Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 105: Temporary dismissal of the governor of Kaifeng

Chapter 105: Temporary dismissal of the governor of Kaifeng

The door was kicked open with a bang, and Zhao Guangmei and Zhang Lingduo came hand in hand. They couldn't help shouting loudly: "Where is the eldest brother? How is the eldest brother? Where is the eldest brother?"

Seeing that Zhao Kuangyin was fine, only with a bruised nose and face, but was sitting in the high hall angrily cursing people, Zhao Guangmei felt relieved. After looking forward for a long time, he found that the injury was indeed not serious, and then he felt relieved.

Then he couldn't hold it back and burst into laughter.

Zhao Kuangyin asked him with a pained face: "Is it funny?"

"It's funny. A dignified official went out for a drink and got beaten up. Hahahaha. It's so funny. And, brother, aren't you a dragon-coiled stick that can defeat all the invincible opponents in the world? Hahahaha. , which hero is this that can beat you, I have to get to know him well, if such a person is recruited into the Forbidden Army, wouldn't he be a fierce general who charges into battle?"

Zhao Kuangyin's face was already dark. Being squeezed by Zhao Guangmei made him feel embarrassed and angry. His face was as dark as the ashes on the bottom of the pot, and it was also faintly red, which made him look a little cute.

"What a bullshit warrior! I can't beat four with just two fists. Who knew that his small restaurant actually had so many thugs? If I beat six of them by myself, I might not lose. I've already been beaten by him, who knows, hehe, second brother, look at the good soldiers you lead!"

Zhao Guangyi was on the side, with a face as ugly as a bitter gourd, and said: "Big brother, he beat six of them each, and he had the upper hand originally. Who would have thought that two Yamen servants from Kaifeng Mansion showed up, and they didn't know Big Brother, so... "


Zhao Guangmei couldn't hold it back anymore and got excited again, and this time it was even more exaggerated. She couldn't stop no matter what, her stomach ached so much that her legs went weak from laughing and she fell under the table.

Then Zhao Kuangyin sighed and said, "I'm really angry right now. If you laugh like that again, I'm really going to beat you up."

"Okay, okay, if you don't smile, if you don't laugh, it means that the injury on your face, brother, was caused by the servants of the second brother? Hahahahahaha, I'm sorry, I couldn't hold it back."


Then Zhao Kuangyin picked him up and used a black tiger move to take out his heart, sending him flying. He couldn't breathe for a long time, and then he stopped smiling.

"Okay, it's really good this time, oh~, is it just a misunderstanding that has been going on for a long time? So, brother, there are many civil and military people in the dynasty who have advised you not to go on private patrol incognito, but you just don't listen, even if you bring someone with you How many bodyguards are there? The imperial court has so many banzhi, so you can’t just use them to watch, right?"


Zhao Kuangyin snorted, but was noncommittal.

In fact, Zhao Kuangyin should be the one among the emperors of all dynasties who likes private patrols the most. To put it bluntly, he just likes shopping, and no one can control him. After all, he came to power through mutiny, so every time he goes shopping, he sees When the city of Kaifeng is prosperous, he will feel particularly proud and his vanity will be greatly satisfied. Moreover, private patrols in private will also help him understand the sufferings of the people more intuitively.

When the civil and military officials saw that they could not be persuaded, they stopped trying. As a result, you see, something happened, right?
Of course, by the way, I feel sad for the tavern owner and the government officials who arrested people. Maybe according to the legal system, they may not really have done anything wrong, but who said that this is a rule of man now?Even if Zhao Kuangyin could spare them due to his broad mind, Zhao Guangyi would have to kill them.

"Why did the fight start? If you wanted to drink, why didn't you go to Fan Tower? We still have the private rooms on the top floor of Fan Tower, which are reserved for high-end customers. Or you can go to the thirteenth floor. Why go to a wine shop?"

"I don't want to go to that kind of arty place, where you can eat, drink and dance, and there is nothing in the palace? I would rather go to a place with a market atmosphere. I have gone to their Corner Store in the past. Who would have thought that this would happen? Something like this happened.”

"I went to their house for a drink, and it turned out that the price of the drink today was more than double. It wasn't that expensive before. I asked him if he had any friends from Fan Lou, and he asked me if I was looking for trouble. I said I would drink some. Regarding the fruit wine from the merchant store, he said he didn’t sell fruit wine, so in the end, I had to buy his pepper wine to drink.”

Zhao Guangmei asked curiously: "Is his pepper wine not delicious? I remember this seems to be Linxianlou's signature bar."

"That's right! The peppercorns he sold really didn't taste good! It tasted like it had been watered down. I asked him if he wanted another drink, but he found more than 20 kinds of regular wine for me. I drank wine, but it didn’t taste good, so he asked me if I was here to cause trouble.”


