anything? We two brothers' We have a good relationship, even if we have some political disagreements, it won't stop us from being brothers."

As he said that, he smiled and said: "As for this development zone, I really value it. This is the key to the success or failure of the New Deal, and it is also the key to the nirvana of the business."

After saying that, Xiao Chuo, who was originally angry, smiled again, and even took the initiative to run to Zhao Guangmei's desk and squat down, looking up at him, with a pair of big eyes flashing, full of words, "Say quickly, say it quickly" Talk about it.

Zhao Guangmei really didn’t hide her secrets, saying: "If the New Deal is to be implemented, it can only be implemented in Kaifeng. When I was in Huainan before, it was too random. The key is that I can't stay in Huainan all the year round without me personally watching." , I really don’t feel confident about implementing the New Deal.”

"The good thing about the development zone is that it is a blank piece of paper that I can draw at will. Look at this plan. Here, I plan to expand the iron and steel industry of the commercial bank. This is also the top priority in the first year of the development zone. The initial goal is to double the steel production of the commercial bank on the current basis."

After thinking for a while, he added: "This increase in steel production is all for civilian use. To be honest, the current steel production of the commercial bank is enough to enable all the Forbidden Army to wear armor. Even the expansion of the Forbidden Army can be satisfied. It’s definitely not to expand the military and prepare for war.”

"Yeah, I believe you. Your Highness is a businessman, and businessmen will never take the initiative to destroy the hard-won peace." Xiao Chuo also pretended to completely believe Zhao Guangmei's lies.

"Yes, peace is hard-won and we must cherish it."

Then he continued: "This is the steel factory, and next door are the silver smelting, copper smelting, and tin smelting factories. There will also be a large machinery factory here, occupying the entire northwest corner of the development zone. However, you see, I specially It leaves a lot of open space.”

"What are these vacant lots going to be built for?"

"These open spaces are used to attract business. Take steel as an example. Although the trading houses do refining a lot, in terms of casting, they are currently only involved in iron pots in the civilian field, and there is only one style, and they are sold very cheaply. .”

"In fact, there are already some workshops in Kaifeng City, which have begun to purchase iron materials from merchants, make some high-quality iron pots, and sell them to major restaurants and dignitaries."

"Iron is probably the most widely used material in the world. You see, our firm's steel plant in the development zone produces all iron for civilian use. In other words, whichever foundry is closest to my iron plant, he gets The cheaper the iron blocks are, and even if it is a large customer, we can adjust the shape of the tapping iron according to his needs.”

"In addition, coke is needed for iron-making, as well as the food, clothing, housing, transportation, food, drink, and urination of so many workers. These are all things that trading companies have to gradually let go of. You know, trading companies were born out of factories, and they pay attention to being large and comprehensive. At the same time, there are some habits of the military, which have always provided workers with all-inclusive food, clothing, housing, and transportation. These are all things that will be reformed in the future. Commercial banks will gradually let go of these chores, increase wages for workers, and let them take care of themselves." "In other words, , Relying on an iron-making plant, the entire park can accommodate at least dozens of small factories that provide upstream and downstream supporting services for steel, and there may be hundreds of large and small supporting shops, which are completely dependent on the services of the commercial factory."

Xiao Chuo was a little confused when he heard this and said, "So?"

"So, these areas can be used to attract investment. Commercial banks will not personally get involved in these supporting factories. Small factories and shops in western Zhejiang will eventually be sold to powerful landlords around Kaifeng, and those merchants in Kaifeng City were originally , their roots and connections are all in the old city, but they may not all follow them."

"In the next few years, it will most likely be a very popular thing to sell land in the countryside and move into development zones to open factories for production. For landowners, the most convenient buyers for selling land are also commercial firms. You can The understanding is that I use a relatively mild way to use the factory to exchange land with the landowners near Kaifeng."

Xiao Chuo frowned and said, "But what does this have to do with the New Deal?"

"Of course it is related. Let's take the steel workshop as an example. A small private factory comes in to provide supporting equipment. Regardless of whether it is upstream or downstream of me, how much iron does it actually buy or how much charcoal does it sell to me? These data My business has account books, and as long as my second brother and I can communicate with each other, he can infer the authenticity of other factories’ accounts based on the business’s account books.”

"At that time, enterprises in the development zone will implement the new tax collection method like commercial banks. Most of the harsh and miscellaneous taxes, especially transaction taxes, will be cancelled. The taxes will be added to their accounts directly based on their account books. In terms of products, it’s just a matter of seeing the results. This is the New Deal.”

