Brother Song Taizu

Chapter 103 A big step to promote society

Chapter 103 A big step forward for society
What Shi Shouxin was chatting about today was definitely not his intention, especially since Zhao Guangmei could clearly feel that the further he went, the more he went off topic.

And he really said too much that he shouldn't have said.

He was only half-drunk and tipsy, so how could Shi Shouxin be talking nonsense after drinking too much?

Nine times out of ten, the elder brother wanted him to test him, or at least he tried to persuade him.

My eldest brother, can't he even talk to me directly?
Hey ~
Since the commercial bank announced the bill this year, which amounted to more than 500 million yuan, there have been more and more of these things. He knew that if these things could not be handled satisfactorily, there might be problems and estrangement between him and his elder brother. Yes.

However, he still chose to explain in detail to Shi Shouxin in the hope that he could pass the word on to Zhao Kuangyin.

"Do you know what was the most profitable business of our firm last year?"

Shi Shouxin thought for a moment and said, "It should be those industries related to lard."

"Yes, that's it. Things related to lard, namely soaps, candles, and fruit wine, accounted for about [-]% of the firm's profits last year."

Shi Shouxin couldn't help but frown. He felt that this had nothing to do with the question he asked.

Unexpectedly, Zhao Guangmei said: "But you know, this year's soap and candle business, compared to the same period last year, not only did not increase, but dropped by about [-]%. I infer that by the end of the year, this business will drop to at least Less than [-]%.”

"What? Then, doesn't that mean that the business bank won't be able to make so much money next year?"

"Ah, that's not the case. The commercial bank will definitely make more money next year because I have started new projects. You can rest assured on this. I guarantee that as shareholders, our dividends will be higher and higher."

"Oh, then...why, the soap and candle business that was good and booming last year is not doing well this year."

Zhao Guangmei shrugged and said: "Soap, candles, fruit wine, these things are actually quite low-tech. If we can do it, others can do it too. If there are more competitors, naturally our income will be less. As a business, it is inevitable." It has disadvantages such as a rigid system, bureaucracy, internal corruption and bribery, overstaffing, low subjective initiative of people doing things, and uneven quality of products produced.”

Shi Shouxin was confused when he heard this: "Business firm, how do you see so many disadvantages in the eyes of the public? Then, that's not right, aren't we in the process of rectification?"

Zhao Guangmei waved her hands indifferently and said: "The rectification movement must be carried out, and it will be carried out every three to five times. If it is not corrected, it will be even worse. But the problems I mentioned are that no matter how strict the rectification movement is, it will be useless. To put it bluntly, if a commercial bank does not receive preferential tax treatment, it is indeed not suitable for light industry."

"Take this soap as an example. As far as I know, there is a private soap factory near Kaifeng that can reduce the cost to less than [-]% of that of a commercial company. Moreover, its quality is better than that of a commercial company. At least the fragrance is stronger, and there are More floral scents.”

"Who is so capable?"

"The boss was originally a technical master of the trading company."


Shi Shouxin slammed the table angrily: "Isn't this a traitor?"

Zhao Guangmei explained to him with a smile: "Master Sun is the brother of a corps commander in our Long Jie Army. And I heard that his father and uncle are also in the Forbidden Army. He has been in the military camp since he was a child. He grew up, but he himself is not a member of the Forbidden Army. When he was young, he wanted to join but no one wanted him because he was not physically qualified. To put it bluntly, he is just a family member."

"About four months ago, I heard that a merchant wanted to hire him with a high salary. He was given a salary of [-] guan a month to become a master craftsman. Forty guan, he only earned [-] guan in a business. As the saying goes, when people go to higher places, water flows to lower places, and people have a bright future. You think, can I stop it? I opened a trading company to benefit these military families, and I didn't ask them to sign a contract of betrayal. "

"So later on, I simply took money from the merchant bank and borrowed Master Sun [-] guan to support him to open a factory outside. They were all grown up in the military camp. I am not afraid of his younger brother who is still in the army. He ran away, well, isn't he doing a good job now? He also returned the five hundred guan to me, and even paid back a lot more as interest."

Shi Shouxin frowned and said, "Borrow our trading company's money and rob our trading company of food?"

