Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 104 Zhao Kuangyin was beaten?

Chapter 104 Zhao Kuangyin was beaten?

Still in Linxian Tower, in the largest box on the top floor.

The shopkeeper of Linxian Tower was sitting on the main seat, boiling water, making tea, and pouring the tea, and then calmly said:

"Everyone, His Highness King Qi informed us that this year we are all competing for liquor licenses. There are thirteen companies, but only eight brands are given in total. In addition to our thirteen companies, Shopkeeper Zhang and Shopkeeper Li are also qualified to compete with us. You want to compete, right?"

Shopkeepers Zhang and Li on the side heard this and quickly stood up and bowed their hands in salute.

Of course, the two of them originally opened a corner store and were considered prominent figures in Kaifeng City's catering circle. Naturally, everyone knew them.

"Fifteen businesses are competing for these eight brands together, which means that half of the merchants will be excluded and lose the qualification to use koji to make their own wine. Once everyone starts fighting, even if this brand falls into your hands, it may not mean much. , if our eight restaurants still have to compete with each other next year, it will be even more meaningless. Even if we make money, I'm afraid we won't make much."

"I suggest that no matter who grabs the liquor license this year, everyone should not be harmed. Each person should take out another 40 yuan, a total of [-] yuan, and divide it among the friends who did not win the liquor license, and then grab it again next year. When it comes to the liquor license, those who have won this year should not reach out and give it to friends who did not win this year. It is still the same. When the time comes, take out the money and give it to the brothers."

"Don't worry, I have taken care of everything in Kaifeng Mansion. There will definitely be no problems. If you have money, let's share it. Why should we compete with each other and pay all the money to the government for nothing? Our government is very strict. Rich people, who is for it and who is against it?”

Only a lunatic would object, so naturally everyone agrees.

"As the saying goes, cooperation leads to profit. Everyone, I have a suggestion. Since the liquor license in Kaifeng has been monopolized by us, why don't we also learn to standardize and streamline the business? I suggest that the thirteen of us jointly produce Money, form an anti-smuggling team to severely crack down on the local wines and local wines in the surrounding area, and our official wine... why not, increase the price... by [-]%?"

"What is [-]% enough for? Is it enough for us to manage our expenses? I think since it's going to go up, we can simply double it and just tell the outside world that the money will be used to buy liquor licenses and pay taxes to the court."

"More than that, everyone, I suggest that we might as well form an offensive and defensive alliance. Can we reduce the wages of the workers in the winery? If any of the workers in our thirteen wineries turn out to be traitors..."

"Then let him at least live in Kaifeng."

"Hahahahaha, come on, everyone, have a drink and wish King Qi a long life and good health."

"Yes, yes, respect King Qi, respect King Qi."

At this moment, everything was really unspeakable.

A few days later, Kaifeng City officially auctioned the liquor licenses. In the end, each liquor license was sold for eight guan, which means a total of [-] guan. When this number was reported to Zhao Guangyi, Zhao Guangyi went crazy.

"It is said that not only Kaifeng, but also the entire east and west of Beijing, and more than 170 counties in eight states, are selling their wine. I heard that their wine is even sold to Hebei. For such a big deal, eight wine licenses, only a total of Less than [-] yuan, Yao Tuiguan, are you kidding me?"

Yao Shu also knew that this could not be explained in any case, but he had no choice but to bite the bullet and said: "It is said that it is because their recent business has been so good that they have used all their assets to hoard food and expand their brewing workshop, so that ...So much so that they really couldn't spend much money on hand, so...that's why..."

"Yao Tuiguan, take a good look at me. Why do you think I look like a fool?"

"The minister is guilty."

Upon seeing this, Yao Shu quickly knelt down and kowtowed in apology, and in his heart he wished he could scold those eighteen generations of ancestors who had opened the restaurant.

A conservative estimate is that in just these few months, they have earned at least hundreds of thousands of dollars, because they have not paid taxes and are treated the same as commercial banks, which have not yet been able to compete with them.

How can you be so shameless?
"Apart from them, are there no other people who know how to make wine in Kaifeng City? Has no one snatched one of the eight brands?"

Yao Shu opened his mouth when he heard this, but then stopped talking.

"Say! If you have something to say, say it and fart!"