Zhao Guangmei couldn't stand listening anymore and said: "Brother, your behavior... is indeed a bit like looking for trouble."

"But why do all the drinks have increased in price and not taste any better? This makes no sense."

Zhao Guangmei asked Zhao Guangyi with a half-smile, "What about the boss? What should I say?"

"Humph, the boss said that the imperial court changed the tax law and levied an extra wine tax. The local wines he usually sells are no longer allowed to be sold. The thirteenth floor also raised the price in order to pay this tax. What's more? He said that the taste has become worse because they are trying to... standardize it? I don’t know what it means, but you think, aren’t they talking nonsense? He also said that less than two years after the founding of the country, they started to increase taxes. , The days to come will be even more difficult, but haven’t I been tax-free for the past two years? When did I increase taxes? I couldn’t hold it back, so I started a fight with them.”

Zhao Guangmei smiled and said: "It's the liquor license. By the way, second brother, the liquor license should have been sold in the past two days."

When Zhao Guangyi heard this, his expression turned bad. "What's wrong, second brother? How much does it cost? Is this really plundering their wealth and wealth?"

"Sold... sixty-four thousand guan."

"Sixty-four thousand guan for each liquor license? If it's eight, it's more than 50. After all, it's just Kaifeng. Indeed, it's not bad."

", we sold a total of [-] guan"

"Total? Eight, eight in total."


Zhao Kuangyin became anxious, and kicked Zhao Guangyi: "Is this the so-called wine tax? They are also raising the price. Why did they increase the price, and why did the wine become unpalatable? Who has spent this money? Did you earn it?"

Then he turned to look at Zhao Guangmei: "Do you know about this? Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"Ah? I don't do it, brother. I've barely taken care of the wine in the past two months. I'm also very busy."

"It's true, you are quite busy."

Ran slapped the table hard and pointed at Zhao Guangyi and began to curse: "Is this you the one responsible for the liquor tax?"

"Brother, isn't this wine tax paid by Zhao Puti?"

Zhao Guangyi decisively threw the blame.

Zhao Kuangyin turned around and asked Zhao Guangmei again: "You knew it would be like this, right?"

"Ah... yes... or not..."

Zhao Kuangyin asked Zhao Guangyi again: "This time, you, the people in Kaifeng Mansion, are a lot of greedy. I think the wine sellers in Kaifeng Mansion are very protective. Is this how they sell wine? They are more greedy than before." Is it convenient to eat and get a card?”

Obviously Zhao Kuangyin understood the situation clearly. Zhao Guangyi did not quibble when he saw this, and said with a wry smile: "I just found out that they did take a lot of money this time, and I also... Hey~, I can't control it either."

Zhao Kuangyin's face became more and more gloomy when he heard this, and he immediately said with a stern face: "I know there are some things that are not convenient for you to take care of, but if you don't care, I have to help you take care of it. Starting from tomorrow, you will rest at home for a month and don't go to work. In one month, I will ask Zhao Pu to help you rectify the officialdom."

Zhao Guangyi felt bitter when he heard this. The relationship between him and Zhao Pu has become increasingly bad in the past two years. They are already very clear political enemies. He came to manage Kaifeng Mansion for him for a month. If he can have his own good fruits, he will It was a ghost. .

But of course he had no choice but to admit it, but he said: "How about, brother, we take back their liquor license?"

"Accept it? Accept it? Not long after the founding of the Song Dynasty, I was about to establish my faith. The tax law is the law of the country. It is a big mistake to change it day and night. You can't just say it anymore, right? If the liquor license is withdrawn at this time, Where is the credibility of the court? But if we can’t punish them, it’s really hard to get rid of the resentment in our hearts. Third brother, why did the liquor license method fail?”

Zhao Guangmei shrugged and said: "Essentially, this is the monopoly of selling wine and making wine. As long as any industry has a monopoly, something will definitely happen. And in essence, it is no different from the original wine tax. In fact, it hinders the industry. Development, and so on, in fact, as long as it is a special tax, no matter how it changes around this point, there will definitely be problems. If you want to reform the tax law, you must have the determination to abolish all special taxes and go all out to shake things up. of."

"The world is turned upside down...hey~"

When Zhao Guangmei saw this, he spread his hands and simply stopped talking. He knew that Zhao Kuangyin was an extremely cautious person in nature, and it was impossible to make this determination in a short while.

"Why do you insist on persuading me to change the tax law? Don't they all say that in the way of governing a country, it is better to remain silent than to move, and it is better to remain unchanged than to change?"

Zhao Guangmei shrugged and said, "I can't explain it in one sentence or two. I'll give you a discount another day when the opportunity is right."

"Okay, then you are always shrewd, and this matter has something to do with you. I don't believe that you will not take action to deal with them?"

"Oh, okay, then I'll take action. Don't worry, the custody is reasonable, legal and reasonable, but kill them all."

"it is good."

(End of this chapter)

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