Zhao Guangmei didn't care: "Business, that's it. If he doesn't rob others, he has to rob others. The trading company itself is not suitable for light industry. I still got some interest, and more friends have more paths."

"Friend?" Shi Shouxin felt strange.

Zhao Guangmei continued: "It is true that making money is the purpose of a business, but it is not just about making money. Since soaps, candles and other businesses will be handed over to others sooner or later, it is better to give this opportunity to our own people."

"Currently, most of those large and small independent workshops that make soaps, candles, and drinks are owned by their own people, or they are military dependents who work alone like Lao Sun. Most of them have money lent to them by me. , or they are the suppliers of the original trading company. I also support them in competing for business with the trading company after they get stronger. However, the trading company will more or less buy a small amount of shares, usually only [-] to [-]%, and they are quite happy to do so. hey-hey."

"In this way, these factories themselves are very close to the trading houses, and most of them are located in the city. But after moving out of the military camp, they have nothing to do with the trading houses. After they become bigger and stronger, they will naturally hire people. A large number of workers, these people, also have to live in the city."

"Although there are not many of them at present, there will definitely be more and more of them in the future. This is the emerging citizen class, a class that is inextricably linked to the commercial banks and the Imperial Army, but is completely independent. , and at the same time, if there are more of these people, they will inevitably affect the behavior of the commercial banks. At least the management will gradually tend to use a large number of citizens, and finally realize the separation of money and knives. And these emerging citizens are what I give The new cornerstone that the imperial court and civil servants are looking for.”

"This is what I want to do. In fact, in my vision, only when this real citizen class grows, the implementation of the new tax law will truly achieve twice the result with half the effort."

"As for the reason why I emphasize the independence of commercial banks so much, it is also to prepare for the reform of the tax law. After all, my method is more complicated and is likely to cause turmoil during the reform. After all, the tax law is the country's law. Anything wrong is a catastrophic disaster. This is one of the reasons why all dynasties have not dared to make major changes in tax laws. But with a trading company, it is naturally different. To put it bluntly, I have money, so I can toss my elder brother as much as I want and give him reveal all the details."

Shi Shouxin: "…………"

They both talked about what should be said and what shouldn't be said. While talking, Zhao Guangmei couldn't help but drink a few more drinks.

Then he hit his head on the table with a bang and fell asleep.

This body's alcohol capacity is really, really bad.


In a blink of an eye, another four months passed.

In the past four months, Fan Lou would come up with something new almost every day. The price was not expensive, at least it wasn't the kind that would make eating a meat meal painful.

However, the skill of the cooks at Fan Lou is really too high. They almost messed up an iron pot, and other restaurants couldn't even cook food, so Fan Lou simply stayed behind. The area was changed to a place dedicated to teaching cooking for a fee.

Because the place where cooking is taught is in the east building, His Highness King Qin gave it the name, New Oriental Cooking School.

Various noble ministers, wealthy businessmen, and even the palace have sent chefs to New Oriental to study, and the thirteenth floor is no exception. Anyway, at least so far, all the restaurants are following Fan Lou's footsteps. He is studying hard, and it is already quite good to be able to learn seven points, let alone introduce new ones. The chefs from other restaurants who come to Fan Lou are all at the level of apprentices.

So much so that Kaifeng City now has a saying that the best delicacies in the world come from Fanlou.

Some people say that the lunch boxes made by Fan Lou now are more delicious than those on the Thirteenth Floor.

However, the prices of the dishes in these thirteen restaurants are much more expensive than those in Fan Lou.

Then why should I go to your place to eat?
So much so that every guest who goes to their thirteen restaurants now has the illusion that they are being taken advantage of.

Naturally, the dine-in business on the thirteenth floor has also been greatly affected by this.

But it doesn't matter. The thirteen of them are now focusing on wine, and Zhao Guangmei may really think that the situation is over, so he directly stopped Fan Lou's Meishou and only sold some wines that did not require koji. The fruit wine, which uses lard as a starter, looks like it has been completely defeated by the thirteen restaurants and has withdrawn from the alcohol market.

It is said that even the wine-making workshops have been disbanded, and all the workers have been transferred to the trading company to make fruit wine, and they are also talking about making wine.

Isn't this giving up, surrendering?

From then on, they had a monopoly on the brewing of distiller’s yeast!
(End of this chapter)

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