"Your Highness, I...I am helpless. Eight thousand guan is not a small number after all. In fact, there are not many people in Kaifeng city who can get [-] guan in cash at any time, and...and as far as I know, Although they only took [-] yuan on the surface, in fact, the amount of money each family spent alone was probably more than [-] yuan. Therefore, who dares to spend so much money to compete with them? ? If you really want to come in rashly, everyone in Kaifeng Mansion will not cooperate with them to get this brand. If they get this brand, they are afraid that the business will not be done well. "

"What? Ha, the money given to me is [-], and the money given to those below is [-]? What does this mean?"

"This... this is the truth. If you give this money to anyone, you will pay it. If you hand it to a private person, you will make a friend. If you hand it to the public, it will make you an enemy."

When Zhao Guangyi heard this, he slammed the table: "The imperial court's money!! The Song Dynasty's money!!! Shuo Shu, Shuo Shu!!" Yao Shu smiled more and more bitterly, then lowered his head and said meaningfully: "Your Highness, you, too Our Kaifeng Prefecture Yin in Kaifeng. They said that to expand the winery this year, they will borrow [-] yuan from our Kaifeng Prefecture. Moreover, the money has not been touched at all. It is in the bank of our Kaifeng Prefecture. What do you say? Can we still borrow this money?"

Zhao Guangyi understood immediately when he heard this, and was also dumbfounded at the same time. Was this the bribe that was paid to him?

Of course, no one in this world would dare to put money into his pocket, but the public money belongs to Kaifeng Mansion's pocket.

Local officials are all gods of wealth, and most of the taxes are turned over to the court. Kaifeng Prefecture is no exception, especially the wine tax. This thing is a regular tax and is a matter of the Salt and Iron Department. In fact, it has nothing to do with Kaifeng Prefecture. It is directly related, but public money is different.

The essence of public money is that in the spring, a sum of money that will be turned over to the court in the fall is loaned out at usury. In the fall, it is recovered, the principal is turned over, and the interest is retained as office expenses.

Thirteen commercial banks lent the money to the public house, but in fact the money was put in your warehouse and they didn't take it away at all. After a certain period of time, they even paid you the interest. Look how sensible they are.

The key is that this money is actually legal.

No matter how special his status is, Zhao Guangyi, as the Yin of the Kaifeng Prefecture, can he still cut open the flesh of the Feng Prefecture to fill the belly of the Salt and Iron Division?If he really does something like this, he, the governor of Kaifeng, will never come out of this yamen gate in the future.

"Should you have also taken this so-called money from up and down?"

Yao Shu smiled bitterly again, but nodded and admitted: "I did take it, but it doesn't make sense if I don't take it."

"Hey~, if that's the case, wouldn't it be up to the third brother to decide this matter again? What kind of tax is this?"

While he was talking, he saw Shi Xizai running over in a panic: "Your Highness, it's not good, it's not good."

"What's wrong? Why are you so panicked?"

"Guan Jia, Guan Jia was beaten while drinking today."

"What? Me, my eldest brother? Who is so brave? Hurry, seal the city gates, put the whole city under martial law, all the government officials go to the streets, the locals go back to their homes, and the outsiders register for me one by one to catch the rebels!"

"No, no need. There are no assassins. The officials and assassins are all in our Kaifeng Mansion."

Zhao Guangyi was stunned and asked: "After the assassin was captured, why did he send it to Kaifeng Mansion?"

"No, no, yes, it was the assassin who pressured the officials to come to our Kaifeng Mansion."


Zhao Guangyi instinctively picked out his ears, wondering if he was hearing something.

"Today at noon, the official went on a private patrol incognito and drank in a corner shop. As a result, the official had an argument with the boss for some reason, and started a fight with him. No, no. I beat someone, but I was twisted and sent here."

"Huh? Phew."

Zhao Guangyi was surprised, but he couldn't hold back and laughed.

Is it so funny?I was beaten by a corner shop owner and then twisted and sent away after the beating?

Hey, my eldest brother is regressing a bit fast these days.

"The boss was shouting when he was sent here, saying that everyone in the Kaifeng Mansion belonged to him. When he came, he was shouting... He said that he wanted the judge and his family to be exiled for three thousand miles."

"Wha, what, up and down...down? This, this son of a bitch!"

(End of this chapter)

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