Xiao Chuo frowned again and said, "But you can obviously make this money yourself, why doesn't the trading house make this money by itself?"

Zhao Guangmei smiled and said: "What do you think? You might as well regard this as the homework I left for you. You can think about it carefully after you go back tonight. If you think about it, you can tell me tomorrow, okay? If you are wrong, Just... let me spank you?"

When Xiao Chuo heard this, his face turned red instinctively, and then he made a playful face for him, and then went to work with his things.

But after walking out of the door and turning around, the smile on his face disappeared. He couldn't help but rub his butt and muttered: "You little pervert, you must have fallen in love with me, right?" ? If he really falls in love with me... it's not impossible. For the sake of Daliao, the only thing he can do is to wrong Han Lang."

After all, Khitan customs are different from those of the Han people, especially when it comes to matters between men and women. Loyalty, especially loyalty before marriage, is not valued so much. The higher the upper class, the more so. Moreover...

To be honest, the Han family is actually the third generation slave of their Xiao family. Although Han Derang and Han Kuangsi are no longer small figures in the political arena of Liao Kingdom, they are still the slaves of their Xiao family in essence. Xiao Yanyan talks to him Love is an out-and-out marriage.

The Khitan custom is indeed to use the daughters of nobles to win over outstanding slaves. The old Xiao family and the old Yelu family especially like to do this. It should be said that at least the pattern is much stronger than that of the later Manchus, but in the final analysis, A slave is a slave. If you really encounter a major problem, it is impossible for you, a slave, to be the master.

In fact, the Northern Song Dynasty did not attach much importance to this thing. Several queens were married for the second time.

If Zhao Guangmei really wanted to be a beauty trap, why would she, Xiao Chuo, take it off?In the face of important family and national affairs, this kind of thing is nothing but good contraception.

Zhao Guangmei was thinking more and was staring at Xiao Chuo's back in trance.

In fact, he really doesn't like Xiao Chuo. Who would think about sexy things first when facing the first female politician in history?Moreover, she is indeed not good-looking, and she is not his cup of tea for people of her own age.

But in his heart, this is not Handerang's fiancée.

If history does not change, this is actually equivalent to the future ruler of Daliao. It is a rare opportunity to brainwash her. It would be stupid not to teach him something. For this reason, it is natural to pretend to be someone who has fallen into someone's scheme. No.

It's not him who suffers anyway.

Handerang's cuckold must be put on properly sooner or later.

The only problem is that Xiao Chuo is too smart, and he is obviously trying to trick the Liao Kingdom. You will not be fooled if you teach him. It is purely for the benefit of the Liao Kingdom. He is sick, so he is teaching Xiao Chuo?

What she teaches must be something that was a good policy in the Song Dynasty and a bad policy in the Liao Dynasty. The best thing to teach is something that seems reasonable but is actually a hidden secret, to trick her in the direction known to everyone.

What a pity, I was a restaurant owner in my previous life.

I don’t even know how to cultivate public knowledge.

All we can do is to fumble step by step.

 The nobles of the Liao Kingdom actually paid special attention to marriage with the Han people. These Han people were originally their slaves, but as long as you were valuable, the master would not only reward you with money, but also reward you with daughters, and even marry you for generations.The most typical one is actually the Han family, a Han family whose status in the Liao Kingdom is really only lower than that of Yelu and Xiao. To be honest, how can they still be slaves?

  I personally think from the bottom of my heart that the Khitan people are much better than the Manchus in terms of tolerance. In fact, I think their degree of sinicization is also higher than that of the Manchus, especially after Xiao Chuo and the Queen Mother married This incident was a great encouragement to the Han people in the Liao Kingdom at that time. The emperor really cared about Han De letting the Han people call him daddy.

  Moreover, the Khitan people have always regarded themselves as orthodox in the Tang Dynasty. To be honest, if the Manchu and Qing Dynasties are the official history of China, there is no reason why the Daliao Dynasty cannot be the same. I really think that the Manchu and Qing Dynasties are better in every aspect of this dynasty. If only In terms of military ability, he is definitely not as good as Meng Yuan, but in terms of overall strength, I personally think he is the best among foreign races in history.The Northern Song Dynasty indeed encountered the most powerful opponent among the ancient dynasties, and it was not only a strong military. There were many foreign races with strong military in ancient times, but the economy, culture, and politics of the Khitans had almost no shortcomings. They really only had He and the Manchus.

(End of this chapter)

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